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*"16 अगस्त को तिरंगा सम्भालकर रखने की ताकत नहीं हो तो 15 अगस्त को झंडा खरीद कर देशभक्ति का प्रदर्शन न करें।"*

शब्द कटु है लेकिन उद्देश्य सरल हैं।

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Miracle Express: The return of Justin Gatlin (who?)

1. He is not Usain Bolt.

2. He was born before Usain Bolt.

3. When J Gatlin won the Athen Olympics 100m Gold 13 years ago, and world championship the subsequent year, the world believed he was the new superman God sent .

4. No he was not God sent, they said he was just another joke, as God actually sent another fellow to conquer the world, and that guy is Usain Bolt.

5. Do we have to go into details about Usain Bolt? No, as even 3 years old kids know who he is. He's the strongest and the fastest human being that God had made, ever. They say he is contemplating to compete in the new Leopards and Cheetahs Zoolympics. That, is Usain Bolt. He is perfect, unbeatable.

6. Then why the fook Gatlin was created? There's a purpose. That is for today - The comeback of Gatlin.

7. When he was introduced to the crowd in London b4 the race, he was booed, jeered and thrown durian husks.

8. He is 35 years Old, what else can he achieve? He should just go home, fly kites and eat mangosteen. I mean, can u beat Usain God? No way.

9. But I was wrong, the world world was wrong. He beats Usain Bolt.

10. Now if u see someone very old, don't rule them out just yet.

11. And if u urselves is around that age, don't think u have passed ur peak, u can be the next Justin Gatlin. Miracle can happen in anyone who believes in it and work for it.

12. Nothing is sweeter than a great comeback.


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*"Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers."*


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Wanna leave some suggestions for me? Go on,speak ur mind

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“The heart is always right –if there’s a question of choosing between the mind and the heart – because mind is a creation of the society. It has been educated. You have been given it by the society, not by existence. The heart is unpolluted.”


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🎯👆🏻💥Stop lying to yourself. You can do better. You know it.

Yes! You know this is not you. This is not the kind of life you want to live.

Stop pretending you are happy. Stop pretending you are giving your best. Stop pretending all is going well with you.

Stop pretending this is all you can be, all you can do and all you can have!

The heart never lies! You may put up a fake life to the outside world but, not to the person inside you.

Stay true to yourself. Stop living this life of mediocrity and begin to fight for what is yours in the universe!

You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!


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Happiness is contagious, and when you're positive, people are naturally drawn to you.
Never under or overestimate your value... fastest way to depreciate.
Don’t take things so seriously to the point where you’ve lost all enjoyment for the things you used to love.
Life is full of give and take. Give thanks and take nothing for granted.
Being strong doesn't mean you'll never get hurt. It means that even when you do get hurt, you'll never let it defeat you.
When you realize that each day is a chance for a new beginning, it really changes your perspective
"Don't read a book and be a follower; read a book and be a student."
"If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree."

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*"Life never seems to be the way we want it, but we live it the best way we can. There is no perfect life, but we can fill it with perfect Moments. *💧🌱 try to save *


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Change is inevitable. It's necessary and vital as it contributes greatly to our growth. Don't fear it but embrace it. Champions understand this. Maya Angelou said that "many admire the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve its beauty". Embrace your changes.
Good morning
Have a great day 😊

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*"Sadness may be part of life but there is no need to let it dominate your entire life."*


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✍🏻*कुछ चीजे समीप जाने पर बगैर मांगे मिल जाती है जैसे बर्फ के पास शीतलता*,
*अग्नि के पास गरमाहट और*
*गुलाब के पास सुगंध*

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*"We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy."*
-Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter


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Change is your willingness
to give up what you are
to become who you can be.

Without give-up
there is no go-up.
Have a nice day


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Hello everyone! Ministry of DoNER is organizing a Mega Event for Promotion of North-East in Delhi. Please come join us with all your family and friends and share the event with everyone else. Come see how fantastic the region really is!

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Your Happiness Quotient (HQ) lies in how much joy you give to others! People get drawn to you when you take care and focus on others' Happiness which results in wonderful growth of mutual happiness. HQ is all about how much happiness we give to others and be sure that more the HQ Happier you would be. Keep smiling, feel good about everything, spread happiness and *Go On Going On.*


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Start taking better care of yourself this week! Quite often we neglect our needs because we are too busy taking care of everything and everyone else . When this occurs there is a loss of "trust" we develop within ourselves. We start settling for less than what we deserve. John F. Kennedy said that "once you say you're going to settle for second, that's what happens to you in Life". Don't settle for second. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Good morning

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💬 If You Are Right Then There is No Need to Get Angry ...


💬 And If You Are Wrong Then You Don't Have Any Right to Get Angry.


💬 Patience With Family is Love .....


💬 Patience With Others is Respect.


💬 Patience With Self is Confidence And Patience With GOD is Faith.

💬 Never Think Hard About The PAST , It Brings Tears...


💬 Don't Think More About The FUTURE , It Brings Fear...


💬 Live This Moment With A Smile , It Brings Cheer.


💬 Every Test in Our Life Makes Us Bitter Or Better .....


💬 Every Problem Comes To Make Us Or Break Us !


💬 The Choice is Ours Whether We Become Victims Or Victorious.


💬 Beautiful Things Are Not Always Good But Good Things Are Always Beautiful ......


💬 Do You Know Why God Created Gaps between Fingers ? So That Someone , Who is Special To You , Comes And Fills Those Gaps , By Holding Your Hand Forever.


💬 " Happiness " Keeps You .... Sweet But Being Sweet Brings Happiness.


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*"the omnipotent god always says 'ok'. The blessings of god depends upon our thinking. if We think positively that i can do it then god says ok. if we think negatively that it is impossible then god says ok."*
"Hence always be positive."


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*"Success* is our own *shadow* !

"Don't try to catch it. Walk your own way. It will. automatically follow you.


shadows follow you only when you walk towards


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Come back home. It's interesting how teams around the world love to play at home. We call it home field or home court advantage. Why is it an advantage? It's due to the awareness of their environment and the supporters. This gives them energy and more motivation to drive forward to overcome the challenging opponent. Start to develop a home body advantage. Learn of your environment. What does it feel like? Do you have energy? Do you have a fire of desire ? Do you have support or criticism?
Pay attention. Don't play anyone's game. Their rules are not your rules. Get back to your home body advantage. Trust your feelings, ideas, beliefs and expectations. This is your advantage. This gives you vision for overcoming the obstacle(s). As Hellen Keller would ask, "What's worse. Being blind or having eyes and not seeing?" She was actually blind ladies and gentleman but could see many things. What are you not seeing to your favor? Believe the Champion in You. -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊😊

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*"There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. Pain alters our personality."*


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*"A good life only starts when you stop waiting for the better one....

Work on your reputation until it is established, Once it is established,it will work for you."*


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Confidence is the key. If you don't believe in yourself, then nobody will.

*Some things aren't fair at all but you just have to keep moving forward*


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