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​✍🏼"सफलता का सफर कितना अच्छा होगा, यह हमारे विचार और व्यवहार पर निर्भर करता है।"​

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Where there is a will there is not always a way. Yes I'm changing the game here. I've taken away the friendly referee. Here is why. Well, we all possess within us the human will. But will you actually put it to work, I mean hard work, overtime! You have to be willing to go into action with it! It is not your chauffeur, you actually need to drive this thing! The will has to be catapulted into action with effort and with an undeniable intention toward your purpose or goal. Do you have one?
Are you willing to do what is required of discipline to bulldoze your way through the bumpy roads of doubt and procrastination? Champion, I need you to stand up and march to your drum. To take a path less traveled. If you can do this then there "will" be a way if you are "willing" to act upon and believe undeniably for that Champion in You! Be willing to put in the work! -Adrian Starks
Good morning 🌅
Have a great day 😊😊

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Call 👆👆them if you are depressed....You are not alone here...Lot of great souls are thinking about you my dear...Stay Positive.....💐💐💐

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*"As long as you believe in the body-mind, you will continue to have questions. Find out who is asking those questions, and when you do, there will be no need for questions. Questions only satisfy the mind and the intellect. They do not help one to awaken. It is only when everything is dropped, that you begin to awaken and see the futility of questions."*


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*Osho: ‘The one who questioned all answers.’*

_Passage from:_
*The Further Shore*

You have to relate with people; through that will come maturity.

And when you have really become mature there is no need to relate or anything. Then one is perfectly happy with oneself.

One can give one's love, but there is no relationship. So relate as much as you want because soon this immaturity will go!

The second thing: a relationship has nothing to do with period, time. Whether longer or short, that is not meaningful at all.

The question is of intensity and depth.

Even if the relationship only lasts for twenty-four hours, if you really go into it, it is tremendously fulfilling. And it may last for twenty-four years and nothing happens.

You can see so many dead husbands and wives living together for years, for centuries it seems, and nothing has happened!

Length is not the question -- quality, not quantity.

So the second thing: drop the idea of longer or shorter; that is not your worry. If it stays, good; if it disappears, good.
And what can you do?

Right now if you are immature, you are, so you have to relate in this immaturity.

In fact the very desire to have a long relationship is part of immaturity -- otherwise one moment of love is quite enough.

A mature person is independent; an. immature person is dependent.

It is because of the dependency that we long for a longer relationship. We want a long relationship so that we can depend on the same person forever, so that there is no need to face new challenges, new problems.

If we are with the same person, having the same problems, we can become acquainted with the relationship, skilful in it.

The right thing is to relate with many people before you start settling with someone.

Know as many women as possible before you choose a woman to stay with for your whole life.

My own observation is that people should not get married before thirty-five years of age.
By that time they are experienced enough: by that time they have known so many women that they can choose. And the same is true for women.

The world is big and there are so many different kinds of people. Why be in a hurry to settle for a long relationship?

And each individual is beautiful -- a gift of god!

And why be in such a hurry to settle? Remain a vagabond as long as you can afford to! Right?



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*"Whatever you believe to be true about yourself and life in the long-term becomes your reality. Your beliefs are ingrained patterns of thinking that you build up over a lifetime. They are habitual ways of processing the world around you. If those beliefs don’t work in your favor, you can change them. How? In the very same way the negative beliefs formed in the first place – via repetitive thoughts that you accepted to be the truth. Ingrain new beliefs by consciously choosing and repeating messages that lift you up."*


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*"Mind is a beautiful servant But A dangerous master."*


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🙌 *"Do not underestimate people around you because of what they have attained in their life. Always remember that it's not about the earthly deeds but the heavenly ones."*


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*"Believe in your self there is no limit to what you can achieve."*


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*"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. . ."*


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*"What should we do to lead a divine life? Why is leading a divine life natural to us? Bhagawan lovingly and patiently reminds us today.

Divine life is the very breath of all beings; it consists of truth, love, and nonviolence (Sathya, Prema and Ahimsa). How can anyone be false to another when there is no other at all? Falsehood comes out of fear. When there is no second, there is no fear at all. No one is loved more than the Self; so when all is the self-same Self, all is loved as the Self is loved. As for violence, who is to injure whom, when all are but one? You are all embodiments of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sath-Chith-Ananda Swarupa), but you are unaware of it and imagine yourself to be subjected to this limitation or that! Explode this myth first so you can start leading a divine life. It is the Divine that inspires, activates, leads and fulfills the life of every being! From the atom to the Universe, every single entity is moving through the creeks only to merge in the sea of Bliss."*

*"दुर्जनों की मित्रता...
दिन के पूर्वार्द्ध में रहने वाली छाया की तरह प्रारम्भ से अधिक और
फिर धीरे-धीरे कम होती रहती है ...!!"*


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*Beautiful explanation by Swami Vivekananda*:

*"Explaining the meaning of ‘Association’ he said:..“A rain drop from the sky: if it is caught by clean hands, is pure enough for drinking. If it falls in the gutter, its value drops so much that it can’t be used even for washing your feet. If it falls on a hot surface, it will evaporate... If it falls on a lotus leaf, it shines like a pearl and finally, if it falls on an oyster, it becomes a pearl...The drop is the same, but its existence & worth depends on whom it is associated with.”...Always be associated with people who are good at heart..You will experience your own transformation. ...''*


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*"Only when you are free of fear
When you are free of fear there is the strong feeling of being good, of thinking very clearly, of looking at stars, of looking at clouds, of looking at faces with a smile. And when there is no fear, you can go much further. Then you can find out for yourself that for which man has searched generation after generation. In caves in the south of France and in northern Africa there are 25,000-year-old paintings of animals fighting men, of deer, of cattle. They are extraordinary paintings. They show man’s endless search, his battle with life and his search for the extraordinary thing called God. But he never finds that extraordinary thing. You can only come upon it darkly, unknowingly, when there is no fear of any kind."*


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*“How wide are the horizons of the spinning earth! The moonlight leads the tides and the sun’s light will not be confined within the net of heaven. But in the end all things return to the One. The deaf and the dumb, the crippled and deformed are all restored to One’s perfection.”*


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The Alphabets In
"C h e a t i n g" & "T e a c h i n g"
Are Same
The 0ne Who 'Cheats' You
'Teaches' You Something In Life.


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किसी ने क्या खूब कहा है -
हादसे इतने हैं मेरे वतन में कि ...

अखबारों को निचोड़ो तो
खून निकलता है..

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💥👆🏻Don't lose hope, maintain your focus.

Move at your own pace and with determination and your eyes on the ball, success will be yours. Never bother about how fast people are moving.

Remember it's not how fast you build your house but it's how firm and strong the house will be when the storms come.!
Keep your Focus!!!

When you start wanting to give up, remember that the best part could just be a STEP AHEAD.

Don't let all the effort you've put in go to waste, and keep fighting!

Good morning &
Great day ahead!


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"Dream big and dare to fail." — Norman Vaughan
Good morning 🌅
Have a great day 😊

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*"Expand your dream and live from it! Now is the time to raise the bar on reach soar to new heights because you can. You owe it to yourself to leave nothing on the table of life. Your dream matters. Show up and make your contribution. Introduce a novel idea. Start that new business and make your presence known. Make your move now. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you."*


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*"Don't downgrade your dreams to match your reality. Upgrade your faith to match your vision."*


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Best motivated line ever -

*"Just believe yourself... And be yourself."*


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*"If you want to reach the top, lead an empire, while becoming the strongest version of yourself... you must be WILLING to fight alone. You must have the self confidence and character to go after your vision every damn day... even on the days you don't feel like it. You need to understand that the QUANTITY of people has nothing to do with success. It's all about the QUALITY... become the strongest version of yourself and you can beat an army of hundreds... Just think of Achilles, the best warrior that ever lived. He marched to his own drum, and you can do the same... Always be learning more than the competition and EMBRACE your struggles towards Greatness."*


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*"Life will never go down well with you if you continue to look to your past. Life will only easy with you if you work hard in the present for the fixture. Don't wait for the fixture because it will never come."*


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*“If you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you'd be surprised by how well things can work out... Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won't make us happier."*

- Randy Pausch


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*"Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: *Something is important here; or else I would not be feeling this -ve emotion...*
What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want...
In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin.
*And in that moment, your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the process of Pivoting...*


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Dreams... I believe in my dreams, talk about my dreams, think about my dreams, plan for my dreams, create opportunities for my dreams, and I see myself already in my dreams.

The only way to achieve a dream is to talk about it, believe it, see yourself in it and create opportunities for it.

There is a great will-power that follows whatever you imagine. This will-power gets you going despite all odds and the dreams that are supposed to take you ten to twenty years to achieve are achieved in a shorter period.

Paper plans are not enough for dreams! Just see yourself acting out what you have imagined and by the time you get into it, you may think you are still in the process of imagination.

What you believe is what you achieve. What you imagine is what you become. What you think is what you experience."*


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*“Only when the mind

Is settled can it become quiet.

Only when the mind

Is quiet can it become still.

Only when the mind

Is still can it see.

And only when the mind can see,

Can it reach the mystery of mysteries.

This is the process

That anyone who

Practices has to go through.

How long it takes

Is up to the individual.”*


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*“When one devotes oneself to meditation, mental burdens, unnecessary worries, and wandering thoughts drop off one by one; life seems to run smoothly and pleasantly. A student may now depend on intuition to make decisions. As one acts on intuition, second thought, with its dualism, doubt and hesitation, does not arise.”*


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*"There is a Tree in Asia called Chinese Bamboo. Its seed stays underground for 5 years without germinating but when it does, it grows 50 Feet in 1 week. What is important is not how long it delays but how fast it grows. Don't give up on your dream no matter how long it stays underground. It's just laying a foundation to shoot. It's not Dead; Continue watering it. Remember delay is not denial. Trust in God, he will raise your Banner."*


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🌟 LOVE ALL, do WRONG to NONE 💫 by William Shakespeare



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