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*“The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present.”*

*"बेहतर भविष्य बनाने की शक्ति वर्तमान क्षण में निहित है: आप एक अच्छा वर्तमान बनाकर एक अच्छा भविष्य बनाते हैं।"*


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*Don’t let other people put their limitations on you. You were made to live an abundant, overcoming, victorious life.*


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*"Walk by faith, not by sight. Have an insight on your goal. Remain focused. Remember, God's Word says that better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof; and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit (Ecc. 7:8).

Commit yourself to the actualization of your life assignment, have the foresight on the future. Greater and brighter is your future than your present level. Be tenacious. Don't let anything or anyone paralyse your dream, instead let your faith paralyse your fear. You are unstoppable. Your God is Possible, you are possible! Remove impossibilites from your mindset. Let it continue to be in the dictionary.

Consistently develop the habit of persistence, work on your goal with faith in God then watch your growth! Your enemies shall come to you to beg you for their deeds. Stay on track!"*


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*"The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be Victory, but Progress...!!"*

*"बहस(चर्चा) का उद्देश्य प्रगति होना चाहिए, विजय पाना नहीं।"*


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*“Paradise is nothing – paradise is a capacity to enjoy yourself right here and now.

You are in paradise, but still you have lost it because you cannot enjoy here and now. You are thinking, planning for the future, somewhere when you become like gods, then you will enjoy it.

Knowledge creates future. Knowledge creates desire. Knowledge creates becoming. Knowledge is sansar, the wheel. When you are in the wheel you go on round and round and round reaching nowhere.

Knowledge is the world. When Jesus says, “My kingdom is not of this world,“ he means the world of becoming. He does not mean this world of the trees and the birds singing and the rain falling, and the sky and the clouds, no – he does not mean by “this world,” this world that surrounds you. He means the world that surrounds your mind and your being, the world of becoming, desire – what Buddha calls tanha. The desire to be something other than you already are.

And that is impossible. You are going to be in a constant hell. You can be only that which you are already, nothing else is possible. You are simply trying to do something impossible.

You cannot be anything else. How can you be? A roseflower trying to become a lotus flower, a lotus flower trying to become something else…but they are not so stupid, they are still part of paradise. The rosebush just by your side is still in paradise but you are not. The child sitting by your side may be still in paradise but you are not. I am just here before you, am in paradise, but you are not. So paradise is not a question of geography, it is a question of inner space.”*

- Osho


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आज सडकों पर / दुष्यंत कुमार

आज सड़कों पर लिखे हैं सैकड़ों नारे न देख,
पर अन्धेरा देख तू आकाश के तारे न देख ।

एक दरिया है यहाँ पर दूर तक फैला हुआ,
आज अपने बाज़ुओं को देख पतवारें न देख ।

अब यकीनन ठोस है धरती हक़ीक़त की तरह,
यह हक़ीक़त देख लेकिन ख़ौफ़ के मारे न देख ।

वे सहारे भी नहीं अब जंग लड़नी है तुझे,
कट चुके जो हाथ उन हाथों में तलवारें न देख ।

ये धुन्धलका है नज़र का तू महज़ मायूस है,
रोजनों को देख दीवारों में दीवारें न देख ।

राख़ कितनी राख़ है, चारों तरफ बिख़री हुई, 
राख़ में चिनगारियाँ ही देख अंगारे न देख ।

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*भाषा से परहेज न करे, आपको अगर दूसरी भाषा आती है, तो ये गर्व की बात है।लेकिन उसके लिए मातृभाषा हिंदी के लिए हीन भावना लाना बहुत ही शर्मनाक है।*

*Do not avoid language, it is a matter of pride if you come from another language. But it is very embarrassing to bring inferiority to mother tongue HINDI.*


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*“So how are we going to find out about the nature of Consciousness or Awareness? We first have to find out what it is that knows the experience of Awareness, of being aware. Only that could tell us anything about its nature.

If I were to ask each of you now the question, ‘Are you aware?’, everyone would pause for a moment, refer to their experience and answer, ‘Yes’. What happens in that pause?

Ask yourself the question again, ‘Am I aware?’, and just remain for a while in that pause before thought answers, ‘Yes’. That pause is a gap between two thoughts, the first thought, ‘Am I aware?’ and the second thought, ‘Yes’.

During the first thought, ‘Am I aware?’, we are not quite sure that we are aware, and by the time the second thought appears, we are absolutely certain, ‘I am aware’. In other words, the certainty of being aware takes place in between those two thoughts. It doesn’t take place in the mind.

When we hear the question, ‘Am I aware?’, Awareness directs itself towards the question. At the end of the question, there is a pause in which Awareness has nowhere to direct itself, and as a result it collapses for a moment, sinks back for a moment into itself, and then rises again in the form of the answer, ‘Yes’.

In this pause Awareness tastes itself, momentarily. In the pause between the question and the answer, we become aware that we are aware. Not only am I aware, but I am aware that I am aware. In that pause, Consciousness knows itself; it recognises its own Being.”*


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धीरे-धीरे रे मना, धीरे सब कुछ होय,
माली सींचे सौ घड़ा, ॠतु आए फल होय।

अर्थ : मन में धीरज रखने से सब कुछ होता है. अगर कोई माली किसी पेड़ को सौ घड़े पानी से सींचने लगे तब भी फल तो ऋतु आने पर ही लगेगा !

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✍🏼सफल होने के लिए पागलपन का होना जरुरी है क्योंकि दुनिया में जिसने भी बड़ा बदलाव किया हे उसे शुरुआत में लोगों ने "पागल" की उपाधि से ही नवाजा था....!!!

पा- पाने के लिए...
ग- गतिशील रहूँगा..जब तक
ल- लक्ष्य को ना पा लूँ ........

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One of the greatest regrets people can ever have is getting to the end of their lives and realizing they did not fulfill their dreams. Getting to the end or even the middle of your life and waking up one day to the understanding that you did not dare, that you did not reach for the stars, that you did not realize even one-tenth of your potential will break your heart.
Let's not let it happen.
Let's believe in ourselves now.
Time flies, let's be the pilot of our time.

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Champions, do not let the negative distractions of the world take you away from the delightful things just waiting to be discovered. Get busy searching for what is meaningful to you. Believe the Champion in You!

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*Before you can successfully make friends with others, first you have to become your own friend.*


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Change Your Limiting beliefs
"I can't"
"I am not"
"It's too hard"
"It's too late"
"I will fail"
"Nobody wants me"
"It won't sell"
"I don't know how"
"Money is difficult to make"
"Life is hard"
" I can't succeed here"
"I am not smart enough"
These,and many more limiting beliefs will immobilize, stagnate and limit your life. They will keep you in a rut. Your experiences will justify them. And that will keep you in a circle of failure.
Change them today.
Begin by thinking positive thoughts. Replace all your negative thoughts with positive ones. For instance if you think 'You can't' replace it with 'I can' If you think 'making money is hard' replace it with ' It's easy to make money. I am easily making lots of money. I'm a money magnet!'
Verbalize positive thoughts. Say it out. I am good. I am intelligent. I am a celebrity. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. I am a multi-billionaire. I am smart.
Start re-configuring your mind with empowering thoughts and you will see a new you emerging! You were born to do great things in life!
Say Yes to Life!

It's in you!


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मार्टिन लूथर ने कहा था...
*"अगर तुम उड़ नहीं सकते तो, दौड़ो ! अगर तुम दौड़ नहीं सकते तो, चलो !*
*अगर तुम चल नहीं सकते तो, रेंगो !*
*पर आगे बढ़ते रहो"*

अपनी सोच ओर दिशा बदलो
सफलता आपका स्वागत करेंगी... रास्ते पर कंकड़ ही कंकड़ हो तो भी एक अच्छा जूता पहनकर उस पर चला जा सकता है। लेकिन यदि एक अच्छे जूते के अंदर एक भी कंकड़ हो तो एक अच्छी सड़क पर भी कुछ कदम भी चलना मुश्किल है।
यानी - *"बाहर की चुनौतियों से नहीं*
*हम अपनी अंदर की कमजोरियों*
*से हारते हैं"*....
_हमारे विचार ही हमारा भविष्य तय करते हैं..

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🎯👆🏻Theres no such thing as luck.

Success is not just plain desire. It's having a VISION, and acting on it, no matter the odds!

Don't let your process of growth stagnate. Treat each day as an opportunity to become the better you!

The only thing that exists is hustle.....and the more you hustle the "luckier" you get.
Hustle your way to the top!

Great Sunday! 💐😊👍🏻


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*"Out of a 100 men that you can come across, 90 of them are busy men and about 10 are businessmen. Being a busy man does not mean that one is a businessman.

A lion works for four hours and sleeps for twenty hours and yet it eats meat each and every day. On the other hand, an elephant works for twenty hours and sleeps for four hours, and yet it eats grass.

Profitability is what differentiates people in the commercial world. You don't have to be a busy man to be a businessman. The greatest board room, is in your mind!"*


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*“Only when you understand people, they may understand you. So even though you do not say anything, if you understand people there is some communication.”*


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*“Enough of thinking, “This fear and lack of courage to take the jump, to dive deep into life and let go totally is crippling….” Then just jump - you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Karl Marx in his COMMUNIST MANIFESTO has a beautiful statement at the very end. With a little change, it can be used for you. His statement is, “Proletarians of the world unite, because you have nothing to lose except your chains.” Just a little change: thinkers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains, and you have the whole existence to gain.

You can go on enjoying longing for beautiful and great things. People become addicted to dreams - dreams are more addictive than any drugs. In fact, people become addicted to drugs because drugs give beautiful dreams. Dreams are the root cause of addiction, and these are also dreams.

Just have courage, you are not a cripple. And it needs only a single moment to take the jump.”*

- Osho


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*English is necessary as at present original works of science are in English. I believe that in two decades times original works of science will start coming out in our languages. Then we can move over like the Japanese.*

*अंग्रेजी आवश्यक है क्योंकि वर्तमान में विज्ञान के मूल काम अंग्रेजी में हैं। मेरा विश्वास है कि अगले दो दशक में विज्ञान के मूल काम हमारी भाषाओँ में आने शुरू हो जायेंगे, तब हम जापानियों की तरह आगे बढ़ सकेंगे।*

*अब्दुल कलाम  Abdul Kalam*


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*“Meditation is not meant to help us avoid problems or run away from difficulties. It is meant to allow positive healing to take place. To meditate is to learn how to stop—to stop being carried away by our regrets about the past, our anger or despair in the present, or our worries about the future.”*


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*“You are like a candle. Imagine you are sending light out all around you. All your words, thoughts and actions are going in many directions. If you say something kind, your kind words go in many directions, and you yourself go with them. We are …transforming and continuing in a different form at every moment.”*


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असफलता घेरे जब
मार्ग हों अवरुद्ध,
पास ना हो धन तेरे
और कार्य हो अपार
तो भाग मत कर प्रयास
कर प्रयास भाग मत
चाहे तू हंस तू
परास्त ना हो
भाग मत कर प्रयास
जीत में ही हार है
रात में ही है दिन,
निकलेगा सूरज फिर क्षितिज पार
भाग मत कर प्रयास
पीड़ा ही सुख है
सुख ही है पीड़ा
हार ही जीत है
जीत ही है हार
तो भाग मत कर प्रयास
कर प्रयास भाग मत
भाग मत कर प्रयास
कर प्रयास भाग मत

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 A popular speaker started off a seminar by holding up a $20 bill. A crowd of 200 had gathered to hear him speak. He asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?”

200 hands went up.

He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this.” He crumpled the bill up.

He then asked, “Who still wants it?”

All 200 hands were still raised.

“Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?” Then he dropped the bill on the ground and stomped on it with his shoes.

He picked it up, and showed it to the crowd. The bill was all crumpled and dirty.

“Now who still wants it?”

All the hands still went up.

“My friends, I have just showed you a very important lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, life crumples us and grinds us into the dirt. We make bad decisions or deal with poor circumstances. We feel worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are special – Don’t ever forget it!

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*"जहाँ प्रयत्नों की ऊंचाई*
*अधिक होती है.*.
*वहां नसीबों को भी झुकना*
*पड़ता है।"*

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*"Never judge someone without knowing the whole story. You may think you understand, but you don't."*


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*माना तुम्हें लगता है कि यह असंभव काम है या नहीं है, तो कम से कम जो व्यक्ति कोशिश कर रहा है, उसमें टाँग तो मत अड़ाओ।*

* If you think that this is or isn't impossible, then at least not stop/snoop the person who is trying to do it.*


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पृथ्वी तो पीडि़त थी कब से आज न जाने नभ क्यों रूठा,
पीलेपन में लुटा, पिटा-सा मधु-सपना लगता है झूठा!
मारुत में उद्देश्य नहीं है धूल छानता वह आता है,
हरियाली के प्यासे जग पर शिथिल पांडु-पट छा जाता है।

पर यह धूली, मन्त्र-स्पर्श से मेरे अंग-अंग को छू कर
कौन सँदेसा कह जाती है उर के सोये तार जगा कर!
"मधु आता है, तुम को नवजीवन का दाम चुकाना होगा,
मँजी देह होगी तब ही उस पर केसरिया बाना होगा!

"परिवर्तन के पथ पर जिन को हँसते चढ़ जाना है सूली,
उन्हें पराग न अंगराग, उन वीरों पर सोहेगी धूली!
"झंझा आता है झूल-झूल, दोनों हाथों में भरे धूल,
अंकुर तब ही फूटेंगे जब पात-पात झर चुकें फूल!"

मत्त वैजयन्ती निज गा ले शुभागते, तू नभ-भर छा ले!
मुझ को अवसर दे कि शून्यता मुझ को अपनी सखी बना ले!
धूल-धूल जब छा जाएगी विकल विश्व का कोना-कोना,
केंचुल-सा तब झर जाएगा अग-जग का यह रोना-धोना।

आज धूल के जग में बन्धन एक-एक करके टूटेंगे,
निर्मम मैं, निर्मम वसन्त, बस अविरल भर-भर कर फूटेंगे!

~ *धूल-भरा दिन / अज्ञेय*


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