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Where is the joy in your life? It is wherever and whenever you choose to accept it and to live it.

You cannot get joy by taking it away from others. It disappears as soon as you try to possess it. Experience the joy without limitations.

The joy you seek is closer than you think. How many times have you realised it? If not, realise the joy in every moment.

Joy is not found by arriving at its locale. Joy is experienced by allowing it into the moments you live.

If you fear losing joy, you will never really know it. Let go of the need to hold it, and you’ll truly experience the immensity of joy.

It doesn't matter where the joy begins and where it ends. Just experience the joy.


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"Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her."


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*"Most people spend their riches on liabilities—things that take money out of their pocket—but the wise rich person spends money on assets that produce the ability to buy other assets.

If you want to grow rich and stay rich, the number one thing you need is financial intelligence."*


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Wear the crown given to you at birth Champions! You are here for a reason and not just for the season. You have weathered many storms and you are still here. You have a unique value the world is waiting on. It’s time. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Good morning 😊😊

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तूफान-ए-गम की तुन्द हवाओं के बावजूद ,
एक शमए-आरजू है जो अब तक नहीं बुझी।
'शाद' बात क्या है कि बज्मे- हयात में,
शमएं तो जल रही हैं मगर रौशनी नहीं।

- नरेश कुमार 'शाद'

{तुन्द - तीव्र, प्रचंड, पुरजोर, तेज, क्रुध, कुपित, गुस्से में}
{बज्मे-हयात - जीवन की महफिल }

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With Knowledge
We Know the Words..

With experience
We Know their Meaning !"


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व्यवहारिक नही अब दुनिया व्यवसायिक है....​

​सम्बन्ध उनसे ही मधुर है जिनसे मुनाफा अधिक है....​

कटु सत्य✨

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When you’re mistaken, admit it. When you’re correct, let go of any urge to announce how right you are.

Even if what you’re bragging about is true, it’s still bragging. Humble bragging is also worse because it is so carefully contrived.

Bragging hurts, and the person it hurts is you. It diminishes you in the eyes of others, and even more significantly, in your own view.

When you brag, you send yourself a negative message. People are not ready to spend their time with the person who brags.

Do good, useful, productive, and enriching things, not just to look good. Do them for their own sake, because they are good.

Put your energy into what you’re doing, not into claiming credit for what you’re doing. And you’ll be able to achieve a whole lot more.


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“Most PROBLEMS in life are due to the Tone of Voice….

*Becoming Better*

It’s not WHAT we Say, It’s HOW we Say...
Just Change the Tone & See the Change in Life….”
Stay blessed.*


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भविष्य का भय सदैव केवल उनको सताता है जो वर्तमान में भी संतुष्ट नहीं। जिस व्यक्ति को वर्तमान में संतुष्ट रहना आ गया फिर ऐसा कोई दूसरा कारण ही नहीं कि उसे भविष्य की चिंता करनी पड़े।
हमारे जीवन की सारी प्रतिस्पर्धाएँ केवल वर्तमान जीवन के प्रति हमारी असंतुष्टि को ही दर्शाती हैं। व्यक्ति जितना संतोषी होगा उसकी प्रतिस्पर्धाएँ भी उतनी ही कम होंगी। अक्सर लोग़ भविष्य को सुखमय बनाने के पीछे वर्तमान को दुखमय बना देते हैं।
लेकिन तब वो जीवन के इस शाश्वत नियम को भी भूल जाते हैं कि भविष्य कभी नहीं आता, वह जब भी आयेगा वर्तमान बनकर ही आयेगा। याद रखना जिया सदैव वर्तमान में ही जाता है। अत: वर्तमान के भाव मे जियो ताकि भविष्य का भय मिट सके।

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Marvel the beauty of this life. Let wonder and amazement sink deep into your being.

Remind yourself of possibilities that have no limit, no end. Feel the immensity of abundance in which you are cradled.

Let the joy fill your life. Take this moment to appreciate what you have. Yes, you are truly the gifted person.

You are aware of your circumstances. You are able to choose the best things. You can give love to others. Because you are the gifted person.

Light, darkness, warmth, cool, sweet, bitter, vibrant colour and gentle sounds punctuate this existence. The whole experience is yours right now.

Embrace the beauty, the possibilities, and the wonder. Commit yourself to make new meaning and goodness with them all. Because you are the gifted person.


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मनस्येकं वचस्येकं​
​कर्मण्येकं महात्मनाम् ।​
​मनस्यन्यत् वचस्यन्यत्​
​कर्मण्यन्यत् दुरात्मनाम् ।।​

​भावार्थ -​ महात्मा और दुरात्मा में यही अन्तर है, मन मे जो विचार होता है जो वही बोलते हैं और वही करते हैं, वही महात्मा होते हैं तथा उसके विपरीत, जिनके मन मे कुछ और होता है, बोलते कुछ और करते कुछ और ही हैं, वही दुरात्मा कहने योग्य होते हैं।

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Dil Ki Suno - Motivational Video (Hindi)

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*Richness should not only be measured by Money alone...
A person can also be rich by his ~ Habits, Values, Vision, Commitments, & Discipline...*

make a creative day...✨


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Be the change you seek✨😌👏
Too inspirational😇💐

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Food For Mind & Heart....

Know Your Worth,
You Can't Control
What Others Say, OR
How They Treat You, BUT
You Are In Control
Of What You Choose To,
Believe, Tolerate & Allow....
Don't Settle For
Nothing Less Than What
You Deserve.

Whom You Don't Need Today,
You May Need Them Tomorrow.
Whom You Neglect Today,
May Never Again Accept You
People Are Very Unpredictable,
Even If You Live Your Life As An
People Will Still Wonder Which
Page Have Secret Stories.
Value Relationship.
Love It, Live It & Enjoy It.

Have A Gr8 peaceful Weekend.


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Basic Meditation Session - By Sandeep Maheshwari I How to Meditate for Beginners

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💥👆Your current limits are defined by your past failures.

You future limits are defined by your persistence beyond those failures.

Limits don't set themselves.

That's your job 👊

Strive to IMPACT, not IMPRESS !
The world is FULL of TALKERS. 🗣

We need more WALKERS! 🏃🏻

🔑 Don't let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.

Dream BIG, but don't forget to work HARD!

Good morning &
Great day! 🐾🤼‍♀🤾🏼‍♂⛹🏻🤺🏋🏼‍♀🏊🏻‍♀💐


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उम्र को हराना है,

तो शौक़ ज़िंदा रखिए।

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आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपु: ।​
​नास्त्युद्यमसमो बंधु: कृत्वा यं नाव सीदति ।।​

​भावार्थ :​ मनुष्य के सबसे महान् शत्रु और मित्र उसके शरीर में ही निवास करते हैं, शत्रु का नाम है ​आलस्य​ जिसके वशीभूत होकर मनुष्य अपना पतन निश्चित कर लेता है, और मित्र का नाम है ​पुरुषार्थ​ जिसका आश्रय लेने वाले का कल्याण निश्चित होता है।

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धनधान्मप्रयोगेषु विद्यासंग्रहणेषु च ।​
​आहारे व्यवहारे च त्यक्तलज्जा सुखी भवेत् ।।​

जो व्यक्ति आर्थिक व्यवहार करने में,
ज्ञान अर्जन करने में,
खाने में और
काम-धंदा करने में शर्माता नहीं है वो सुखी हो जाता है।

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*"If you care for others you will get disappointed at the end due to same expectations from the others so care about yourself and expect from yourself."*


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Food For Life....

We Need 'Strength' While
Doing The Possible.
We Need 'Faith' also While Doing
The Impossible.

Choosing To Be Positive &
Having A Grateful Attitude
Is Going To Determine
How You're Going
To Live Your Life.

The One Who Has A
Good Friend,
Doesn't Need Any Mirror
In Life.

Have A Gr8 Bindass{Tension Free} Life.


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*"A nice message written on a balloon which was flying high up in the sky.
It is not what is OUTSIDE , but what's INSIDE takes you to the TOP."*


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"When your inner personality matches with your outer personality you become FEARLESS....because then you have NOTHING TO HIDE!!"

*Be Fearless, Be Free*


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👉 3 Sisters From Rajasthan Passed IAS Exams.
Their Widowed Mother Day And Night Worked In Fields For Bread And Butter Of House..

👉 Kamla Jaat 32nd Rank
👉 Geeta Jaat 64th Rank
👉 Mamta Chaudhary 128th Rank In State
Congratulations Girls 👏👏
Lets Make Them Famous...

🙏 Betibachao Betipadhao 🙏

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Food For Soul & Heart....

Respect, People Who Find
Time For You,
In Their Busy Schedule.


Love, People Who Never
Look At Their Schedule
When You Need Them.

Is A Personal Decision.
Some People Will Never
No Matter How Bad
Things Are.
Others Will Always Cheat
No Matter How Good
They Have It.

Have A Gr8 Bindass{Tension Free} Day.


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The best way to live a miserable life is to pay attention to what other people are saying about you.
Good morning 😊

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