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This is the community page for Apollo, a revolutionary new cryptocurrency. Apollo has been commissioned to become the fastest, most advanced, most feature-rich cryptocurrency on the market.

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Official APL Community

🌟 Reminder 🌟

1 hour until the community closes for messages!

It is almost time for community to close for messages, should you have any last questions or message you would like to send, now is the time!

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Official APL Community

anyways, ima get back to work. this was a nice little break from work but I must get back on track to meet my goals. Have a great day, sir.

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Official APL Community

yeah, we're talking about other people here, not me.

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Official APL Community

If you dont like the smell of the thing sell it.

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Official APL Community

I do not agree the situation is stagnant.

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Official APL Community

What I do not understand is what anyone thinks this crying is going to do for them. they just amplify their own frustration and annoy the rest of the group. Unles they are not actully invested, then we know what the problem is.

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Official APL Community

fair enough. I can respect that.

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Official APL Community

I measure what I have at the cost I have paid for it and what it could be worth, against the loss of selling now. (ie pre APL to KNX swap) and decided to hold.

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Official APL Community

did you measure the amount of promises made vs promises met?

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Official APL Community

people who point out what's provable = bad to you
people who only have blind faith in apl to hold onto = good to you

proof = bad
proofless belief = logical ?

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Official APL Community

What a load of waffle. You need to get a hobby! Better get a grip of your outlook first mind you! LOL

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Official APL Community

speaking on their experiences repeatedly doesn't add value to a stagnant situation, but it does show their experiences are still occurring. Calling anything people in this tiny chatroom say 'destructive and abusive' is laughable. Not sure how anyone could think this chatroom has ANY impact on what the project is doing or plans to do. The focus for APL was not its community, so the community cannot destroy anything by pointing out what keeps happening lol. it's an echo chamber that nobody in the actual apl company network cares about. if they cared there would be more information available to 'show' that 'something, somewhere' is actually happening

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Official APL Community

maybe he's waiting for the world to shift so he wont have to follow through, or maybe he's being honest and something somewhere is happening in some way somewhat similar to something he said

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Official APL Community

The trolls are busy again today!!

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Official APL Community

APL went up 890% today what’s going on

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Official APL Community

Well we can agree on something. have a good day!

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Official APL Community

To me it appears Steve has terrible timeframes. but IF the knoxwire system picks up, we should come out ahead. Yes it could fail. but we are in very high risk investment country here.

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Official APL Community

based on words we're told to believe without proof, it would appear you are correct and the situation would appear to not be stagnant. based on tangible proof of progress, it does appear stagnant.

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Official APL Community

i agree. repeating doesnt' add value. nagging about a smell doesn't make the smell go away. but people should understand that soommmee of the investors put a lot of what they had into the project, as it actually had tons of potential, and they're hoping pointing out the smell will be something refreshing to the air.

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Official APL Community

to copy/paste part of a message i sent a few minutes ago: speaking on their experiences repeatedly doesn't add value to a stagnant situation, but it does show their experiences are still occurring.

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Official APL Community

I only meant to defend that one person and go about my day, as I rarely pop in here anymore because, just like right now, i get attacked/refuted/debated/argued with for mentioning anything that isn't pro-apl

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Official APL Community

i dont' blame you for having blind faith. I do blame you for pretending it's illogical for people to express their experiences.

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Official APL Community

it wouldn't be complicated to do that

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Official APL Community

Measured calculation is what I run with. Its not complicated!

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Official APL Community

lol. your blind faith is cute.

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Official APL Community

I understand you will defend your point of view. That is fine. But everybody is sharing their experiences and that is okay.

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Official APL Community

Speaking up is all they do! A never ending spew of negativity, destruction and abuse.

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Official APL Community

how dare they speak up on their experience!

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Official APL Community

He’s been saying the same thing for years. Need to make a real announcement with an actual partner that has a use case. Until then, his updates are meaningless.

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Official APL Community

APL had the worlds highest tps.

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