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*"Speaking lips can reduce many problems,
Closed lips can avoid some problems.,
But, smiling lips can solve almost all problems."*👏


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*Most people never run far enough in their first wind (chance) to find out they've got a second*



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*Don't let someone dim your light simply because it's shining in their eyes.*
Your life; it's yours, and yours alone to ponder!"*


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It can only affect you if you're on the same frequency.

*_Vibrate higher_*


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Food For Mind....

Chase Your Purpose &
Success Will Follow You.

Be Very Careful Of People Words Don't Match Their Actions.

We Must Learn From Our Mistakes,
Who Is Gold &
Who Is Gold Plated.

Have A Great Week.


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*"Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take off. But if you don't have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you."*


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किसको बर्दास्त है खुशी आजकल दूसरो की,
लोग तो मय्य़त की भीङ देखकर भी जल जाते है !!

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*"हुआ उजाला तो हम उन के नाम भूल गए
जो बुझ गए हैं चराग़ों की लौ बढ़ाते हुए।"*

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*आज का प्रेरक प्रसंग*👇👇

🌹 *अन्न काआदर*🌹


एक बालक रोजाना स्कूल में खाना खाते वक्त टिफिन पूरी पोंछ कर खाता..... एक कण भी न बचाता ।
उसके दोस्त उसका मज़ाक उडाते। एक ने पुछा,'' तुम रोजाना टिफिन में एक कण भी नही छोड़ते? ''
उसका जवाब था ...
''यह मेरे पिता के प्रति आदर है जो इसे खरीद कर लाते हैं।
और माँ के प्रति आदर है जो सुबह ..जल्दी ..बडे चाव ...से इसे बनाती हैं।
यह आदर उन किसानों के प्रति है जो खेतों में कड़ी मेहनत से इसे पैदा करते हैं।"
अतः जूठा छोड़ने में अपनी शान न समझे।
कही पर भी जूठा छोड़ना महापाप है
सदैव अन्न का आदर करे और जीवन मे हमेशा खुशहाली लाये।
🙏इतना ही लो थाली में जो व्यर्थ ना जाए नाली में 🙏


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The small things of discipline we do everyday can qualify us to take on the larger things that require the trust of our repetition of responsibility. -Adrian Starks
Good morning 🌅
Have a great day 😊😊

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Watch ur steps not others because it may risk of falling down

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*"To compose our character is our duty, not to compose books, and to win, not battles and provinces, but order and tranquillity in our conduct. Our great and glorious masterpiece is to live appropriately."*

-Michel de Montaigne


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*"Helping someone to the top won't bring you down.

The sky is too large for two eagles to collide."*


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*Say yes to life*

*"Life is begging you to achieve, to succeed, to live at your highest level. Every problem, every joy, every disappointment, every situation is ripe with opportunity for massive fulfillment.

Imagine what can happen when you open yourself up to more of those opportunities. Think of how life can be when you say yes to all it offers.

You don’t have to hide from the challenges or let them shut you down. Say yes to the challenges, and engage your ability to transform them into strength and achievement.

Positive possibilities are embedded in everything that happens. Say yes to whatever comes your way, and be the person to forge those possibilities into great value.

Don’t get bogged down analyzing how difficult or easy the task might be. Grab the opportunities life is begging you to take, and do what you know you must do.

Shout out a great big, enthusiastic yes to whatever life hands you. And transform it into something great."*


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*It's necessary to learn from Failures but your mistakes should be new always. If you are repeating your mistakes it means there is something wrong on which you need to work it on*

*So if you have encountered any recent failure then utilize it , think on it , learn from it and Move ahead. Something very wonderful is waiting for you*


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*Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter*



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*You can be comfortable or courageous, but cannot be both*
🔥 OR 💪


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*Learn to trust the journey, even when you do not understand it*
_It's called FAITH_



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*"You’ve done many good things. Challenge yourself to do more.

You’re strong, capable, smart and resourceful. Challenge yourself to push your capabilities beyond their previous limits.

There’s nothing more enriching than a meaningful challenge, and the commitment to work through it. Give that special richness to yourself.

Don’t settle in the assumption that the best of life is behind you. Challenge yourself to look forward with the highest expectations ever.

Don’t allow yourself to hide behind excuses. Re-imagine those excuses and transform them into reasons for moving forward.

Challenge yourself to exceed yourself, to be better than you’ve ever been. You’ll quickly thank yourself for having the fortitude to follow through on it."*


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*"If your CONFIDENCE raises its pitch more than needed then your GENIUS can never be presented to the world."*


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एक ही समानता है पतंग और जिन्दगी में उंचाई में हो तब तक ही वाह-वाह होती हैं!

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शतरंज का एक नियम बहुत ही उम्दा है

चाल कोई भी चलो
आप अपने वालों को नहीं मार सकते.....

काश ....ये नियम
इंसानो में भी होता...

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*"लोग अक्सर नरम लहजे से कितनी सख्त बात कह जाते हैं कि उनके लफ़्ज़ों की तपिश भुलने में एक उम्र जाती है।"*

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🎯👆🏻If you don't know where you are going, you will certainly not get there.

The problem with most of us is that, we don't know what we really want. We stretch ourselves too thin over so many unimportant things;

Chasing everything that crosses our minds. So, at the end of the day we don't achieve our important goals.

Take responsibility for your dreams. It's your dream. You've got to own it! What if you quit only to realize you were just one step away from hitting the jackpot?

I believe it's not the number of times you have tried and failed or the criticisms and oppositions you face.

If you really want to achieve your goals, you must give it your concentrated effort.

Yes! I challenge you to push forward with stubbornness of purpose! Stop dabbling and focus on whatever it is that you want to accomplish.

You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

Good morning &
Great week ahead! 💐💪


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Runs have to be generated not just to bat

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Newer argue with a fool because he has nothing to lose

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अर्थशास्त्र का सीधा नियम है, कि अमीर का मजा उसकी अमीरी में तभी तक है जब तक और लोग गरीब हैं। तुम्हारे पास एक शानदार कार है, तो उसका मजा तभी तक है जब तक दूसरे लोगों पर, राह चलते लोगों पर बरसात में तुम कीचड़ उछालते हुए कार से निकल जाते हो। अगर सभी के पास वैसी गाड़ियां हैं, बात खतम हो गयी! तुम्हारा सारा मजा इस कार में चला जायेगा। इस कार का मजा कार में न था; दूसरों के पास कार नहीं है, उसमें था। जीवन का जाल बड़ा जटिल है!

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*Story of a foolish crowd and a old man*
There was a fight between 2 men in a middle of the street due to some issues.
When they were fighting people near to them gathered and saw the fight gradually the crowd increases from 5 to 20 then 30 then 35, but no one took any step to stop them.

An old man came near the crowd and saw the foolish crowd and asked them " what if those 2 mens are your relatives, what if those 2 mens are your friends, what if one one of them was your father and what if they were your children's"
Then the crowd started trying to stop there fight.

*moral*: be like a old man because they are less in the world, never be like the crowd because the world is full of crowd.

*belive in yourself*


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*"Don't lower your standards. Instead, wait for people to rise up to your expectations."*

Life is Beautiful....!!!! 💐


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*"We'll keep experiencing the same lessons until we learn to grow from them. Don't be afraid to accept what's happening so you can let go."*


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