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Channel is created in order to meet a demand among students who are learning English and preparing to achieve a high score in the IELTS. @ieltsuzbekistan Address: Innovative Centre, 95A, Gagarin street, Samarkand, 140100 Uzbekistan

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Do you have difficulties learning new words? Make it easy with us! @ieltsuzbekistan

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Good morning dear subscribers of our channel. Let's commence our day with a podcast which helps you to improve your Speaking and Listening skills.

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We are again with you) 😁😅

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Longman Exams Dictionary is a must-have for all serious exam students with expert guidance on vocabulary building and writing skills, plus hours of interactive practice for FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEIC®,TOEFL® and general exams on the CD-ROM. Other popular features of this dictionary include the topic activator which focuses on vocabulary for common exam topics, and the Essay activator which focuses on key vocabulary for writing tasks. The e-book will be shared on the day after tomorrow.

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Your Advisor @ieltsuzbekistan

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Your Advisor @ieltsuzbekistan

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🔴IELTS Hacks: Tips to Ace the Reading Exam

❗The reading assessment is one of the most draining and time-consuming components of the IELTS examination.  It challenges not only your reading capacity but also your time-management abilities, comprehension skills, and lexical knowledge. 

▪Before the IELTS Reading Exam
•    Formulate strategies for the different test types. There are over 14 types of exam in the writing evaluation. Skip the brief adjustment period that most test takers need to reorient to the new instructions. Familiarize yourself with the various kinds of tests before taking the exam to save time.

•    Practice speed reading wisely. Raising your reading rate can definitely help you save time during the IELTS Reading exam. However, make sure that you don’t sacrifice comprehension for speed. Keep in mind that the evaluation is not reading race. You won’t get extra points for finishing it early.

•    Do not let difficult readings intimidate you. Academically inclined texts are daunting at first glance due to generous usage of implied expressions and technical terms. Combat your reading apprehension by building up your comprehension. Get used to nitpicking complicated grammar structures by immersing yourself in scholarly materials.

•    Train your time management skills. Do timed reading exercises during your preparation period. Evaluate your reading rate and determine your lexical weaknesses. Adjust your training efforts accordingly. Pace yourself when you read.  

▪During the IELTS Reading Exam
•    Do not read the whole passage.  Going through the whole texts consumes a lot of valuable time.
•    Read the questions first. Apply your reading comprehension skills and glean clues from the questions. Once you get a general idea of what answers to look for, locating them will take less time.

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Do IELTS tricks/tips help you get a high score?

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When someone says IELTS Writing is easy! 👌🗞

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💡"Very" is vague and weak. People often use "very" as a lazy replacement for a more appropriate word. We have provided an excellent infographic that lists 128 words you can use instead of "very". For instance, instead of "very colorful", use "vibrant". Instead of"very funny", use "hilarious". Know more in the infographic below.

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You may join to channel of #mockexam with this link

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Daily Life - Cleaning the House (C0012)

A: Honey, the house is such a mess! I need you to help me tidy up a bit. My boss and her husband are coming over for dinner and the house needs to be spotless!
B: I’m in the middle of something right now. I’ll be there in a second.
A: This can’t wait! I need your help now!
B: Alright, alright. I’m coming.
A: Ok, here’s a list of chores we need to get done. I’ll do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight. You can sweep and mop the floors. Oh, and the furniture needs to be dusted.
B: You know what, I have to pick something up at the mall, so why don’t you clean the floors and I’ll go to the supermarket and get all the groceries.
A: Sure that’s fine. Here is the list of all the things you need to get. Don’t forget anything! And can you pick up a bottle of wine on your way home?
B: Hey, honey I’m back. Wow, the house looks really good!
A: Great! Can you set the table?
B: Just a sec I’m just gonna vacuum this rug real fast
A: Wait! Don’t turn it on...

Key Vocabulary
such a mess - very dirty, disordered
tidy up - put things in place, organize
spotless - perfectly clean
in the middle of something - busy doing something at the moment
chores - common house tasks
groceries - food that you buy at a store

Supplementary Vocabulary
immaculate - perfectly clean, having no dirt at all
do the laundry - wash the dirty clothes
dish detergent - soap used to wash the plates, knives, forks, bowls, etc.
trash - garbage (AmE)
rubbish - garbage (BrE)

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We hope that you are having a perfect weekend! Let's finish it with the cue cards of 2018 in the IELTS Speaking Part 2. 🌃🏙

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It has been a long time since we have not posted in @ieltsuzbekistan. For the time being, we believe that it is high time to improve your language skills to accomplish your goals. Let's commence this process with our channel!

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Longman Exams Dictionary @ieltsadvisor

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Your Advisor @ieltsuzbekistan

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Have you ever thought to yourself: ‘I have prepared for this test for such a long time and I cannot pass. I know all the tips and tricks about it and I still cannot get the score I need. I am sure they are doing it on purpose so that we cannot apply for a visa in Australia’? Knowing the IELTS tricks and tips doesn’t mean that a high score is guaranteed. IELTS is not just another test, but like all other tests there are some strategies/tips that can help you improve their score. Here are some of the most popular IELTS tips/tricks.


Make sure that the style used is appropriate ( formal language to be used in essays or in formal letters/informal language to be used in the informal letters)
Make sure you answer the question
There is no right or wrong answer as long as you answer the question. The language is assessed not the ideas.
Focus on both sides of the question ( agree/disagree; positive/negative aspects; advantages/disadvantages; problems/solutions; causes/effects)


Write your answers in capital letters to avoid making punctuation mistakes
Use the checking time at the end of each section to read the next section
Predict answers. Your prediction may be the correct answer
Don’t focus on spelling during the listening. You can check the spelling at the end of the test when you transfer the answers onto the answer sheet


Answers should be in order in the text
The first 2 sections of the test are easier than the third one so answer the questions in order
Don’t leave empty boxes. Write an answer even if you are not sure it is the correct answer.
Read the questions first and then find the information in the texts.


Keep on talking. The more you talk, the higher the score
Listen to the questions and make sure you answer the question. Going off topic may mean that you didn’t understand the topic or you are trying to use memorized answers
Give shorter answers for PART1 and longer answers for PART3
Make sure you talk about PART 2 for at least for 90 seconds
Focus on improving your skills… not just tips/tricks

Imagine that you are building a house. The bigger the house, the higher the score. How can you build a big house? The answer is simple: by building a big and solid foundation! Will these tricks and tips help you build this foundation? The answer is NO. Grammar, vocabulary, word order help you build this foundation. Once your English level is good, the tips will definitely help you improve your score and not the other way round.

When examiners mark your test, they have to look at all the aspects of your skills. Let’s take for example the writing test. There are four criteria examiners look at:

Task Response ( did the candidate answer the question, is the format appropriate, is the style appropriate, did the candidate develop the answer appropriately, did the candidate express his/her opinion clearly and draw a conclusion at the end of the task, etc?)
Grammar (how accurate the grammar is, how complex the used grammar is, etc?)
Vocabulary (is the candidate able to paraphrase, how wide is the range of language used, is the candidate using any collocations, idioms, etc? )
Coherence and Cohesion (are ideas organized logically, are ideas connected using different ways of linking them: linking words, substitution, referencing, etc?)

If candidates constantly get 6 or 6.5, this is often because one of these 4 areas needs improvement. Again luck will not help you get a higher score. Understanding what examiners look for in your test is vital if you want to improve and get a high score. The recommendation is to focus less on tips and more on improving your English skills. This will help you get the desired score.

Your Advisor @ieltsuzbekistan

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Some necessary tips from IELTS Gurus. 🎓

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▫️IELTS task 1 is a more technical piece of writing than task 2. You will be allowed 1 hour to complete the two tasks in the IELTS Academic Writing test. The total time allowed for the IELTS Academic Writing test is 60 minutes. Time yourself and allow just one hour to complete both parts of the test. Task 2 contributes twice as much as task 1 to the Writing score, but it is important to practise both.

▫️The example below is an example of writing task 1. You should spend about 20 minutes on task 1 and remember to write above 150 words in a formal style.

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Innovative Centre offers exclusive and professionalIELTS Mock exams for candidates who want to know they're language proficiency. Please contact @innovativecentre or @Mukhammadkhon for further details

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Official invitation to #new and #updated #speedinterview. Don't miss your chance.

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