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Anesthesia Books

We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of my dearest friend's mother. He put a lot of effort into managing the channels and we all feel indebted to him.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. Her soul is now at peace. 🥀 🖤

May our condolences bring her comfort and may our prayers ease the pain of this loss. 🙏

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Anesthesia Books

Dear All users

From now on, all users can download a free title, but he/she should be registered on the website and visit website daily, each 100 days you can download one free title.
Be aware that multi registration will ban all your accounts.

All eBook Stores- Administration Team

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Anesthesia Books

Dear all Doctors, Students or users

All titles on AES become free to download but you need to gather credits.

You need to login every day to receive 1 credit.
Or you can invite your friends to receive 3 credits for each successful registration.

For more information feel free to contact us.

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Anesthesia Books

one of the admin's father has passed away due to covid few days back, please pray for his soul...
Thatsy activities are delayed again for some days more

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