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So You failed in this exam.
So She rejected you.
So You did not get the job.
So the thing you planned never executed as you wanted.
So things got a bit messy.
So what?
Your life ends?
You will stop smiling?
You will live in a fear that maybe Being too happy made me too casual and so such kind of results?
You will stop living?
Will you do that?
I guess no.
I think no.
I know,no.
Life is a big thing mate,
all these things hold no value in front of what life is.
These are mere obstacles,
Either you cross them
leave them.
Don't think too much.
Life is not a race,
It never was.
It's a journey rather from being
what you are
what you can be.
Let's make this journey Memorable,
shall we?

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*Confidence the essential ingredient.*

Self confidence is an essential ingredient for the successful recipe for your interview success!

*What is
self confidence?*
The origin of the word confidence is the Latin word confidere, which means to trust or
have faith in. So to have self confidence means to approach what you are doing with faith in yourself
and your abilities.
One of the most important contributions to your self confidence is the knowledge that you are sufficiently

In his recently published book David Beckham describes how he prepared for a very important
free kick in the 92nd minute of a 2001 match against Greece.
“Confidence is a funny thing; people often say that you need luck to win. But for me, confidence comes
down to preparation. I took two deep breaths, eyed the corner of the net and emptied my mind of everything
else except one thought “I am going to score”. There was one focus; there was no doubt in my mind, no
negativity, just a sense of complete reassurance”.
(David Beckham – The Illustrated Book, 2013)


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To see the vision unfold, you have to take it one step at a time. It may not feel like much is happening, but we have to let patience have its perfect work because faith and patience go hand in hand.

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आपके पास क्या है,या आप क्या हैं,या आप कहाँ हैं,या आप क्या कर रहे हैं, इन बातों से आप खुश या मायूस नहीं होते. आप किस बारे में सोचते हैं उससे होते हैं.

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Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.

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18 Billionaires share their best advice on how to be a successful Entrepreneur

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How to be more creative

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A bump in the road. This is a familiar term that we have used as a figure of speech but fail to see it as just that. Way too often we get motivated by the smooth conceptions of "what is possible" but as soon as the bump in the road thrust itself into our destined paths, we do as Maya Angelou said and "pull over and park". Keep rolling on your journey Champion to the destination called "stay in it to win it".
Remember that a bump in the road is just a bump in the road and not the "end of the road". You were built to endure. Keep on! Winning is in your DNA. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊😊

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Life is like a Flute! It may have many holes and emptiness in it. But, if you work on it carefully... it can play MAGICAL Melodies!! 🙂 Have a Magical day ! 👍💕

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You're going to make mistakes in life. It's what you do after the mistakes that counts.

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A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.

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You need the right people with you, not the best people.😘

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No matter how tough the chase is, you should always have the dream you saw on the first day. It’ll keep you motivated and rescue you (from any weak thoughts).

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*" अपेक्षा और उपेक्षा "*
*ये दो ऐसी घातक भावनाएं हैं,*
*जो मजबूत से मजबूत सम्बंधों की*
*जड़ें हिलाकर रख देती हैं!!!!!*

*कड़वा है,*
*किन्तु सत्य है.!*

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Story Title : Dog mind, lion mind

This is a very beautiful analogy in Zen.

Picture there is a dog in front of you. And you are throwing bones for it to catch. For every bone you throw, the dog jumps with over-the-top enthusiasm and runs to catch it and get it back to you. Do this 1 time or a 100 times. The dog will treat every bone you throw with the same excitement level.

Now, (for some strange reason), picture a lion sitting in front of you. Throw a bone for the lion to catch. It will look completely disinterested in running behind the bone you throw. Why? Because forget the one or two bones you throw, the lion can see an entire bag of bones in front of it. That is YOU. It does not follow the bones you throw, because it can see the bigger picture in front of it. Its focus is to eat the entire you, not the tiny bones that you throw.

If something, (say, Donald Trump’s weird hairstyle or your friend’s WhatsApp status) catches your attention and distracts you, fair and good. It only proves you are human. It is but natural to get distracted. But it is at this point that you have a choice.

You can either follow and run behind everything that distracts you (e.g. texting and asking your friend why he/she came up with such a break-up type status), like the dog. Or you can choose not to chase trivial things keeping the bigger opportunity in mind, like the lion. Keep your focus on the bigger things. See the greater picture.

Being harsh with your mind and commanding it to focus will get you all the more distracted. Rather explain gently to your mind why finishing this particular chapter you are reading now is more important than browsing through weird selfies of your partying friends on Facebook (even though the latter seems amusing). Concentrate on the benefits of keeping yourself focused on the less interesting task at hand.

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🎯👆🏻When we succumb to fear and doubt, we become our own greatest enemy.

Don't betray yourself by refusing to BELIEVE in your capacity!

Don't be afraid of "impossible" visions. That's always where greatness begins!

Let your FAITH be bigger, grander, better than your FEAR!

Life is all about taking risk in order to grow. If you want to gain experience, you have to step out of your comfort zone!


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Never be afraid to be completely unique because no one else has your originality.

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 If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.😊

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Rain Drops May B Small​
​In Shape & Size​.....
​But, Their Continuous Fall​
​Makes A River Overflow​.....
​Remember Small N Consistent​
​Efforts Make Massive​
​Changes in Life​......


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How to train your brain to create lasting Positive change

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*"In life you can either be a settler or a pioneer. Settlers are comfortable with the way things are. They’ve stopped taking risks. They mark themselves ‘present’ in life’s attendance register but are ‘absent’ in life’s achievement register. But PIONEERS take on NEW CHALLENGES. They are TRAILBLAZERS and BARRIER BREAKERS! The spirit of a PIONEER rests upon you. You cannot be held down. BREAK BARRIERS! POSSESS NEW LANDS!"*


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भिक्षा पात्र तो भरा जा सकता है

लेकिन ये...............
इच्छा पात्र कभी भी नहीं भरा जा सकता !!

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*"ज़िंदगी में जो हम चाहते हैं वो आसानी से नहीं मिलता, लेकिन ज़िंदगी का एक सच यह भी है कि जो हम चाहते वो आसान नहीं होता।"*

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आशावादी  और  निराशावादी  दोनों  ही   समाज  के  लिए  योगदान  करते  हैं। आशावादी  हवाईजाहज  का आविष्कार  करता  है , निराशावादी  पैराशूट  का 😊

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जहर के प्याले में भी,
जिन्दगी की आशा ढूँढ ...
मीरा के भजनों में,
प्रीत की परिभाषा ढूँढ ...

चाँद-तारे, गर्मी-सर्दी,
सब चीजों में केवल अच्छाई खोज ...
काँटे की तरफ ध्यान ना दे,
जब फूल पकड़े तो केवल खुशबू ढूँढ ...

जो खो गया उसकी चिंता मत कर,
उसे खोना था खो जाने दे उदास ना हो ...
अभी बहुत बचा है जो दूसरों के पास नहीं,
जिस चीज़ में समर्थ है उसमें अभिलाषा ढूँढ ...

सोच बदल ले प्रयास बदल ले,
नए जोश से खोज भी बदल जाएगी ...
दुनियाँ भरी पड़ी है करोड़ों की भीड़ से,
इस भीड़ में कोई अपना सा ढूँढ ...

आँखें तुम्हारी हैं, पैर और सोच तुम्हारी है,
चयन तुम्हारा ही है कि क्या करना है ...
कहाँ जाना, क्या करना और क्या देखना सब तुम पे है,
जब ढूँढने लगे तो अपने लिए हर लम्हा अच्छा खासा ढूँढ॥


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 If you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure.

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Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.😊

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*Try Something New Daily which Scares You and Do out of your Comfort Zone.*

Most Changes are Hard at the first, Messy at the Middle, Amazing at the End.


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