Channel is created in order to meet a demand among students who are learning English and preparing to achieve a high score in the IELTS. @ieltsuzbekistan Address: Innovative Centre, 95A, Gagarin street, Samarkand, 140100 Uzbekistan
Полезные фразы
1. As far as I know. - Насколько я знаю.
2. If I am not mistaken. - Если я не ошибаюсь.
3. As far as I can see. - Насколько я могу видеть.
4. If my memory doesn't fail me. - Если моя память мне не изменяет.
5. As a matter of fact. - Собственно говоря.
6. It should be underlined that. - Следовало бы подчеркнуть.
7. Frankly speaking. - По правде говоря.
8. To begin with. - Во-первых
9. Much has been said & written about. - Много сказано и написано об.
10. You have a point there. - Тут вы правы.Тоже верно.
11 . I mean it. - Честное слово. Я серьёзно
12. Strange as it may seem. - Странно, как это может казаться.
13. Reputedly[ri'pju:tidly]. - по общему мнению.
14. In my view. - На мой взгляд.
15. As is known/As it is known. - Насколько известно. В некоторых ситуациях - как он/она/оно известен(-но,-на)
16. It is important to say (to observed) that. - Важно сказать (заметить), что.
17. There's no doubt that. - Нет сомнений в том, что.
18. It seems essential to emphasize that. - Кажется обязательно следует подчеркнуть, что.
19. It should be said that. - Следовало бы сказать, что.
20. It is worth mentioning that... - Стоит упомянуть, что.
21. I dare say that. - Я посмею сказать, что.
22. In my opinion. - По-моему мнению.
23. To my regret. - К моему сожалению.
24. To put it briefly [bri:fli]. - Опираясь на эту краткость.
25. As it is known. - Как известно.
26. To the best of my knowledge. - По моим лучшим знаниям.
27. I suppose so. - Я пред(полагаю) так.
28. I suppose not. - Я так не предполагаю.
29. I wouldn't say that. - Мне не следует говорить, что.
30. I quite agree that - Я полностью согласен, что.
31. I agree entirely that - Я полностью согласен, что.
32. I agree completely that - Я полностью(совершенно) согласен, что.
33. I'm (quite) convinced that - Я совершенно (полностью) убеждён в том, что.
34. I'm (quite) positive that - Я полностью убеждён в том, что.
35. I'm (quite) certain that. - Я определённо уверен в том, что.
36. I'm afraid I don't agree - Я боюсь, что я не согласен.
37. I am afraid I don't think so - Я боюсь, что я так не думаю.
38. I believe that - Я верю, что.
39. It's true. - Это правда.
40. Yes, I think so too. - Да, я думаю также.
41. Yes, definitely ['definitli] - Да, определенно; несомненно.
42. Yes, exactly. - Да, точно.
43. To begin with it is necessary to say that. - Начиная с этого, следовало бы сказать, что.
44. In order to understand. we must turn to. - Для того, чтобы понять. мы должны вернуться к.
45. To demonstrate. it is necessary to say that. - Демонстрируя. следует обязательно сказать, что.
46. It was overestimated (underestimated). - Это было переоценено (недооценено).
47. To sum up, it should be said that... - Суммируя (подводя итог), следовало бы сказать, что.
48. It is a well-established fact that. - Это точные (хорошо) установленные факты, что.
49. There is no (every) reason to suppose that. - Нет причин предполагать, что.
50. It can (not) be explained in terms of. - Это не может быть объяснено в термине. (чего-то).
A movie might take 90 minutes to watch , however the length of movies are different . In this method you need to spend a double time or maybe 2 and half time minutes to spend on a 90 minute film to finish it. This might look boring at first but this works. Belive me 😉
Here is what you need to do :
1- grab a notebook and a pen
2- enable the English subtitle and play the movie
3- watch 1 or two minutes of it at first while you are taking a glance at the subtitle.
4- think about the words you didnt understand
5- move backward and listen to that sequence again and jot down the unknown word in your notebook.
(it might be a whole sentence and an idiom or a slang as well- write them whole down. )
6- watch 15 minutes of the film and split this 15 minute to five 3-minute parts. After its done. Pause the movie and grab you dictionary/google or mobile apps ( whatever you feel comfortable to look up the words meanings) . Make sure to use English to English Dictionaries.
7- find the word's definition, synonyms and the correct pronunciation and read an example of the word used in a sentence . (Write them all in your notebook)
This notebook will be a treasure in the future for you☺️☺️
8- when you found all the words and made sure everything is known , Go back to the beginning of that 15 minute part and watch it again . This time you will understand it way better..
9- go through the whole movie with the same method and finish it.
10- the next day, you have something more important to do 🤣🤣🤣 ❇️watch the film without the subtile ❇️😜
💗try to watch at least 5 movies per week and after a while you get surprised when you dont have to pause and look for the unknown words 💗
Plus, after a while you get used to different accents pronouncing the same word or sentence and that would be the time you can feel confident. You can go to the movies and watch a film with your friends and enjoy it 😍
Tip : try to select the movies from the same genre . Dont jump from " Interstellar" to "The Losts "series 😂
#question what's the difference between probability and Possibility?
Probability refers to the likelihood of something happening. In other words, it can be said that the probability indicates the extent to which an event is likely to occur. It is usually measured by the ratio of the favorable cases to the whole number of cases that are possible. Hence, it can be said that the probability is a subset of possibility.
refers to the capability of taking place or being done. This is widely used even in our day today conversations. For an example when we say ‘Is there any possibility for you to come on a Saturday afternoon for the session?’,it suggests that the speaker is inquiring of the capability of the listener to be present for a particular cause. We would not use the term probability in such an atmosphere. This is mainly because the term possibility is used b people when inquiring of another individual’s capacity for doing something. However in the case of probability it is very much statistical.
🔵What is the Difference Between Probability and Possibility?
🔸A thing that may exist or happen is called as possibility whereas the occurrence of an event out of all sorts of possibility is called as probability
🔸Probability indicates the extent to which an event is likely to occur.
🔸Possibility is the universal set whereas probability is the subset.
🔸Possibility is surer to occur than probability.
🔸Possibility has its opposite in the word impossibility whereas probability has its opposite in the word improbability.
🔸Probability is a theory whereas possibility is a happening.
🔸Happenings have to combine together to make a probability a possibility.
We are giving you a chance to check your critical thinking. If yo correctly evaluate the band score of one of the two announced essays your own essay will be evaluated by IELTS Examiner from France.
Читать полностью…IELTS test in Australia – April 2017 (General Training)
Writing task 1 (Letter)
You recently visited a store to repair your computer, but they couldn’t fix it. Write a letter to the store manager and say
– What was the problem with your computer?
– What happened in the store?
– What do you want them to do about it?
Writing Task 2 (Essay)
Some people think that you need more money to be happy, while others prefer to have more free time than money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– How do you see your future career?
– Why is that?
– Do you like writing?
– Would you consider becoming a writer?
Cue Card
Talk about a place you use for relaxation. Please say
– What and where is this place?
– How often do you go there?
– How did you find this place?
– How do people in your country like to relax?
– How were people relaxing in the past?
– Is it different today?
– Why do you think so?
🇬🇧Прилагательные морали,характера
decent — приличный
indecent — непорядочный
honest — честный
fair — честный, справедливый
sincere — искренний
dishonest — нечестный
innocent — невиновный
guilty — виновный
criminal — преступный
kind — добрый
hostile — враждебный
gentle — вежливый
polite — вежливый
rude — грубый
generous — щедрый
close-fisted — скупой
talkative — разговорчивый
sociable — общительный
reserved — замкнутый, сдержанный
docile — послушный
disobedient — непослушный
strict — строгий
mild — мягкий
reliable — надежный
changeable — переменный
brave — храбрый
courageous — храбрый 2
cowardly — трусливый
timid — робкий, застенчевый
reasonable — разумный
prudent — благоразумный
light-minded — легкомысленный
cautious — осторожный
incautious — неосторожный
high-quality — качественный
similar — похожий
different — различный
the same — тот же самый
main — главный
secondary — второстепенный
important — важный
insignificant — незначительный
minimum — минимальный
average — средний
sufficient — достаточный
insufficient — недостаточный
full — полный
empty — пустой
numerous — многочисленный
necessary — необходимый
possible — возможный
desirable — желательный
occasional — случайный
correct — правильный
wrong — неправильный
logical — логичный
absurd — абсурдный
legal — законный
illegal — незаконный
standard — стандартный
non-standard — нестандартный
suitable — подходящий
appropriate — подходящий
acceptable — приемлемый
satisfactory — удовлетворительный
advantageous — выгодный
disadvantageous — невыгодный
useful — полезный
useless — безполезный
harmful — вредный
harmless — безвредный
cheap — дешевый
expensive — дорогой
free of charge — бесплатный
Learn about your country.
Not only will this help you in the speaking part, but it will give you massive help in the writing. Most of the IELTS task 2 question require examples and opinions. If you can mention information about your country in the examples your argument becomes believable, authoritative, specific and interesting. You can use these examples to introduce your country:
Recent studies in UZBEKISTAN have shown that a public education system has benefitted over 55% of the population...
Take JAPAN for example, it is widely known that the JAPANESE are …
Набирайся мудрости у великих людей. Лучшие афоризмы, великие слова и никакой воды в @Aphorism_Tg
Читать полностью…➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
📝 10 top tips for improving your spoken English
Practising speaking is one of the most fun and rewarding parts of learning English. Once you can speak even a little English, there are loads of ways to improve your skills quickly while having tons of fun. Here are ten top tips for improving your spoken English and having a great time while you do it!
🔸Speak, speak, speak!
Be confident and speak as often as possible to as many people as you possibly can! Do not be shy to make mistakes! The more you practice the better and more confident you will become in your pronunciation and vocabulary. Remember, speaking is a skill like learning a musical instrument or new sport – the only way you can get good is to actually do it!
🔸Use technology
A smartphone can be a powerful tool for learning languages. Use it to record yourself speaking then listen back to see how your English sounds to other people. Make the most of all your favourite productivity apps to organise your practice time and make a note of all the new words you learn.
Listen to news bulletins and songs in English to listen to the pronunciation of words. You can also learn new words and expressions this way. The more you listen, the more you learn! Try copying what you hear to practise your pronunciation and learn which words in a sentence are stressed.
🔸Read out loud
Read the newspaper or a magazine out to yourself. You could even find a script for your favourite TV show and act it out! This is a great way to practise pronunciation because you only need to concentrate on making sure you English sounds great and don’t need to worry about sentence structure or grammar.
🔸Learn a new word every day
Choose a word you would like to work on and use practice it in different sentences. Use the word until you have learnt it and keep using it regularly.
🔸Watch films
Watch movies in English and pay attention to new vocabulary and pronunciation. Imitate the actors and have fun with it.
🔸Make friends
Make friends with English speakers or others learning to speak English and compare notes. Talk about things that you have learnt and exchange ideas.
🔸Do interesting activities in English
Take a cooking course in English or join a book club! Anything you enjoy doing, make sure you do it and communicate it in English. Using English to talk about things you enjoy will make practising a positive experience.
🔸Have a debate
Debate all the topics that interest you with friends in English. Try to use as much vocabulary as you can to get your point across and listen to the other arguments carefully so you can argue against them effectively.
🔸Use a dictionary
Online dictionaries often have audio examples so you can check your pronunciation and there are lots of great dictionary apps that you can take everywhere with you on your smartphone. Make sure not to become too reliant on these tools, though. Have a go at saying the words first then check afterwards to see if you were right!
So, with all these practice tips to choose from, which one are you going to try first?
Dear friends this is a chance for you if you want to check your ability of critical thinking.
Make accurate evaluation of this essay according to all criterias of IELTS and recieve specific prize. Send your answer to professional IELTS trainer @Mukhammadkhon
✏️ (Key Words for IELTS writing)
📋 Stating Your Opinion
🔹In my opinion,
🔹According to me,
🔹In my view,
🔹To me,
🔹From my point of view,
🔹I think
🔹It seems to me that
🔹I believe
🔹From my perspective
🔹To my way of thinking
🔹It appears that
🔹I suppose
🔹I realize
🔹I understand
🔹I imagine
🔹I feel
📋 Giving Examples
🔹For example,
🔹For instance,
🔹such as
🔹In other words,
🔹that is
🔹To illustrate
🔹To paraphrase
📋 Comparing
🔹Similar to
🔹in common
🔹In the same way,
🔹At the same time
🔹Just as
📋 Contrasting
🔹On the contrary,
🔹On the other hand,
🔹Differ from
🔹Even though
📋 Generalizing
🔹Generally speaking,
🔹On the whole,
🔹In general,
🔹By and large,
🔹It seems to me that
🔹I believe
🔹All in all,
🔹As a rule,
🔹All things considered
🔹For the most part
📋 Expressing Certainty
🔹No doubt,
🔹Of course,
📋 Expressing Partial Agreement
🔹More or less,
🔹To some extent,
🔹Up to a point,
🔹In a way,
🔹So to speak,
📋 Showing cause
🔹Due to
🔹Because of
🔹Owing to
📋 Showing effect
🔹As a result,
🔹For this reason,
🔹The reason why
📋 Marking time
🔹First of all,
🔹To begin with
🔹At the same time
🔹After this / that
🔹Following this
🔹As soon as
📋 Adding Information
🔹In addition
🔹As well as
🔹What’s more
📋 Expressing condition
🔹In case
🔹Provided that
🔹So that
📋 Concluding
🔹To summarize
🔹In conclusion
🔹To conclude with,
🔹In short
How to watch a movie effectively with the aim to improve your listening skill
Majority of you students have encountered a situation when you're watching a film and you can't understand what exactly the characters of the movie are saying. This is really normal .Don't panic. And don't lose your hope. English is your second language and you are not supposed to understand the whole dialogs or talks between the actors/actresses when you start for the first time to listen to and watch a movie. This needs a great effort to improve your abilities to listen effectively while fully comprehended.
Today Im gonna teach you a method which is accepted and thought by a majority of IELTS instructors worldwide.
In your mother tongue while you're watching film, you normally understand the whole conversations and you don't need to pause the film and go backward and listen to it again unless there might be some distractions. But when it comes to a second language, because they may use some Slangs, connected speeches and complicated word you have never heard you have to pause and go back and watch that sequence again and this is really a normal way that most of people do.
But today I am trying to teach you how to behave and improve your comprehension to the fool that you don't have to post the films and go backward .This is not easy but you can achieve this skill if you set aside a time for it.
Send your responses to professional IELTS trainer -@Mukhammadkhon
Читать полностью…50 phrases for conversation!
1 . I don't mind. - Ничего не имею против.
2 . I think so. - Согласен.
3 . You'll make it. - У тебя получится.
4 . That's the whole point. - В этом-то все и дело.
5 . Easy! - Полегче. Не лезь на рожон. Успокойся.
6 . Calm down. - Успокойся.
7 . Don't worry. Relax. - He волнуйся. Успокойся. Расслабься.
8 . It makes things easier. - Так легче (переживать / переносить боль).
9 . I haven't given it much thought. - Я пока / еще не думал об этом. (насчет планов на будущее)
10 . It serves you / smb. right. - Так тебе / кому-либо и надо.
11 . You'll hear from me. - Я дам вам знать / сообщу о себе.
12 . It's going to be all right. - Все будет хорошо.
13 . You bet! - Еще спрашиваешь!:
14 . — Do you want me to help you? — You bet! - Ты хочешь, чтобы я помог тебе? — Еще спрашиваешь!
15 . Sounds good to me. - Это меня устраивает.
16 . Time's up. - Время вышло.
17 . Hear me out! - Выслушайте меня!
18 . I couldn't reach you. - Я не мог дозвониться до тебя.
19 . Let happen whatever would happen. - Пусть будет, что будет.
20 . It never crossed my mind (that)... - Мне никогда не приходило в голову, что ...
21 . Don't mention that. - Не надо об этом.
22 . I don't give a damn / a shit - Мне до лампочки, безразлично: Let's hold to reason. Let's hold to reason. Let's hold to reason.
23 . Tell him whatever you want, I don't give a shit. - Можешь говорить ему все, что угодно - мне до лампочки.
24 . Get out of my way. - Уйди с дороги.
25 . Get lost. - Исчезни. Мотай отсюда. Проваливай.
26 . You have a point there. - Тут вы правы. / Тоже верно.
27 . I mean it. - Честное слово. / Я говорю искренне.
28 . I want to buy your house. I mean it. - Я хочу купить ваш дом. Честное слово.
29 . Let's get to the point. Let's hold to reason. - Давайте ближе к делу.
30 . So far so good. - Пока что все идет хорошо.
31 . It's not that I don't... - He то, чтобы я не ...
32 . It was not that he didn't love her. - He то, чтобы он не любил ее.
33 . Don't be silly. - Не глупи. Не дури.
34 . You know better than that. - А ты не так прост (как кажешься).
35 . Don't worry, I can make it on my own. - He волнуйтесь, я сам справлюсь.
36 . Not likely. Unless ... - Скорей всего, нет. Если только ...
37 . No reason in particular. - Просто так. Без особой причины.
38 . Why do you ask? - Почему ты спрашиваешь?
39 . Suit yourself. - Как хочешь. Воля ваша. Делай, как знаешь.
40 . Suit yourself, but I've got a work to do and I won't go to Paris. - Воля ваша, но мне нужно кое-что сделать, и в Париж я не поеду.
41 . It never occurred to me that... - Мне никогда не приходило в голову, что ...
42 . I meant only the best. - Я хотел только как лучше.
43 . Tend to your own affairs. - Лучше займись своими делами. / Не лезь не в свое дело.
44 . Think it over. - Подумай хорошенько.
45 . Coffee? — If it is no bother. - Кофе? — Если не трудно.
46 . You are on the right track. - Вы на правильном пути. Вы правильно мыслите.
47 . Come on. Let's get this over with. - Давай закончим с этим делом.
48 . Whatever is to be will be. - Чему быть, того не миновать.
49 . Here's what we'll do. - Мы сделаем вот что.
50 . It beats me. - Это выше моего понимания.
Extending paragraphs (EASY COPY / PASTE Technique).
Pick up some points by using this conditional sentence to extend your arguments in the body paragraphs.
IF ______did happen / were introduced / were implemented, there WOULD be at least two / three major consequences. Firstly.... Secondly....
If governments increased spending on education, students would see the following benefits: Firstly.... Secondly....
If equality legislation were introduced globally, the effects would most likely be felt in the following ways. Firstly....Secondly....
Universal sentence to use:
If ______did happen / were introduced / were implemented, there would be at least two / three major consequences. Firstly.... Secondly....
the main two consequences would be....
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Argument Essay Topics
1. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?
2. In what ways has information technology changed work and working practices in the past 10 years?
3. 'Telecommuting' refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office using computer technology. Telecommuting is growing in many countries and is expected to be common for most office workers in the coming decades. How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?
4. Technology is making communication easier in today's world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than face-to-face contact for its main means of communication?
5. Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons.
6. Should the same laws which prohibit the sale and consumption of heroin be applied to tobacco?
7. To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?
8. Human beings do not need to eat meat in order to maintain good health because they can get all their food needs from meatless products and meatless substances. A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat. Argue for or against the opinion above.
9. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Destruction of the world's forests amounts to death of the world we currently know. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
10. Are our zoos cruel to wild animals? Discuss.
11. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment. Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.
12. To what extent should economic planning be influenced by the need of environmental conservation?
13. Damage of the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss.
14. The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities can be attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to encourage people to use their cars less and public transport more. Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of public transport.
15. Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree?
16. What are factors which are related to academic success in high-school students?
17. Do the benefits of study abroad justify the difficulties? What advice would you offer to a prospective student?
18. The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
19. Write a report to your sponsoring agency describing the English-language skills overseas students require. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary.
20. What kind of listening challenges do overseas students face in tertiary education? What recommendations would you offer?
21. Write a report to your sponsoring agency describing the accommodation problems faced by foreign students in Britain/US/Australia, etc. Make any necessary recommendations.
22. Education is recognized as vital to the future of any society in today's world. Governments throughout the world should make education compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
1. Go to
2. Select your test date city – Tashkent (you will see the seat availability status)
3. Complete the on-line application form.
4. Write the address where You Live (so that you can get the certificate via mail)
5. Pay the test fee by credit card or through any Uzbek bank in 3 days and send the photo of your check (to show the that you paid)
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6. Wait and get an email that your test date has been reserved by you.
Notice you speaking date will be announced BEFORE the test date (therefore, you should check your email often 2 weeks before the test date)
Ielts speaking Band 5 versus Band 8
The difference between these scores is about how we support our ideas with explanations and examples.
◾Band 6– Gives relevant ideas but these may not be fully developed with explanations or examples or the explanations and examples given are irrelevant.
Example– The main problem causing traffic jams is too many cars. There are lots more cars these days.
The idea is relevant but they have failed to explain why cars cause traffic jams or give examples.
◾Band 7- Gives relevant ideas and these are developed with explanations or examples but these ideas may be too general or lack focus.
Example- The main problem causing traffic jams is too many cars. In lots of cities around the world there are lots of cars and this causes traffic jams. For example, the number of cars purchased in developing countries is increasing year after year.
This student has presented a clear position, but they have given a very general explanation and their example lacks focus and is not specifically linked to the main point.
◾Band 8– Gives relevant ideas and these are developed with focused and specific ideas and examples.
Example- The main problem causing traffic jams is too many cars. When we have more vehicles than a city’s infrastructure was designed for it leads to congestion. For example, Ho Chi Minh City was designed to cope with around 500,000 cars and the city now has over 2 million cars, resulting in chronic traffic problems.
This student has explained their point very well, explaining exactly why they think too many cars are the problem and given a very specific and relevant example to prove their point. If you can’t think of a specific example, make one up. The examiners are not interested in how factual your examples are, just your ability to make one.