Channel is created in order to meet a demand among students who are learning English and preparing to achieve a high score in the IELTS. @ieltsuzbekistan Address: Innovative Centre, 95A, Gagarin street, Samarkand, 140100 Uzbekistan
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🔷Word of the day🔷
transcend: Verb
/ trænˈsend /
( превосходить, превышать )
💡 to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed;
✔ to transcend understanding (the limits of human intelligence) ― выходить за пределы понимания (человеческого разума)
✔ the beauty of the Niagara falls transcends words― слова бессильны описать красоту Ниагарского водопада
#wordoftheday @ieltsuzbekistan
💠Word Of The Day💠
noxious: adjective
/ ˈnɔkʃəs /
(вредный, пагубный, гибельный; нездоровый;)
❗harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being
🔸 noxious climate ― нездоровый климат
🔸 noxious to vegetable and animal life ― гибельный для флоры и фауны
🔸noxious space ― тех. вредное пространство, зазор
#wordoftheday @ieltsuzbekistan
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Читать полностью…How can I master English in non English environment?
♦️The psychological battles of learning a language outside of the country where it’s spoken can often be harder to overcome than the practical challenges. I'd like to address those first.
When it comes to English learning (or any language learning), your biggest challenge will most likely be staying motivated for the long term. Your language skills will not develop overnight so taking it slow and steady is the key. Be patient and don't give up. This is what will make or break your success.
📘So, first and foremost, think about why you are learning English in the first place. Chances are, if you hate English or you feel you are being forced to learn English, you will not progress. I’ve observed this in hundreds of students (and myself in learning other languages). So if you're not sure, think about it for awhile. True motivation comes about for an infinite number of reasons; not one reason is better than the other as long as it genuinely inspires you. Having passion or a goal makes it easier to take the steps to get there.
📙Second point of advice: get hungry. The successful students are "hungry" to improve. They are always looking for another way to practice; something else to read; or another good TV series or film to watch. Luckily, there are tons of things to read, watch, or listen to online that are in English. Just search for whatever interests you and engage with it.
📘After you’ve set your goals and you have pumped yourself up, accessing and interacting with the material and resources to become a good speaker of English will be much easier.
♦️The practical steps to improve your spoken English:
📕Listen (and read). You need to adjust your ear to the sounds of the language. Depending on your level, what you listen to and especially what you read will differ. Listening will help most with pronunciation and intonation and reading will help most with expanding your vocabulary and grammar. By engaging with music, film, and television you'll also gain a cultural reference point that is helpful in speaking with native speakers.
📚Here are some suggestions to get you started (although, really almost anything in English will do):
♦️The Beatles Playlist (Greatest Hits)
♦️Learning English with BBC new reports written in simpler English
♦️Wikipedia in Simple English, written specifically for English language learners in mind
♦️Films from these lists: The 100 greatest American films or AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (many titles are listed on both lists) or 100 Best British Films: The full list
📙Make notes. In the beginning, understanding every word is not as important as exposing yourself and getting the basic idea of what's happening. As you progress and want to learn a new word or phrase, make a note of it. I keep a very small notebook and have an application on my phone that I use only for this purpose. These notes make it easy to review my new words while I’m at school, waiting for someone, etc.). The key here is not to write everything down - just the words that struck you as important or useful. The process of writing itself will help you remember it.
📘Practice. This is the most important step. If you want to get better at speaking you're going to need to speak. I wrote more about where you can find free and paid native speakers to speak with in a non-English environment here: How can I find a native English Speaker to practice English?.
📗As speaking face-to-face can sometimes be intimidating, I recommend a native friend. Students of mine have struggled in the past to find someone to speak with and give them valuable feedback, so I hope being here in telegram solves this issue.
For people whose exam is soon new #listeningpractices
Читать полностью…rough day = a very difficult and unpleasant day. Another similar expression is replying “That’s rough” when someone tells you about difficulties, obstacles, and things that are hard to endure.
on the verge of + __ing = very close to taking some action. In this case, the man is so frustrated with his job that he is very close to quitting (leaving his job)
You’re kidding = you are joking, you are not serious. We often say this in response to something that is so surprising/shocking that we wonder if it is really true.
How come? = an informal way to say “Why?”
Don’t get me wrong = Don’t misunderstand me. We often say this informal expression when we are talking about something that could give the wrong impression, and we want to clarify things.
hands-down = definitely, unquestionably, without a doubt
Channel: @ieltsuzbekistan
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