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"Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it."

- Rabindranath Tagore


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"...Without struggle there's no progress, this is why you have to take advantage of an opportunity of a life time, in the life time of the opportunity. But that is if you are to be phenomenal in this world that we lived in or be forgotten? ( Your choice ). Well what I'm trying to get across to you here is that. You should not allow another person to set you back. Continue moving forward not backwards...

When someone pulls you back, be like the arrow to a bow and spring forth greater than ever. And, what they thought would be your disadvantage, you turn it into your advantage ( Prove them wrong ). Nevertheless, if you want to achieve your dreams early, right? I know of only one back door; that's HARDWORK, not talent. Because hard work will always beat talent, when talent doesn't work hard. However, only few people use that entrance, so the advantage is that there is no or less traffic there. But the question remains, are you willing.?"


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Always be positive❤️😌

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To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. - Anatole France


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Manzil mere kadmon se bahot durr hai
Par TASSALLI ye hai ki KADAM MERE saath hai

- Anonymous

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Fall in love with your passions.

Your existence is such an unbelievably fantastic event in this miracle of life that the best and only real option is to become the most tender-hearted, loving and kind individual you can possibly be.

Then, you will always survive.

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1. *Respect 3 People*
*. Teachers
*. Parents
*. Elderly

2. *Keep 3 things in you*
*. Honesty
*. Faith
*. Good Deeds

3. *Free yourself from 3 things*
*. Arrogance
*. Cheating
*. Debt

4. *Have control of 3 things*
*. Tongue
*. Anger
*. Soul (Self)

5. *Save yourself from 3 things*
*. Bad deeds
*. Backbiting
*. Jealousy

6. *Obtain 3 things*
*. Knowledge
*. Manners
*. Godliness

7. *Keep 3 things pure*
*. Body
*. Clothes
*. Thoughts

8. *Remember 3 things*
*. Your Creator
*. Death
*. Heaven & Hell

*May the Almighty God continue to guide us and accept us*


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I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. - Albert Einstein.

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The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. -Vince Lombardi

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💥👆🏻Failures are key to success!

Without the taste of failure one cannot feel the achievement of success.

Learn from your mistakes and develop yourself until you become successful.
Fail your way to success!

Tough times never last.
To build a legacy you must go through pain and difficulty; nothing worth having comes easy!

Stay persistent because it will pay off.


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Read this fully....
Its too good.....!!!

A man married a beautiful girl. He loved her very much. One day she developed a skin disease. Slowly d started to lose her beauty. It so happened that one day her husband left for a tour. While returning he met with an accident and lost his eyesight. However their married life continued as usual. But as days passed she lost her beauty gradually. Blind husband did not know this and there was not any difference in their married life. He continued to love her and she also loved him very much.
One day she died. Her death brought him great sorrow.
He finished all her last rites and wanted to leave that town.
A man from behind called and said, now how will you be able to walk all alone? All these days your wife used to help you.
He replied, I am not blind. I was acting, because if she knew l could see her ugliness it would have pained her more than her disease. So I pretended to be blind. She was a very good wife. I only wanted to keep her happy.
Moral:- *Some times it is good for us to act blind and ignore one another's short comings, in order to be happy*
*No matter how many times the teeth bite the tongue, they still stay together in one mouth. That's the spirit of FORGIVENESS.*
*Even though the eyes don't see each other, they see things together, blink simultaneously and cry together. That's UNITY."*
*May God grant us all the spirit of forgiveness, unity and togetherness*.
1. _''Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'Talk'._
2. _"Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can Celebrate_
3. _'Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh'._
*That's the BEAUTY of Human Relations. We are nothing without each other*
The razor blade is sharp but can't cut a tree; the axe is strong but can't cut the hair._
*MORALS*; *Everyone is important according to his/her own unique purpose.... Never look down on anyone unless you are admiring their shoes.....*.
Sharing will make this msg more beautiful :)

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“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”


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For it to be authentically you the intention of what you are doing has to come from a deeper part of you that no one else can see. Believe the Champion in You!
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊

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Everybody is genious of its own....but if u judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree rather than swimming...she will felt whole life like master ur field and recognise it very well rather than going after the blind suspections....

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"Before you leave this planet, live a life of purpose. Thank God, for He has already given you the tools. He has planted some rich talents and gifts in you. Yours is to tap into it, develop and nurture it to be able to make your mark. You are here on a mission, remember. Figure it out. And dedicate your whole life to accomplishing it. Discover your purpose and live it. Full stop! Hey! It's not easy. But I know you can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!"


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Money in today's world

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"God works in seasons, and He allows the pruning to bring maturity so that we can bear even more fruit. Your good times are temporary and your bad times are temporary. So when you’re up enjoy it, bask in it and be grateful for it. And when you’re down, know you will get through it. Know that it’s not the end, and that it’s just a rough patch. Life is full of twist and turns, up and downs, and surprises. Leaning into God's love is the only way to make it through the testings and challenges of life. Our strength will fail at times, but His love is constant and unchanging.
NB: Never forget that it’s about the journey not the destination."


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🍃🍂❤️Save Environment❤️🍃🍂

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This is the moment of decision. And remember, deciding not to decide is a decision in itself! So, choose what you want to do with your life. But destiny is calling; knocking at the door of your heart. Stop running scared. It’s time to be bold and courageous to say ‘yes’ to your dream and embrace your unfolding future. The voice of greatness is calling out loud to you. Don’t hold back. You can hear it deep down your heart. Don’t pretend as if you can’t hear it. This is the moment. And the choice is yours. You can either stay down there; in the deep dark pit of hopelessness; wallowing in self-pity or dig yourself out to light and leave your footprints on the sands of time. But I hope you will say ‘yes’ to your dreams and take your life to a spanking new level. You can do it.


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It is necessary for you to make a deliberate decision to take a step back from the things you are use to seeing in order to step toward the things you need to be experiencing. This is called Courage. If you want to experience something new, something better and something more fulfilling to the depths of your soul you will have to take the risk into the unknown. The unknown will become the known to you. Growth requires this challenge to our perceptions. You are greater than the fears that hold you back. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊

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I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.

© Marie Curie

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*Thought is energy that drives the action necessary to overcome obstcles between you and that which you desire
As all know there are two types of thoughts,they are positive thoughts and negative thoughts.
A mind can be dominated and works according to only one type of thought. It depends on you whether to fill your mind with positive thought or negative thought.
Thought without persistance often leads to failure.
Ray kroc the founder of McDonalds was first the salesman of milkshake mixers. The one thing that separated from him was the thought to open McDonalds and vision of his work.
Thoughts are one the component of your success.*


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If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it. - Jonathan Winters

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Let the challenges meet you at your best and not at your worst. There are all types of little unwanted surprises that come gift wrapped in the oddest moments throwing us completely off guard. We go into shock not wanting to move. Some of these things can knock us to our knees. I've been there. The ground seems safe but let me tell you that this is not where you are meant to be. Champion Up and stand on those callused and undeniable moving feet! You have survived many encounters and you kept walking on and you are still here! Say I'm not giving up on myself! Not today, not tomorrow and certainly not ever!
You must treat the teachers of triumph and defeat the same. Learning lessons. What did you learn? What can you pull from these valuable events. This is how we build character and mental fortitude to take on the next challenge with a boldness of a winning intention. You have a deep reservoir of untapped human potential that will elevate when you elevate. Elevate your expectations! The challenge is never greater than you unless you think it so. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a good day 😊😊

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Satish Chanagoni:
There were three ships which were nearby when the Titanic sunk.

One of them was known as the Sampson.
It was 7 miles away from the Titanic and they saw the white flares signaling danger, but because the crew had been hunting seals illegally and didn't want to be caught, they turned and went the opposite direction away from the Titanic.

This ship represents us and people like us if we are so busy looking inward at our own sins and live in a way that we can't recognize, when someone else is in need.

The next ship was the Californian.

This ship was only 14 miles away from the Titanic, but they were surrounded by ice fields and the captain looked out and saw the white flares, but because the conditions weren't favorable and it was dark, he decided to go back to bed and wait until morning.

The crew tried to convince themselves that nothing was happening.

This ship represents those of us who say I can't do anything now. The conditions aren't right for it and so we wait until conditions are perfect before going out.

The last ship was the Carpathia.

This ship was actually headed in a southern direction 58 miles away from the Titanic when they heard the distress cries over the radio.

The captain of this ship knelt down, prayed to God for direction and then turned the ship around and went full steam ahead through the ice fields.

This was the ship that saved the 705 survivors of the Titanic.

🌎 🌍 🌏

Obstacles and reasons to avoid responsibility shall always be there, but those who accept it always find a place in the hearts to be remembered for the world of good they do.

I really wish that we all could be like Carpathia Ship in life, unlike more Sampsons and Californians... and this world could be a more beautiful place to live in.

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Why Successful People Never Bring Smartphones Into Meetings

You are annoying your boss and colleagues any time you take your phone out during meetings, says new research from USC’s Marshall School of Business, and if you work with women and people over forty they’re even more perturbed by it than everyone else.

The researchers conducted a nationwide survey of 554 full-time working professionals earning above $30K and working in companies with at least 50 employees. They asked a variety of questions about smartphone use during meetings and found:

• 86 percent think it’s inappropriate to answer phone calls during meetings

• 84 percent think it’s inappropriate to write texts or emails during meetings

• 66 percent think it’s inappropriate to write texts or emails even during lunches offsite

• The more money people make the less they approve of smartphone use.

The study also found that Millennials are three times more likely than those over 40 to think that smartphone use during meetings is okay, which is ironic considering Millennials are highly dependent upon the opinions of their older colleagues for career advancement.

TalentSmart has tested the emotional intelligence of more than a million people worldwide and found that Millennials have the lowest self-awareness in the workplace, making them unlikely to see that their smartphone use in meetings is harming their careers.

Why do so many people—especially successful people—find smartphone use in meetings to be inappropriate? When you take out your phone it shows a:

Lack of respect. You consider the information on your phone to be more important than the conversation at hand, and you view people outside of the meeting to be more important than those sitting right in front of you.

Lack of attention. You are unable to stay focused on one thing at a time.

Lack of listening. You aren’t practicing active listening, so no one around you feels heard.

Lack of power. You are like a modern-day Pavlovian dog who responds to the whims of others through the buzz of your phone.

Lack of self-awareness. You don’t understand how ridiculous your behavior looks to other people.

Lack of social awareness. You don’t understand how your behavior affects those around you.

It’s important to be clear with what you expect of others. If sharing this article with your team doesn’t end smartphone use in meetings, take a page out of the Old West and put a basket by the conference room door with an image of a smart phone and the message, “Leave your guns at the door.”

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Link of positive India group. If you have any positive news, links , story ,video, article and other things.
You can share it

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"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

- Mohandas K. Gandhi


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Never count yourself out. Where there is a "will" there will always be a way. Don't build a case against yourself Champion!
Good morning
Have a good day 😊😊

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