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This is the community page for Apollo, a revolutionary new cryptocurrency. Apollo has been commissioned to become the fastest, most advanced, most feature-rich cryptocurrency on the market.

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Official APL Community

Channel is now closed for messages 📣

We would like to thank every member for joining us today!

The channel will be open again on Monday from 08:00-17:00 EST/ 13:00-21:00 UTC should you require any assistance or have any questions for us until then please feel free to send us an email at info@aplfintech.com

Warm Regards,
Apollo Team

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Official APL Community

agreed , i will stop it lets chat about APL and KNX , looks like KNX will do good at launch but as to be expected some will sell right away dropping the price , but im going to hold till it gets to $1 or more

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Official APL Community

4 year olds can speak just fine and they only obey their parents word because that's what they trust

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Official APL Community

Evidence? lol my brother friends were murdered in the party teachers in schools got murdered children lost their parents and brothers

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Official APL Community

there is plenty of that photos , all over the internet see amir tsarfati telegram channel for 1 place

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Official APL Community

U are lying there is now video about children.. and everyone knows that.

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Official APL Community

How is a child under 4 years old tought to be a terrorist.. they dowlnt even know how to speak properly... wtdd dudee

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Official APL Community

Most are they are raised and constantly taught to hate

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Official APL Community

Hello I never received my knx after migrating my apl. I have sent multiple messages to the Apollo support email. Can an admin help me?? Maybe @ApolloMatt

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Official APL Community

Like it has been done for more than 75 years

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Official APL Community

You are terrorizing this project and hard work around it by everyone and you’ll be kicked like insect from here.

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Official APL Community

"Terrorist" 0 to 4 years old ..damnn..

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Official APL Community

Thats typically how u do things even in real world 😂😂

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Official APL Community

Sorry but tired of the baby crying all the time. This investment is not for the paper hands and not for the weak.

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Official APL Community

This chat should just be shut down permanently

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Official APL Community

Channel mode enabled. Only admins can send messages. Other messages will be deleted. Call the command again to disable.

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Official APL Community

Can we stop this discussion please it’s not right. This is apl chat and terrorists are not welcomed here

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Official APL Community

of the dead israeli children yes but of the fake gazan ones not one, its all palliwood and proven to be fake

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Official APL Community

So now they are photos.

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Official APL Community

No evidence not a single one.

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Official APL Community

the israeli children did not deserve that

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Official APL Community

i have seen the footage of what ham ass did to children in israel, disgusting people im happy they are getting destroyed

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Official APL Community

Wow 5000 even idf said less than 1000. Even though 70% of them have been killed from idf ...
I would never imagine that a human can be as monster as you guys... calling children terrorist woww ..

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Official APL Community

Because they have done genocide to 5000 people and children while they were sleeping. Again you are lack of knowledge and follow the sheep regardless you’ll be kicked shortly

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Official APL Community

Why should they leave their homes and their land.. or is this is the plan they leave and u take it..

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Official APL Community

strange how not 1 of the arab countries will take any gazan , because they are all terrorists

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Official APL Community

You are stupid lack of 100% knowledge but you right this is how we eliminate terrorists like you.

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Official APL Community

If you DM me I will not reply and will block you immediately.

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Official APL Community

i'm guessing when KNX launches it will be and we start fresh

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Official APL Community

I’m supporting to ban you from here permanently

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