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The hindu Vocab

1. DISPEL (VERB): (दूर करना): Banish

Synonyms: Eliminate, Dismiss

Antonyms: Engender

Example Sentence:

They did nothing to dispel their dejection.

2. THREATEN (VERB): (धमकाना): Menace

Synonyms: Intimidate, Browbeat

Antonyms: Assist

Example Sentence:

To threaten someone is something that should be avoided.

3. OFFENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानजनक): Insulting

Synonyms: Rude, Derogatory

Antonyms: Complimentary

Example Sentence:

The allegations made are deeply offensive to us.

4. CUMULATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (संचयी): Increasing

Synonyms: Accumulative, Growing

Antonyms: Subtractive

Example Sentence:

The cumulative effect of two years of drought.

5. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अभिमानी): Brazen

Synonyms: Overconfident, Arrogant

Antonyms: Timid

Example Sentence:

If I offer some advice, I hope I won't be considered presumptuous.

6. CONSIDERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विशेष): distinguished

Synonyms: Noteworthy, Noted


Example Sentence:

She was a considerable novelist.

7. VETERAN (NOUN): (अनुभवी): Old-hand

Synonyms: Old-timer, Old stager

Antonyms: Novice

Example Sentence:

He is a veteran sitar player.

8. STOKE (VERB): (ईधन झोंकना): Fuel

Synonyms: Mend, Add fuel to

Antonyms: Diminish

Example Sentence:

He stoked up the barbecue.

9. INTROSPECTION (NOUN): (आत्मनिरीक्षण): Brooding

Synonyms: Self-analysis, Soul-searching

Antonyms: Extrospection

Example Sentence:

Quiet introspection can be very valuable.

10. ERECT (VERB): (निर्माण करना): Build

Synonyms: Construct, Put up

Antonyms: Demolish

Example Sentence:

The guest house was erected in the eighteenth century.

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The hindu Vocab

1. EVACUATE (VERB): (ख़ाली करना): Remove

Synonyms: Clear, Move out

Antonyms: Hold

Example Sentence:

Several families were evacuated from their home.

2. PENURY (NOUN): (दरिद्रता): Impoverishment

Synonyms: Indigence, Need

Antonyms: Wealth

Example Sentence:

He could not face yet another year of penury.

3. JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकसम्मत): Wise

Synonyms: Sensible, Prudent

Antonyms: Injudicious

Example Sentence:

The judicious use of public investment should be ensured

4. CONUNDRUM (NOUN): (समस्या): Problem

Synonyms: Difficult, Quandary

Antonyms: Solution

Example Sentence:

One of the most difficult conundrums for the experts.

5. APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): (उचित): Inappropriate

Synonyms:Pertinent, Applicable

Antonyms: Appropriate

Example Sentence:

He stated an apposite quotation.

6. STIMULATE (VERB): (उकसाना): Encourage

Synonyms: Prompt, Prod

Antonyms: Discourage

Example Sentence:

The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented.

7. FLAK (NOUN): (आलोचना): Criticism

Synonyms: Censure, Disapproval


Example Sentence:

You must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.

8. CIRCUMSPECT (ADJECTIVE): (एहतियाती): Cautious

Synonyms: Wary, Careful

Antonyms: unguarded

Example Sentence:

The officials were very circumspect in their statements.

9. BREACH (NOUN): (उल्लंघन): Contravention

Synonyms: Violation, Breaking

Antonyms: Agreement

Example Sentence:

They had to go through a breach.

10. RENOWNED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रसिद्ध): Famous

Synonyms: Celebrated, Famed

Antonyms: Unknown

Example Sentence:

Britain is renowned for its love of animals.

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The hindu Vocab

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The hindu Vocab

1.  VIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (करणीय): workable
Synonyms:  feasible, practicable

Antonyms: impracticable


The investment was economically viable.

2.  EXPLICABLE (ADJECTIVE): (बोधगम्य): comprehensible

Synonyms: understandable, definable

Antonyms:  inexplicable

Example Sentence:

Differences in schools were not explicable in terms of differences in intake.

3.  INCEPTION (NOUN): (स्थापना): establishment

Synonyms:  institution, foundation

Antonyms:  end

Example Sentence:

She has been on the board since its inception two years ago.

4. EXTANT (ADJECTIVE): (जीवित): surviving

Synonyms: remaining, abiding

Antonyms: non-existent

Example Sentence:

Two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant.

5. MISBELIEF (NOUN): (ग़लतफ़हमी): unorthodoxy

Synonyms:  heresy, delusion

Antonyms: orthodoxy

Example Sentence:

It is a misbelief that alcohol problems require a specialist response.

6. SCARCELY (ADVERB): (कठिनता से): rarely

Synonyms: seldom, infrequently

Antonyms: often

Example Sentence:

They could scarcely all be wrong.

7.  OPPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्पीड़क): harsh

Synonyms: cruel, brutal

Antonyms:  lenient

Example Sentence:

The country is ruled by an oppressive regime.

8. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase

Synonyms: add to, supplement

Antonyms: decrease

Example Sentence:

His joys augmented after his promotion.

9. EQUITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायसंगत): fair

Synonyms: just, impartial

Antonyms:  inequitable

Example Sentence:

This equitable arrangement was accepted by the estates directly.

10. FORTHWITH (ADVERB): (तत्काल): immediately

Synonyms:  at once, instantly

Antonyms:   sometime

Example Sentence:

We forthwith paid the money required.

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The hindu Vocab

1.INSCRUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (रहस्यपूर्ण): enigmatic

unreadable, impenetrable

Antonyms: expressive

Example Sentence:

Guy looked blankly inscrutable.

2. ACQUIESCE (VERB): (स्वीकृति देना): permit

 allow, accept

Antonyms: forbid

Example Sentence:

He will acquiesce simply because he is a sick man.

3. ABOLITION (NOUN): (उन्मूलन): scrapping

 ending, stopping


Example Sentence:

The abolition of the death penalty came into effect owing to his good behavior.

4. ANTEDILUVIAN (ADJECTIVE): (पुराना): outdated

out of date, outmoded

Antonyms: modern

Example Sentence:

My mother has some antediluvian ideas about the role of women.

5. EMANCIPATION (NOUN): (मुक्ति): freeing

 liberation, liberating

Antonyms: enslavement

Example Sentence:

The social and political emancipation of women is the need of the hour.

6. PREMATURE (ADJECTIVE): (समयपूर्व): untimely

early, before time


Example Sentence:

The sun can cause premature ageing.

7. EXUBERANCE (NOUN): (उत्साह): ebullience

 buoyancy, cheerfulness

Antonyms: gloom

Example Sentence:

He has a sense of youthful exuberance.

8. CAREFREE (NOUN): (निश्चिन्त): unworried

untroubled, blithe

Antonyms: anxious

Example Sentence:

We were young and carefree.

9. VIGILANCE (NOUN): (सतर्कता): surveillance

attentiveness, attention

Antonyms: inattentiveness

Example Sentence:

Security duties demand long hours of vigilance.

10. EVENTFUL (ADJECTIVE): (व्यस्त): busy

 event-filled, action-packed

Antonyms: dull, uneventful

Example Sentence:

I am envious of his eventful life.

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The hindu Vocab

1-Slumped (Noun) : अचानक भारी गिरावट आ जाना: To fall suddenly and by a large amount

Synonyms: Droop, Slump Down

Antonyms: Sit Upright, Perk Up, Erect, Perky

Sentence: Exhausted from a long day of work, he slumped into the chair and closed his eyes.

2-Admonished(Verb) : डाँटना, फटकारना: To reprimand or scold someone firmly

Synonyms: Reproached, Chastised, Rebuked

Antonyms: Praised, Commended, Applauded

Sentence: The teacher admonished the student for constantly interrupting the class and reminded him of the importance of respecting others' turns to speak.

3-Contravention(Noun) : उल्‍लंघन: Violating or going against a law, rule

Synonyms: Infringement, Breach, Transgression

Antonyms: Compliance, Adherence, Observance

Sentence: The company's dumping of hazardous waste into the river was in contravention of environmental regulations, leading to severe penalties and legal consequences.

4-Prance (Verb) : उछल-कूद करना: To move with high spirits or lively steps, especially in a playful or proud manner.

Synonyms: Dance, Skip, Strut, Caper, Frolic

Antonyms: Stumble, Trudge, Plod, Lumber

Sentence: The little girl couldn't contain her excitement and began to prance around the room, twirling and leaping with joy.

5-RAMS(Noun): A heavy object used to break down doors or walls in ancient warfare.

Sentence: The ancient city's gates were reinforced with iron to withstand attacks from enemy rams.

6-ERRANT(Adjective): Behaving badly in some way, especially by disobeying your parents or leaving home; not behaving in an acceptable way

Synonyms: Wandering, Wayward, Stray

Antonyms: Obedient, Directed, Focused

Sentence: The errant golf ball flew off course and landed in the neighbouring fairway.

7-SCAVENGING(Noun): The act of searching for or collecting discarded or leftover items, especially food or materials, in order to survive or utilize them.

Synonyms: Foraging, Rummaging

Antonyms: Wasting, Discarding

Sentence: Some animals are skilled at scavenging for edible plants and insects in their environment.

8-WAFTS(Noun, verb): To float or be carried gently through the air, often with a pleasant smell or sound.

Synonyms: Gust, Draft, Sweep

Antonyms: Stillness, Calm

Sentence: As they walked through the garden, they could feel the cool wafts of the evening breeze.

9-HEIST(Noun, Verb): A robbery or theft, especially one involving a significant amount of money, valuable items, or a large-scale operation.

Synonyms: robbery, burglary, plunder, burglarize

Antonyms: Restitution, Reimbursement.

Sentence: The daring heist at the jewellery store shocked the entire city, as the thieves made off with millions in diamonds and gold.

10-RAZED: To completely destroy

Synonyms: Bulldoze, Obliterate

Antonyms: Build, Construct, Erect

Sentence: After the fire broke out in the factory, it was so intense that it razed the entire building to the ground, leaving nothing but ashes behind.

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The hindu Vocab

#The Hindu Vocabulary 03-09-2021

1. COERCIVE (ADJECTIVE): (बलपूर्वक): Persistent
Synonyms: Insistent, Pressing
Antonyms: Powerless
Example Sentence:The governor has a hereditary army for coercive purposes.

2. UNDERMINE (VERB): (दुर्बल करना): Subvert
Synonyms: Sabotage, Threaten
Antonyms: Enhance
Example Sentence:She tried to undermine my authority by complaining about me to my boss.

3. CHOPPY (ADJECTIVE): (अशांत): Rough
Synonyms: Turbulent, Heavy
Antonyms: Calm
Example Sentence:The first race was sailed in a stiff breeze and choppy seas.

4. DISSONANCE (NOUN): (मतभेद): Incongruity
Synonyms: Disparity, Discrepancy
Antonyms: Harmony
Example Sentence:The party is willing to put up with such dissonance among their candidates.

5. STRIDENT (ADJECTIVE): (श्रुतिकठोर): Harsh
Synonyms: Raucous, Rough
Antonyms: Soft
Example Sentence:Her voice had become increasingly strident with time.

6. OBTUSE (ADJECTIVE): (मंद): Stupid
Synonyms: Dull, Slow-witted
Antonyms: Astute
Example Sentence:She wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse.

7. ABDICATE (VERB): (सत्ता त्यागना): Resign
Synonyms: Retire, Quit
Antonyms: Be crowned
Example Sentence:In 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor.

8. INCUMBENT (ADJECTIVE): (पद-धारी): Current
Synonyms: Existing, Present
Antonyms: Past
Example Sentence:The incumbent President was defeated.

9. JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उचित): Wise
Synonyms: Sensible Prudent
Antonyms: Injudicious
Example Sentence:The government made judicious use of public investment.

10. ELEVATION (NOUN): (बढ़ावा): Promotion
Synonyms: Upgrading, Advancement
Antonyms: Demotion
Example Sentence:The color usually deepens toward zenith and also with the elevation of observer.

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The hindu Vocab

1-Discrimination(Noun):भेदभाव : Treating one person or group worse than others

Synonyms: Prejudice , Bias

Antonyms: Equity , Impartiality

Example Sentence:: The law prohibits discrimination against the disabled.

2-Profess(Verb) : ढोंग करना : Declare something, often insincerely.

Synonyms: Announce , Proclaim

Antonyms: Conceal , Disavow

Example Sentence::She still professes her innocence.

3.LACKADAISICAL (ADJECTIVE): (लापरवाह): careless

Synonyms: lazy, lax

Antonyms: enthusiastic

Example Sentence:

Raj has a rather lackadaisical approach to his work.

4-OBTUSE (ADJECTIVE): (मंद): stupid

Synonyms: dull, slow-witted

Antonyms: astute

Example Sentence:

She wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse.

5-Pervading(Verb) :सर्वव्यापी : Omnipresent ; felt everywhere

Synonyms: Permeate , Divine

Antonyms: Deplete , Drain

Example Sentence: There is a pervading atmosphere of gloom in the film.

6-Tenets(Noun) :सिद्धांतों: A principle, or a belief

Synonyms: Dogma , Precept

Antonyms: Doubt , Disbelief

Example Sentence: They are an extreme sect with their own tenets and doctrines.

7-Deprivation(Noun):हानि: Dispossession; loss

Synonyms: Impoverishment , Penury

Antonyms: Wealth , Bestowal

Example Sentence:: She is studying the effects of sleep deprivation.

8-Shrink(Verb):सिमटन: To become smaller or more compacted

Synonyms: Diminish , Dwindle

Antonyms: Expand , Increase

Example Sentence: Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.

9-Perpetrators(Noun): अपराधियों : A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

Synonyms: Brigand , Criminal

Antonyms: Sheriff , Lawman

Example Sentence:The perpetrator of this crime must be traced.

10-Wrath (Noun):क्रोध : Very great anger

Synonyms: Rage , Spleen

Antonyms: Happiness , Kindness

Example Sentence:You have to face the wrath of people in this regard.

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The hindu Vocab

1-INEBRIATED : Adjective: a state of intoxication, typically due to the consumption of alcohol or drugs; drunk or intoxicated.

 Hammered, Sloshed

Antonyms: Temperate, Abstinent

Sentence: After consuming several glasses of wine, she became inebriated and started dancing wildly at the party.

2-TARNISH : Verb: to make something lose its shine, lustre, or value.

Synonyms : 
Taint , Defile

Antonyms: Purify, Brighten

Sentence: Leaving the silverware out in the open caused it to tarnish and lose its shine.

4-BARRAGE: Noun: something that comes quickly and heavily — as an attack of bullets or artillery or a fast spray of words.

Shower, Volley

Antonyms: Dribble, Scarcity

Sentence: The city experienced a barrage of heavy rain and strong winds during the storm.

5-GRAFT: Noun & Verb: obtaining money, advantage, or position through dishonest or unfair means

 Bribery, Fraud

Antonyms: Honesty, Integrity

Sentence: Some officials were found guilty of grafting funds from public projects for their personal gain.

6-METTLE:Noun: The ability to cope with difficulties, challenges, and adversity; strength of character, determination, and courage.

Grit, Stamina

Antonyms: Timidity, Weakness

Sentence: In times of crisis, his unwavering mettle and leadership qualities shone through.

7-MUCKRAKIN:Noun: The practice of exposing and criticizing corruption, dishonesty, and societal issues, especially through investigative journalism or other forms of media.


Antonyms: Censorship, Whitewashing

Sentence: Some critics argue that muckraking journalism can sometimes sensationalize issues for higher readership.

8-PROVENANC: Noun: The origin, source, or history of something; the record of ownership and history of a work of art, artefact, or valuable object.

 Source, Heritage

Antonyms: Mystery, Obscurity

Sentence: The collector was particularly interested in the provenance of the antique furniture he was considering purchasing.

9-YOMP: Verb:energetically and briskly, especially over a long distance or difficult terrain, often carrying heavy equipment or a backpack.

 Trek , March

Antonyms: Linger , Saunter

Sentence : The hikers decided to yomp to the summit of the mountain to catch the sunrise.

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1. RIFT (NOUN): division

 gap, difference

Antonyms: bridge, joint

Example sentence:

The opposition and the government seemed to be focused on removing the rift between them.

2. FORTHCOMING (ADJECTIVE): coming in future

 New, Futuristic

Antonyms: Obsolete, Outdated

Example sentence:

Ever since I was of tender age, I have trained for forthcoming technical enhancements.

3. BORROW (VERB): to take by request

 Loan, Beg

Antonyms: Snatch, Rob

Example sentence:

The new economic freedom has enabled people to borrow less and spend more.

4. CRISIS (NOUN): problem

 Mayhem, Doom

Antonyms: Prosperity, Harmony

Example sentence:

The writer's crisis lies in the depiction of negative characters in a positive way and vice versa.

5. JUMBLE (VERB): disturbing

 disorder, disorganise

Antonyms: Organise, Arrange

Example sentence:

All of us can jumble up our lives, but many few of us can arrange it properly.


 bountiful, arable Antonyms: barren, arid

Example Sentence:

The government has given permission to build infrastructure on a proliferous piece of land.


watchful, cognizant Antonyms: heedless, indiscreet

Example Sentence:

His appreceptive quality has kept him out of trouble so far.

8. FUMY (ADJECTIVE): cloudy

blurry, murky Antonyms: luminous, distinct

Example Sentence:

The view was extremely fumy and we couldn’t see anyone.

9. REBUFF (NOUN): ignore

 rebuke, snub Antonyms: welcome, praise

Example Sentence:

The rebuff faced by me from the big companies was good for my business.

10. STICKLE (VERB): Disagree

disapprove, refute Antonyms: endorse, aid

Example Sentence:

The decision was stickled by the higher management.

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1-CREMATED: Verb: the process of reducing a deceased person's body to ashes through combustion, typically done in a crematory.


Synonyms: Incinerated, Burned

Sentence: After her passing, her family decided to have her body cremated according to
her wishes.

2.ENGULF:Verb: completely surround, cover, or swallow something or someone, often with great force or intensity.

 Swallow , Devour

Antonyms : Release , Uncover

Sentence: The waves from the stormy sea were so powerful that they threatened to engulf the small boat.

3-STIFLING : Adjective: Extremely hot, oppressive, or suffocating, making it difficult to breathe or causing discomfort.

Synonyms: Unbearable

Antonyms: Pleasant

Sentence: The stifling heat of the desert made it nearly impossible to stay outside for long.

4-THWART: Verb: to prevent, hinder, or obstruct the success or accomplishment of a plan, effort, or intention.

Synonyms: Impede, Hinder

Antonyms: Aid, Assist

Sentence: Despite their best efforts, bad weather thwarted their plans for a picnic.

5-OUSTED: Verb: forcefully remove or expel someone from a position, place, or situation
Synonyms: Expelled, Ejected

Antonyms: Welcomed, Admitted

Sentence:The shareholders voted to oust the CEO due to allegations of financial misconduct.

6-AUGURS: Noun: people who predict or forecast future events.

: Seers, Diviners

Antonym: Realists

Sentence: The political leader sought the advice of the local augurs before making a critical policy decision.

7-APATITE:Noun: a mineral that is commonly found in the Earth's crust and is a major component of phosphate

 The agricultural industry relies on apatite-rich fertilizers to enhance soil phosphorus levels and promote plant growth.

8-POSTULATE :Noun: fundamental principles or assumptions that are accepted as true without proof

 Premises, Theories

Antonyms: Deny, Refute

Sentence: In geometry, Euclid's postulates serve as the foundation for proving various geometric theorems.

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The hindu Vocab

1. HELD (VERB): grasped

 clutched, detained

Antonyms: freed, liberated

Example Sentence:

My niece held me tightly in her arms with a lot of excitement.

2. SUSPECT (VERB): distrust

 presume, speculate Antonyms: neglect, disregard

Example Sentence:

We must never suspect the honesty of our true friends.

3. PERISH (VERB): decay

cease, crumble Antonyms: commence, conceive

Example Sentence:

They have been told to perform or perish.

4. CRISIS (NOUN): problematic situation

catastrophe, contingency Antonyms: harmony, prosperity

Example Sentence:

We need to end the crisis by taking suitable actions.

5. QUASH (VERB): Destroy

 annihilate, quell Antonyms: encourage, praise

Example Sentence:

The Supreme Court can quash the orders of the high court.


provisional, makeshift Antonyms: permanent, continual

Example Sentence:

The prisoner was granted interim bail on the grounds of health conditions.


 deplorable, dolent Antonyms: cheerful, hopeful

Example Sentence:

We should avoid getting dolorous about the things that happened in the past.

8. HIRE (VERB): to commission for a job

 employ, delegate Antonyms: lay off, dismiss

Example Sentence:

We are going to hire new employees very soon.


stagger, flounder Antonyms: fix, straighten

Example Sentence:

They will be stumbling a lot if you don’t direct them properly.

10. OPT (VERB): choose

decide, elect Antonyms: dislike, reject

Example Sentence:

They have opted to bat first after winning the toss.

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The hindu Vocab

1-PERDITION: तबाही विनाश

 Ruin, suffering

Antonyms: Exoneration, health

Example sentence: The villain's actions led to the perdition of innocent lives, causing immense suffering and sorrow.

2-TRUCULENT: उग्र, लड़ाकू


Antonyms: cooperative,gentle

Example sentence:The truculent dog barked aggressively at anyone who dared to approach its territory.

3-HURLY-BURLY: हड़बड़ी, खलबली

 Confusion, tumult,Turbulence

Antonyms: CALM, ORDER

Example sentence: The party turned into a wild hurly-burly as people danced, laughed, and chatted loudly.

4-BEFUDDLE: स्वयं को मूर्ख बनाना

 Baffle, bewilder

Antonyms: Clarify, clear up

Example sentence: The complex instructions befuddled the new recruits, leaving them unsure of what to do next.

5-DOYEN: वरिष्ठ एवं प्रतिष्ठित सदस्य

 Chief, commander,Director, head

Antonyms: Employee, follower

Example sentence: The professor was considered the doyen of the academic community due to his extensive knowledge and experience.

6.UNFEIGNED: अकृत्रिम

genuine, real

Antonyms: pretentious, counterfeit

Example Sentence:The reality show was completely unfeigned and free of scripted fights.

7.BUNGLE : घपला

 blunder, mismanage

Antonyms: manage, fix

Example Sentence:

He was fired as he could bungle the simplest of tasks given to him.

8. FOLKSY : मिलनसार

 homey, informal

Antonyms: formal, cold

Example Sentence:

Anuradha is a folksy fellow.

9.CREAK : चरमराना

Synonyms: groan, screech

Antonyms: mumble, whisper

Example Sentence:

There was a loud creak in the corridor.

10. TIRADE: आक्षेप

ranting, denunciation

Antonyms: praise, complement

Example Sentence:

The employee launched a tirade when fired from his job.

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1. EVACUATE (VERB): (ख़ाली करना): Remove

Synonyms: Clear, Move out

Antonyms: Hold

Example Sentence:

Several families were evacuated from their home.

2. PENURY (NOUN): (दरिद्रता): Impoverishment

Synonyms: Indigence, Need

Antonyms: Wealth

Example Sentence:

He could not face yet another year of penury.

3. JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकसम्मत): Wise

Synonyms: Sensible, Prudent

Antonyms: Injudicious

Example Sentence:

The judicious use of public investment should be ensured

4. CONUNDRUM (NOUN): (समस्या): Problem

Synonyms: Difficult, Quandary

Antonyms: Solution

Example Sentence:

One of the most difficult conundrums for the experts.

5. APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): (उचित): Inappropriate

Synonyms:Pertinent, Applicable

Antonyms: Appropriate

Example Sentence:

He stated an apposite quotation.

6. STIMULATE (VERB): (उकसाना): Encourage

Synonyms: Prompt, Prod

Antonyms: Discourage

Example Sentence:

The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented.

7. FLAK (NOUN): (आलोचना): Criticism

Synonyms: Censure, Disapproval


Example Sentence:

You must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.

8. CIRCUMSPECT (ADJECTIVE): (एहतियाती): Cautious

Synonyms: Wary, Careful

Antonyms: unguarded

Example Sentence:

The officials were very circumspect in their statements.

9. BREACH (NOUN): (उल्लंघन): Contravention

Synonyms: Violation, Breaking

Antonyms: Agreement

Example Sentence:

They had to go through a breach.

10. RENOWNED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रसिद्ध): Famous

Synonyms: Celebrated, Famed

Antonyms: Unknown

Example Sentence:

Britain is renowned for its love of animals.

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 1.  PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अक्खड़): brazen
Synonyms:  overconfident, arrogant
Antonyms: timid

The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation..
2.  BAR (PREPOSITION): (के अलावा): apart from
Synonyms: but (for), other than
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:

His kids were all gone now, bar one.
3. VINDICTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिशोधी): vengeful
Synonyms:   revengeful, avenging
Antonyms:   forgiving
Example Sentence:

The criticism was both vindictive and personalized.
4.  FORMIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (भयभीत करने वाला): intimidating
Synonyms: forbidding, redoubtable
Antonyms:  comforting
Example Sentence:

In debate he was a formidable opponent.
5.  LACKLUSTRE (ADJECTIVE): (भावशून्य): uninspired
Synonyms:   uninspiring, unimaginative

Antonyms: inspired
Example Sentence:

No excuses were made for the team's lacklustre performance.
6.  BLATANT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रबल): flagrant
Synonyms: glaring, obvious
Antonyms:  inconspicuous
Example Sentence:

The blatant defiance was so sweetly uttered, he didn't know how to respond.
7.  DYNAMIC (ADJECTIVE): (ऊर्जावान): energetic
Synonyms:  spirited, active
Antonyms:   half-hearted
Example Sentence:

The city is a dynamic metropolitan area. 
8.  INDUCE (VERB): (मनाना): persuade
Synonyms: convince, get
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence:
The pickets induced many workers to stay away.

9. DISSENT (NOUN): (असहमति): disagreement
Synonyms: dispute, argument
Antonyms:  agreement
Example Sentence:

There was no dissent from this view.
10.  ENERVATE (VERB): (क्षीण करना): exhaust
Synonyms:  tire, fatigue
Antonyms: invigorate
Example Sentence:

The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse.

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1. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अक्खड़): brazen
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant

Antonyms: timid


The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation.

2. DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (सविचार): careful

Synonyms: cautious, unhurried

Antonyms: hasty

Example Sentence:

I have always been a conscientious and deliberate worker.

3. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive

Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic

Antonyms: democratic

Example Sentence:

It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.

4. OVERWEENING (ADJECTIVE): (आत्माभिमानी): overconfident

Synonyms: conceited, cocksure

Antonyms: modest

Example Sentence:

His modesty is nothing but a cover for his overweening conceit.
5. DETRIMENT (NOUN): (हानि): harm

Synonyms: damage, injury

Antonyms: benefit

Example Sentence:

Hurried tests are a detriment to good education.

6. CAPITULATE (VERB): (आत्मसमर्पण करना): surrender

Synonyms: give in, yield

Antonyms: resist

Example Sentence:

The patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces.

7. PROSCRIBE (VERB): (बहिष्कार करना): forbid

Synonyms: prohibit, ban

Antonyms: ban

Example Sentence:

Strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces.

8. UNDERLIE (VERB): (नींव रखना): fundamental

Synonyms: basic, basal

Antonyms: subordinate

Example Sentence:

We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.

9. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली): slight

Synonyms: small, tiny

Antonyms: vast

Example Sentence:

It made only a marginal difference.

10. MACABRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर): gruesome

Synonyms: grisly grim

Antonyms: pleasant

Example Sentence:

A macabre series of murders shocked us.

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1. ANNIHILATE (VERB): (मिटा देना): destroy
Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate

Antonyms: create

Example Sentence:
A simple bomb of this type could annihilate them all.

2. INHERENT (ADJECTIVE): (आंतरिक): intrinsic

Synonyms: innate, immanent

Antonyms: acquired

Example Sentence:
Any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers.

3. PROTRACT (VERB): (लम्बा करना): prolong

Synonyms: extend, draw out

Antonyms: curtail

Example Sentence:
He had certainly taken his time, even protracting the process.

4. ABREAST (ADVERB): (के साथ): up with

Synonyms: up to date with, in touch with

Antonyms: out of touch with

Example Sentence:
In modern times, one has to keep abreast of developments.

5. RESTITUTION (NOUN): (वापसी): return

Synonyms: restoration, replacement

Antonyms: seizure

Example Sentence:
The ANC had demanded the restitution of land seized from black people.

6. WITHER (VERB): (मुरझाना): wilt

Synonyms: droop, fade

Antonyms: thrive

Example Sentence:
The grass had withered to an unappealing brown.

7. ANTIPATHY (NOUN): (विरोधभाव): hostility

Synonyms: antagonism, animosity

Antonyms: liking

Example Sentence:
He certainly had antipathy to capitalism.

8. LIBERAL (ADJECTIVE): (उदार): generous

Synonyms: magnanimous, open-handed

Antonyms: miserly

Example Sentence:
Sam was too liberal with the wine.

9. EMPATHY (NOUN): (समवेदना): affinity with

Synonyms: rapport with, togetherness

Antonyms: distance

Example Sentence:
She'd been incapable of empathy or remorse.

10. ACCEDE (VERB): (मान लेना): accept

Synonyms: endorse, go along with

Antonyms: refuse

Example Sentence:
He did not accede to his child’s demands.

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1. PERSUASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (ठोस): convincing

Synonyms: effective, cogent

Antonyms: unconvincing

Example Sentence:

He gave an informative and persuasive speech.

2. SOAR (VERB): (वृद्धि होना): wing

Synonyms: take off, take flight

Antonyms: plummet

Example Sentence:

The bird spread its wings and soared into the air.

3. QUESTIONABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): controversial

Synonyms: contentious, in doubt

Antonyms: certain

Example Sentence:

It is questionable whether any of these exceptions is genuine.

4. IMPEDIMENT (NOUN): (अवरोध): hindrance

Synonyms: obstruction, obstacle

Antonyms: benefit

Example Sentence:

The lack of a new invention is a serious impediment to scientific progress.

5. FEROCIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (क्रूर): fierce

Synonyms: savage, wild

Antonyms: tame

Example Sentence:

I came across a ferocious beast.

6. ERR (VERB): (भूल करना): mistake

Synonyms: blunder, misjudge

Antonyms: be right

Example Sentence:

The judge had erred in the judgement.

7. MOMENTOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): important

Synonyms: significant, epoch-making

Antonyms: unimportant

Example Sentence:

The momentous news was that war has begun.

8.EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक): shocking

Synonyms: appalling, horrific

Antonyms: marvellous

Example Sentence:

Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.

9. UNBLEMISHED (ADJECTIVE): (त्रुटिहीन): impeccable

Synonyms: flawless, faultless

Antonyms: flawed

Example Sentence:

Her body was perfectly formed and unblemished.

10. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (कड़वापन): antagonism

Synonyms: bitterness, malevolence

Antonyms: friendliness

Example Sentence:

They have hostility towards all outsiders.

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1-Recalcitrant(Adjective): आज्ञा न माननेवाला: Refusing to follow instructions or rules

Synonyms: Intractable , Unmanageable

Antonyms: Amenable , Docile

Example Sentence: Everyday I see casual violence meted out on recalcitrant toddlers.

2-Stymie(Verb): बाधाएँ डालना : To hinder or thwart

Synonyms: Impede , Hamper

Antonyms: Assist , Help

Example Sentence: The two-tier system is likely to cause confusion and may stymie development.

3-Fractious(Adjective): झगड़ालू : Irritable and quarrelsome

Synonyms: Grumpy , Ill-Mannered

Antonyms: Affable , Obedient

Example Sentence:Nandini was in a fractious mood.

4-Induce(Verb): प्रेरित करना: Persuade someone to do something

Synonyms: Convince , Inspire

Antonyms: Dissuade , Discourage

Example Sentence:They will induce labor to avoid complications.

5-Untenable(Adjective): अस्थिर: Incapable of being defended

Synonyms: Unarguable , Unjustifiable

Antonyms: Moderate , Rational

Example Sentence:Three years of drought have made the supply situation untenable.

6-Persuaded(Verb): आश्वस्त : To prevail on (a person) to do something

Synonyms: Coax , Convince

Antonyms: Discourage , Dissuade

Example Sentence:He would not listen to anyone who tried to persuade him to stay at home.

7-Exacted(Adjective): सटीक : Correct; accurate

Synonyms: Sanctioned , Imposed

Antonyms: Fuzzy , Uncertain

Sentence: They would not rest until they had exacted revenge.

8-Helm(Noun): संचालन: Wheel or handle used to control boat.

Synonyms: Tiller , Rudder

Antonyms: Walk , Repel

Example Sentence: During the crisis, the chief firefighter took the helm and got everyone to safety quickly.

9-Wobbling(Verb): डगमगाना: To move unsteadily from side to side

Synonyms: Jiggle , See-Saw

Antonyms: Steady , Stabilize

Example Sentence: The boy was wobbling along on his bicycle.

10-Awry(Adjective , Adverb): टेढ़ा : Untidy

Synonyms: Amiss , Wrong

Antonyms: Straight , Even

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1-Scorching (Adjective): (ज्वलंत, तपता हुआ)

 Searing, Burning

Antonyms: Freezing, Chilly

Example sentence:

The scorching sun made it unbearable to be outside.

2. Melancholy (Noun/Adjective): (उदासी, विषाद, दुख)

Sadness, Sorrow

Antonyms: Joy, Delight

Example sentence:

The old photograph brought back a wave of melancholy memories.

3. Contentment (Noun, Verb): (संतोष, संतुष्टि)

Satisfaction, Fulfilment

Antonyms: Discontent, Dissatisfaction

Example sentence:

After years of hard work, he finally found contentment in his career.

4. Magnify (Verb): (बढ़ाना, विस्तार करना)

Amplify, Enlarge

Antonyms: Reduce, Decrease

Example sentences:

The microscope allowed us to magnify tiny organisms and study them in detail.

5. Avaricious (Adjective): (लोभी)

Greedy, Grasping

Antonyms: Generous, Selfless

Example sentence:

His avaricious nature led him to exploit others for his own financial gain.

6.Land Slide Victory:(Idioms) :भारी जीत

a victory by a large margin; a very substantial victory, particularly in an election

7. To Burn One’s Fingers: ((Idioms): To Get One’s Self Into Unexpected Trouble, As By 

Interfering The Concerns Of Others, Speculation, Etc.

8. Bird’s eye view: (Idioms)A General View Or Study.

A View From A Very High Place Which Allows You To See A Large Area.

9. Hobson’s choice:(Idioms): The Choice Of Taking Either That Which Is Offered Or Nothing;

The Absence Of A Real Alternative.

10.To chew the cud :(Idioms): To Think Deeply

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1. CADGE (VERB): To beg or get by begging

 beg, sponge

Antonyms: give, donate

Example Sentence: He asked if he could cadge a ride from somebody.

2. CALLOUS (ADJECTIVE): Emotionally hardened

 insensitive, unbending 

Antonyms: concerned, sensitive

Example Sentence: The callous doctor had no problem telling the overweight man he was fat and lazy.

3. CALUMNIATE (VERB): To make maliciously or knowingly false statements about

defame, asperse 

Antonyms: honour, exalt

Example Sentence: The dishonest man calumniates his own mother in order to make front-page news.

4. CATHOLIC (ADJECTIVE): Of broad or liberal scope; comprehensive

 worldwide, cosmopolitan 

Antonyms: limited, particular

Example Sentence: He was a man of catholic taste, enjoying music and fine arts of all kinds.

5. CANDID (ADJECTIVE): Characterized by openness and sincerity of expression

frank, honest 

Antonyms: crooked, twisted

Example Sentence: If I am to be candid, I must admit I am very unhappy with this situation.


quarrelsome, critical 

Antonyms: amicable, peaceful

Example Sentence: The leading character in the movie was a cantankerous old man who hated the world.

7. CAPACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): Capable of containing a large quantity

spacious, roomy 

Antonyms: compact, congested

Example Sentence: Priyanshi crammed the lot into her capacious handbag.

8. CAPITULATE (VERB): To surrender under specified conditions

 surrender, quit. 

Antonyms: resist, retain

Example Sentence: I never thought my brother would capitulate and allow me to drive his car for a week.


whimsical, fickle 

Antonyms: invariable, fixed

Example Sentence: You need to settle down and stop being so capricious!

10. CAPTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults

 faultfinding, criticizing 

Antonyms: fair, tolerant

Example Sentence: When my captious teacher grades my essays, she always finds a minor error in my work.

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1-SACROSANCT(Adjective): Too important or valuable to be interfered with, criticized, or violated.

Synonyms: Hallowed, Revered

Antonyms: Profane, Ordinary

Sentence: The privacy of people's personal information should be treated as sacrosanct and protected from unauthorized access.

2-PARTAKE(Verb): To participate in or share in something, especially an activity or event.

Synonyms: Participate, Engage

Antonyms: Shun, Decline

Sentence: The whole family will partake in the celebration of their grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary.

3-Sojourn(Noun): अस्थायी निवास: a temporary stay or visit in a place, often implying a period of rest or leisure.

Synonyms: Stopover, Vacation

Antonyms: Permanent Stay, Settlement

Sentence: We had a delightful sojourn in the quaint village, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

4-Forage(Noun) : चारा: To search or rummage for food, provisions, or supplies

Synonyms: Food, Fodder, Provender

Antonyms: Scarcity, Shortage

Sentence: (N)The farmer gathered fresh forage to feed the livestock.

(V)The birds forage for worms and insects in the garden.

5-Plunder(Noun , Verb) : लूट का सामान , लूटना: To steal goods or valuables forcefully

Synonyms: Loot, Pillage, Ransack

Antonyms: Protect, Preserve, Guard

Sentence: (V) The pianist's performance was impeccable, every note played with precision and grace.

(N) The soldiers were accused of taking part in the plunder of a war-torn city.

6-Limping(Verb) : लँगड़ाना: To walk with difficulty because you have hurt your leg or foot

Synonyms: Lame, Lurching

Antonyms: Striding, Marching

Sentence: After spraining his ankle, he was limping heavily as he walked.

7-Slumped (Noun) : अचानक भारी गिरावट आ जाना: To fall suddenly and by a large amount

Synonyms: Droop, Slump Down

Antonyms: Sit Upright, Perk Up, Erect, Perky

Sentence: Exhausted from a long day of work, he slumped into the chair and closed his eyes.

8-Splintered (Adjective) : टुकड़ों में टूटना: Broken or shattered into small, sharp fragments

Synonyms: Broken, Fractured

Antonyms: Intact, Unbroken,

Sentence: The window pane was splintered into countless pieces after the baseball hit it with great force.

9-Bleakness (Noun): उत्‍साह हीनता: Lacking in hope or cheerfulness

Synonyms: Desolation, Dreariness, Gloom

Antonyms: Brightness, Optimism

Sentence: The abandoned house stood in stark bleakness, with broken windows and overgrown weeds, reflecting the desolation of its surroundings.

10-Ruse(Noun) : धोखा: A trick or clever plan

Synonyms: Trick, Ploy, Scheme, Deception

Antonyms: Honesty, Truthfulness, Sincerity

Sentence: The thief used a clever ruse to distract the security guard while his accomplice stole the valuable painting from the gallery.

11-Capacious(Adjective): विशाल: A space or container that is able to hold or accommodate a significant amount

Synonyms: Spacious, Roomy, Ample

Antonyms: Compact, Cramped, Narrow

Sentence: The house had a capacious living room with high ceilings and large windows, providing a sense of openness and comfort.

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1-ABROGATION:Noun: The process of abolishing or nullifying something that was previously established.

 Repeal, Revoke, Annul

Antonyms: Ratification, Endorsement

Sentence: The government decided to announce the abrogation of the controversial tax law, which had caused widespread protests among the citizens.

2-RAZED : Verb:To completely destroy

Synonyms: Bulldoze, Obliterate

Antonyms: Build

Sentence: After the fire broke out in the factory, it was so intense that it razed the entire building to the ground, leaving nothing but ashes behind.

3-CHARRED: Adjective, Verb: to burn or scorch something partially, resulting in a blackened surface.

 Burn, Scorch, Sear

Antonyms: Extinguish, Unburn

Sentence: The firefighters found charred remains of the old documents after extinguishing the office fire.

4-SMEAR: to spread or apply a substance (e.g., paint, ink, or grease) in a hasty, careless, or uneven manner, resulting in a blotchy or messy appearance.

Daub, Stain, Slather

Antonyms: Clean, Wipe, Clear

Sentence: The party cadres resorted to hooliganism when their demands were not met in the meeting by the government.

5-UNTOWARD: Situations or behaviour that is difficult, awkward, or contrary to what is desired or appropriate.

 Inappropriate, Unseemly

Antonyms: Promising, Expected

Sentence: The sudden untoward weather change caught the hikers off guard, leaving them stranded in the mountains.

6-ABJURED: solemnly renounce or give up a belief, claim, or allegiance, often under oath.

 Forsake, Repudiate

Antonyms: Embrace, Accept

Sentence:After facing a crisis of conscience, the politician publicly abjured his former party's policies, vowing to work independently for the betterment of the people.

7-TURPITUDE: Morally reprehensible or disgraceful behaviour or character.

 Depravity, Evil

Antonyms: Virtue, Morality, Integrity

Sentence: The judge was appalled by the defendant's actions, considering them to be a clear display of moral turpitude, leading to a severe sentence.

8-SNAGS: A complication or problem that causes a delay or difficulty.

Obstacle, Impediment

Antonyms: Facilitation, Help

Sentence: The construction project faced several snags, including a shortage of building materials and bad weather conditions.

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1-HAIL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim

 praise, applaud

Antonyms: criticize

Example sentence:

As the champion crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in cheers, hailing the athlete's incredible achievement.

2-DISMAY (NOUN): (त्रस्त करना): appall

 horrify, shock

Antonyms: encourage

Example sentence:

The poor performance of the team left the coach in dismay, wondering what went wrong.

3-ASSUAGE (VERB): (राहत देना): relieve

 ease, alleviate

Antonyms: aggravate

Example sentence:

After a long day at work, a cup of hot tea can assuage my stress and help me relax.

4. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चौंकानेवाला): shocking

 appalling, horrific

Antonyms: marvellous

Example Sentence:

Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.

5. AVOIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (परिहार्य): preventable

 needless, unnecessary

 inescapable, inevitable

Example Sentence:

Seems like so much death should be avoidable in this day and age.

6 .EMBARK (VERB): (प्रारंभ करना): begin

start, commence

Antonyms: end

Example Sentence:

She embarked on a new career.

7. RUGGED (ADJECTIVE): (टिकाऊ): durable

robust, sturdy

Antonyms: flimsy

Example Sentence:

The binoculars are compact, lightweight, and rugged.

8. FEROCITY (NOUN): (क्रूरता): savagery

brutality, barbarity

Antonyms: gentleness

Example Sentence:

The ferocity of the storm caught them by surprise.

9. ARDENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्कट): passionate

avid, impassioned

Antonyms: half-hearted

Example Sentence:

I am an ardent admirer of modern art.

10. ASSENT (VERB): (सहमत होना): accept

 approve, bless

Antonyms: refuse

Example Sentence:

The Prime Minister assented to the change.

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1.IMPULSE :(NOUN): (आवेग): wildness

 spontaneity, recklessness

Antonyms: premeditation

Example Sentence:

She was solely a woman of impulse.

2.UNFETTER :(VERB): (छुड़ा देना): untie

 unchain, unbind

Antonyms: bind

Example Sentence:

The guards unfetter the prisoners.

3.CUTTING-EDGE: (ADJECTIVE): (उन्नत): advanced

 innovative, pioneering.

Antonyms: conventional

Example Sentence:

The company succeeded as it uses cutting-edge technology.

4.IMPROBABLE :(ADJECTIVE): (अप्रत्याशित): inauthentic

 unconvincing, unbelievable

Antonyms: believable

Example Sentence:

The characters have improbable names.

5.DEFIANT:(ADJECTIVE): (हठी): intransigent

resistant, obstinate

Antonyms: apologetic

Example Sentence:

He showed a defiant gesture.

6. STACK :(VERB): (ढेर लगाना): load

 fill (up), lade

Antonyms: empty

Example Sentence:

He spent most of the time stacking shelves.

7.AGITATION :(NOUN): (व्याकुलता): anxiety

 perturbation, disquiet

Antonyms: calmness

Example Sentence:

She was wringing her hands in agitation.

8.ENTIRETY :(NOUN): (संपूर्णता): whole

 sum, total

Antonyms: part

Example Sentence:

She would have to stay in her room for the entirety of the weekend.

9.DREAD :(NOUN): (भय): fear

 apprehension, trepidation

Antonyms: confidence

Example Sentence:

The thought of returning to London filled her with dread.

10.AGGRIEVED (ADJECTIVE): (क्रोधित): resentful

affronted, indignant

Antonyms: pleased

Example Sentence:

They were aggrieved at the outcome.

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