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🎯👆You don't have endless tomorrows. So, make today count. Make every second of your life count.

No more "buts." It's time to act! There are seven days of the week. And "someday" is not one of them. Enough of the procrastination. Start now.

It is better to try and fail than living the rest of your life regretting the things you could have done but, you didn't do!

Don't waste your time crying and complaining about your past failures. Be strong. Take courage and go after your dreams. You can do it.


Good morning & Have A
Great Saturday ahead 💐💪🏻🤠✨🎯


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💕😊 You all dear friends😊💕


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⚜ Positive India Group' Admin Panel 🔱

🤗💕 Thank You

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हम गणतंत्र भारत के निवासी, करते अपनी मनमानी।

दुनिया की कोई फिक्र नहीं, संविधान है करता पहरेदारी।।

है इतिहास इसका बहुत पुराना, संघर्षों का था वो जमाना;

न थी कुछ करने की आजादी, चारों तरफ हो रही थी बस देश की बर्बादी,

एक तरफ विदेशी हमलों की मार,

दूसरी तरफ दे रहे थे कुछ अपने ही अपनो को घात,

पर आजादी के परवानों ने हार नहीं मानी थी,

विदेशियों से देश को आजाद कराने की जिद्द ठानी थी,

एक के एक बाद किये विदेशी शासकों पर घात,

छोड़ दी अपनी जान की परवाह, बस आजाद होने की थी आखिरी आस।

1857 की क्रान्ति आजादी के संघर्ष की पहली कहानी थी,

जो मेरठ, कानपुर, बरेली, झांसी, दिल्ली और अवध में लगी चिंगारी थी,

जिसकी नायिका झांसी की रानी आजादी की दिवानी थी,

देश भक्ति के रंग में रंगी वो एक मस्तानी थी,

जिसने देश हित के लिये स्वंय को बलिदान करने की ठानी थी,

उसके साहस और संगठन के नेतृत्व ने अंग्रेजों की नींद उड़ायी थी,

हरा दिया उसे षडयंत्र रचकर, कूटनीति का भंयकर जाल बुनकर,

मर गयी वो पर मरकर भी अमर हो गयी,

अपने बलिदान के बाद भी अंग्रेजों में खौफ छोड़ गयी,

उसकी शहादत ने हजारों देशवासियों को नींद से उठाया था,

अंग्रेजी शासन के खिलाफ एक नयी सेना के निर्माण को बढ़ाया था,

फिर तो शुरु हो गया अंग्रेजी शासन के खिलाफ संघर्ष का सिलसिला,

एक के बाद एक बनता गया वीरों का काफिला,

वो वीर मौत के खौफ से न भय खाते थे,

अंग्रेजों को सीधे मैदान में धूल चटाते थे,

ईट का जवाब पत्थर से देना उनको आता था,

अंग्रेजों के बुने हुये जाल में उन्हीं को फसाना बखूबी आता था,

खोल दिया अंग्रेजों से संघर्ष का दो तरफा मोर्चा,

1885 में कर डाली कांग्रेस की स्थापना,

लाला लाजपत राय, तिलक और विपिन चन्द्र पाल,

घोष, बोस जैसे अध्यक्षों ने की जिसकी अध्यक्षता,

इन देशभक्तों ने अपनी चतुराई से अंग्रेजों को राजनीति में उलझाया था,

उन्हीं के दाव-पेचों से अपनी माँगों को मनवाया था,

सत्य, अहिंसा और सत्याग्रह के मार्ग को गाँधी ने अपनाया था,

कांग्रेस के माध्यम से ही उन्होंने जन समर्थन जुटाया था,

दूसरी तरफ क्रान्तिकारियों ने भी अपना मोर्चा लगाया था,

बिस्मिल, अशफाक, आजाद, भगत सिंह, सुखदेव, राजगुरु जैसे,

क्रान्तिकारियों से देशवासियों का परिचय कराया था,

अपना सर्वस्व इन्होंने देश पर लुटाया था,

तब जाकर 1947 में हमने आजादी को पाया था,

एक बहुत बड़ी कीमत चुकायी है हमने इस आजादी की खातिर,

न जाने कितने वीरों ने जान गवाई थी देश प्रेम की खातिर,

निभा गये वो अपना फर्ज देकर अपनी जाने,

निभाये हम भी अपना फर्ज आओ आजादी को पहचाने,

देश प्रेम में डूबे वो, न हिन्दू, न मुस्लिम थे,

वो भारत के वासी भारत माँ के बेटे थे,

उन्हीं की तरह देश की शरहद पर हरेक सैनिक अपना फर्ज निभाता है,

कर्तव्य के रास्ते पर खुद को शहीद कर जाता है,

आओ हम भी देश के सभ्य नागरिक बने,

हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, सब छोड़कर, मिलजुलकर आगे बढ़े,

जातिवाद, क्षेत्रवाद, आतंकवाद, ये देश में फैली बुराई है,

जिन्हें किसी और ने नहीं देश के नेताओं ने फैलाई है

अपनी कमियों को छिपाने को देश को भ्रमाया है,

जातिवाद के चक्र में हम सब को उलझाया है,

अभी समय है इस भ्रम को तोड़ जाने का,

सबकुछ छोड़ भारतीय बन देश विकास को करने का,

यदि फसे रहे जातिवाद में, तो पिछड़कर रह जायेंगे संसार में,

अभी समय है उठ जाओं वरना पछताते रह जाओगें,

समय निकल जाने पर हाथ मलते रह जाओगे,

भेदभाव को पीछे छोड़ सब हिन्दुस्तानी बन जाये,

इस गणतंत्र दिवस पर मिलजुलकर तिरंगा लहराये।।

🤠❣🇮🇳 आप सभी को गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक और तहेदिल से शुभकामनायें🇮🇳🤠❣

Long Live INDIA🇮🇳😌❣

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Dare to dream a new dream!

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You should never let the word "impossible" resonate with you. Don't even accept it into your treasures of self building vocabulary. It doesn't belong there because it will only erode your self esteem leading you down the slippery slopes to join those who were unwilling to keep climbing until they make it!

You are always possible. Don't shy away from an attempt just because it didn't work for someone else. Never let anyone casually deny you of your purpose and ability to do what they were unwilling to do or continue trying until they saw better results. This is your life but you will need to own it and claim your space. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks

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If you don’t know why you failed, you are no wiser than when you began.

There’s an old adage that those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So it is with our failures. Unless we learn from our mistakes, we are likely to repeat them until we learn from such experiences and correct our course — or give up and accept temporary defeat as permanent failure. Every setback you encounter in life contains valuable information that, if you study it carefully, will eventually lead you to success. Without adversity, you would never develop wisdom, and without wisdom, success would be short-lived indeed. When you make a mistake, say, “That’s good! I’ve gotten that out of the way. I will never do that again.” You will no doubt make other mistakes, but they won’t bother you nearly as much when you treat them as learning experiences.

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Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s birth anniversary

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🌱🌱🌱How to Become a More Powerful Person🌱🌱🌱
Those who think passively believe they are weaker than they actually are. With a small shift in perspective, they can really take control of their lives. I want to nail down the difference in these perspectives, so I’m going to give some thought examples. If the passive thinking examples resemble your thinking today, imagine how your behavior might change if you decided to think like the powerful example.

🌹Passive thinking: I should exercise today, but I’m a little tired and, oh, maybe I should do laundry. I should have done it yesterday. Are my new shoes coming in today?
🦋Powerful thinking: I will exercise today no matter what.
The Difference: Passive thinking is predictably unpredictable, distracted, more concerned with the past and future than right now, and it’s easily influenced by internal and external factors. Powerful thinking is simple, clear, concise, and focused on making valuable decisions in the present moment, and it isn’t influenced at all by external factors. The only internal factor that matters to a powerful thinker is their choice, what they decide to do.

🌹Passive thinking: Wow, I’ve been in such a rut lately. Ugh, I should be doing better than this. I just feel so drained, and now I’m in a bad mood, which makes me feel even worse. Uggghhhhhh. Why can’t my life be [better, different, like his/hers, etc.]? What am I doing wrong?
🦋Powerful thinking: That’s not how I wanted to start the day, but what’s done is done. I’m going to salvage the day (choice). I’ll work on the spreadsheets, meditate for 5 minutes, call James and Tim, and then head to the gym (all deliberate choices).
The Difference: Passive thinking focuses on their feelings of shame, disappointment, and inadequacy. It’s weak on solutions and strong on excuses. Negative feelings will loop, because it feels bad to feel bad. Comparison is also common, to another person’s life or to what they feel life should be like. Powerful thinking, however, may acknowledge a slow or undesired recent past, but then the mind will quickly recognize that these events have expired and are no longer worth thinking about. The powerful thinker will quickly begin making choices to shape their day into something they want.

🌹Passive thinkers observe their life and comment on it. They’re passengers.

🦋Powerful thinkers actively shape their lifestyle by making firm choices. They’re drivers.

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“If you want to be tougher mentally, it is simple: Be tougher. Don’t meditate on it.” These words of Jocko’s helped one listener — a drug addict — get sober after many failed attempts. The simple logic struck a chord: “Being tougher” was, more than anything, a decision to be tougher. It’s possible to immediately “be tougher,” starting with your next decision.”

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The President of the hearts of India always and all the ways...

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बसंत पंचमी की ढेरों शुभकामनाएं..मां सरस्वती की कृपा हम सब पर बरसती रहे।

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Never Depend On The
Capability Of Your Brain
They Always Depend
On The Greatness

Sweet Dreams😇🙏❣✨💐


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Fears are personal possessions. Do not mistake or take any one’s fears as your own. -Adrian Starks

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Henry Ford is reported to have offered $25,000 to anyone who would show him how to save a single nut and bolt on each automobile he made.

Without Henry Ford, our country would not be the America we know today. His obsession with reducing costs and improving productivity allowed him to build the first automobile that ordinary people could afford and led to the construction of a vast network of roads and highways that gave birth to today’s mobile society. It also set the stage for total quality management and continuous improvement programs that are prevalent in the automotive industry today. We would all be well advised to take a page from the lessons that the automotive industry has learned in recent years. An obsessive focus on the needs and wants of our customers allows us to become an indispensable part of their lives, but nothing is forever. Continuous improvement is expected in virtually every industry, and quality is the minimum requirement in today’s global economy. Leaders are those who significantly outperform the competition in every aspect of the business.

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4. ​It’s about the journey more than the destination​

Many of us, myself included, get caught up in the striving for a destination. “If I could just get…” “If I could just make enough to…” “If I can just reach…” This thinking is pointless because all we ever have is the present moment.

What this really means is that we’ll always have to be right here, right now. If we’re unsatisfied right here and right now, we’re fooling ourselves. We’re delaying gratification to a point that may never come. It’s powerful to reach and work towards goals on the daily, and smash them.

What’s not helpful for us is if we don’t allow ourselves to be happy on the journey. We can and should be proud of what we’ve done, have a clear goal for the future, and always be growing. Don’t let yourself slip down the path of bashing yourself for not being where you want yet. It will come, and right now is a part of the journey that’s extremely necessary.

5. ​There are tons of setbacks before the momentum​

Before you reach any type of tipping point, you will necessarily need to go through many setbacks and what look like failures. Be thankful for these opportunities. Think of it this way: these are the doors to what you want. You just go through them and get to the other side, which are your goals. You cannot succeed without them. So change your frame of mind and be happy and thankful when they show up, since you’re one step closer to success.

“Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.” – Henry Ford

Don’t confuse temporary setback with permanent failure, though. Setbacks are not failure, but quitting is. The only way you can fail is if you quit because you can’t do it. If you’re not willing to push through everything to what you really want most, then you don’t deserve it anyways. The world will test and try your will to seize what you want. Never give into these tests. Laugh in their face and say “bring it on.”


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Medals and titles will not count when you get to heaven, but you may be looked over carefully for the sort of deeds you have done.

It is a fundamental principle of Christianity, and many other religions, that in the afterlife the only real measure of success will be how you have lived your life, not how much money you have accumulated. Whatever your faith may be, a good rule of everyday behavior is to live your life so that when it is over you can take pride in the knowledge that you have made a difference in the lives of those who have known you. It’s easy in the crush of everyday life to lose sight of the true riches of life, the things that really matter. Psychologist Ilona Tobin defines true success as “giving and receiving love, having physical and mental health, enough wealth to provide you with options, and the time to enjoy them all.” Whatever your personal definition of success may be, make sure that it includes a healthy measure of the truly important things in life.

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Happy Republic Day


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🌹🌹The Five-Minute Technique: effective one to avoid Procastination🌹🌹
Another great technique to help you get started on your task is called the “five-minute technique.” As the name of the technique implies, all you do here is commit yourself to working on your chosen task for just five minutes.
One of the reasons we procrastinate is because we dread spending hours working on a task we don’t like. The very thought of working on the task for a long period of time (e.g., doing the taxes, cleaning out the garage, preparing the annual company report) tires us out. It saps away our mental energy. Thus, we make excuses such as “I’ll do it tomorrow when I have more time” or “I’m too tired right now, so I’ll save it for tomorrow.” I’m ashamed to admit that these are both excuses I have made far too often.
Fortunately, there’s a solution. The five-minute technique helps decrease the perceived pain of working on the task. It’s painful to think about working on an unpleasant task for two hours, but it’s much easier to think about doing it for only five minutes.🌷
Good Morning. Have a great day ahead😀😀

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Raise your level of thinking!

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Wisdom is not based upon age. It’s based upon how we learn from our failures and accomplishments and how we apply those learned experiences to our daily lives. -Adrian Starks

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Your progress in life begins in your own mind and ends in the same place.

Every great accomplishment began with the germ of an idea in the mind of a great person, then was shaped for practical usefulness and finally transformed into reality. Make your mind a fertile ground for ideas through constant study and learning, and condition through constant practice to discipline yourself to follow through on your good ideas. The most brilliant concept in the world is only a dream unless you take action. Even a mediocre idea that is put into practice is far more valuable than a flash of genius that languishes in a fallow, undisciplined mind.

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Our life scars are merely wounds revealing to us that we are “unstoppable”. Whatever you have experienced, understand that you are still here. Do not get stuck in the “what happened to me” story. Step into the “what is happening now” chapter. Your scars are proof of your personal power. You are not losing unless you decide to keep looking backwards. Winning is in your DNA. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks

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🌱🌱🌱Passive Minds Can’t Break Free🌱🌱🌱
Stop thinking about what you’ve done wrong recently. Stop thinking about how you can’t exercise or improve your skills because you’re too undisciplined. Stop thinking that you should be in a better position than you currently are. Stop believing that you’re stuck — there’s a wide open lane to your left and you just have to decide to take it.

Problem: a passive mind can’t think beyond what it has already experienced.

A passive mind won’t consider new and exciting possibilities. A passive mind won’t think about breaking its own limiting rules. A passive mind can’t grow and become greater, it can only wallow through and regurgitate its own past. That’s because passive minds don’t create new things, they merely observe and comment.

Nobody is immune to having a passive mind, and nobody is sentenced to carry it their whole lives. We all have the ability to overcome this life-sapping way of thinking.

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How to Stop Procrastinating in 10 Seconds? by Stephen Guise Procrastination is a fancy word for resistance. If there weren’t resistance between you and your desired behavior, then nothing would stop you from doing it right now. No resistance, no procrastination.

Resistance comes in many forms, such as “I’d rather do this” and “I’m too tired to do that.” But the challenge is always the same — you know what you should do and want to do, but you don’t feel like doing it. To defeat procrastination and get moving on things that matter most, we must figure out how to decrease the resistance we feel to taking positive actions. The goal is that simple, and so is the solution.

To stop procrastinating…

Define your target behavior (for example, rolling your tired body out of your oh-so-comfortable bed)
Agree with yourself that you WILL do it before your countdown is finished
Begin counting down from 10… 9… 8… 7…
Take action before zero!

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🌱🌱🌱Seeing yourself more authentically🌱🌱🌱
Your most authentic self is not who you currently are, but rather, who you desire to become. You are the author of your life’s narrative. You have power to determine the stages of life you will be on and the characters you will play.

And even when unexpected challenges arise, you have the power of improvisation during which, you can live congruent to your values — the essence of authenticity.

Because you get to shape the environment and decide the roles you will play, you can make quantum leaps in your personal and professional development. The process is simple:

🌸Determine your goal
🌸Commit to your goal by leaping into situations that require you to live up to your goal
🌸Determine the roles you will need to play in the various situations you create
🌸Act the part until you become the part
🌸Develop relationships with people who have your back and can help you achieve your goals
🌸Repeat, but at higher levels with more stretching leaps

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🎯👆🏻I thought of quitting. Then I remembered what my critics would say.

So, I pressed on. And I made it!

Bottom line - I proved them wrong!

If you face an obstacle today, don't quit because if you do, that obstacle will still be there tomorrow; staring at you in the face. But then you would have been a day older.

Cowards die many times before their death. I hope that's not you. Get up and fight for your dream.

Life is too short not to live your true version. You can do it.


Good morning &
Have a fantastic week ahead ! 🤺🤾‍♀⛹‍♀🚵🏻‍♀🤼‍♀🏇🏊‍♀🏌🏼‍♀💪🥇💐


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तुझको है फिक्रे-तनआसानी 'असर',
जिन्दगी कुर्बानियों का नाम है।❣✨

- 'असर' लखनवी

{तनआसानी - आरामतलबी, शारीरिक सुख}

शुभ रात्रि🙏❣😇✨

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The starting point of all achievement is desire.

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Two Monks and a Woman - a Zen Lesson: A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monks were preparing to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross. The young woman asked if they could help her cross to the other side.

The two monks glanced at one another because they had taken vows not to touch a woman.

Then, without a word, the older monk picked up the woman, carried her across the river, placed her gently on the other side, and carried on his

The younger monk couldn’t believe what had just happened. After rejoining his companion, he was speechless, and an hour passed without a word between them.

Two more hours passed, then three, finally the younger monk could contain himself any longer, and blurted out “As monks, we are not permitted a woman, how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?”

The older monk looked at him and replied, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her?”

This simple Zen story has a beautiful message about living in the present moment. How often do we carry around past hurts, holding onto resentments when the only person we are really hurting is ourselves.

We all go through times in life when other people say things or behave in a way that is hurtful towards us. We can chose to ruminate over past actions or events, but it will ultimately weigh us down and sap our energy.

Instead we can choose to let go of what doesn’t serve us anymore and concentrate on the present moment. Until we can find a level of peace and happiness in the present circumstances of our lives, we will never be content, because ‘now’ is all we will ever have.

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​5 Life Lessons To Learn From "The Alchemist"​✨👇


​Reading is a skill that can help us dive into the minds of the greatest philosophers, historians, and generation leaders of all time. Paulo Coelho is one of those writers, and The Alchemist is a perfect example of one of these great books that comes along and leaves a huge wake in its trail.​

​This article will demonstrate a few of the key lessons and takeaways that this book has to offer, but as for any situation, there is always more to learn.​

​Here are 5 life lessons we can learn from The Alchemist:​

1. ​We are all Alchemists with the power to build our ideal lives​

Alchemy means to transform or create something through some seemingly magical process.Designing your own custom life from scratch, according to what was only a mental picture of it before, is nothing short of magic. How many people have successfully done this? Only a handful. But it’s the opportunity that lies in front of every single one of us. It’s imperative that we snatch it up and get to work!


2. ​Sometimes everything you seek is right where you started​

Often times along our journey to success and fulfillment, we realize that everything we wanted and needed was right where we started. We are often seeking something exterior to make us happy or fulfill us, but it’s unnecessary because we have everything we need inside of us. This search manifests itself in search of money, fame, and levels of success. 

The irony of the road to success is that you’re already successful if you’re committed to betterment, growth and abundance. Before you embark on any journey, recognize that you’ve got the tools within you to succeed, the capacity to learn a massive amount, and can develop an unbreakable mindset.

“Money is numbers, and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.” – Bob Marley

3. ​Your mission is the most important aspect of your life​

Everyone needs a mission, and this is part of what gives you your drive and your purpose. When you know your why, you are more dedicated to your skill building, your hustle improves, and your clarity for the future increases.

Your relationships with family, friends, and romance are improved drastically because you’re authentically living for your real purpose. You’re fulfilling it every day, which brings more passion to each of those areas, your finances improve because you’re adding massive value, and your free time is expanded because you’ve created your ideal life from your passions. Hopefully you can recognize why clarifying your mission makes all else easier.

Also, it comes before your love life, because your heart is wide open, giving your all to the world as you see it, and providing value for generations that come after you. There’s an anecdote in the story when the main character Santiago is faced with a choice between his love Fatima, or his mission, otherwise known as why his search began.

He goes to a fortune-teller who tells him he could choose her first, and he would be happy, for a time. After these short years, havoc would wreak itself on the village he led because he did not give the world his full gift. In the end, he chose to leave her and pursue his mission, and was able to regain her love and relationship after he fulfilled his main purpose.

It’s like this for us too. If you’re not willing to throw it all away for the greater good, and your highest consciousness, it’s not going to end well.


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