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".. admonish them & speak to them a far-reaching word." (AlQuran) Read & reflect. Repair, then share.

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Ali Hammuda

Episode 7 - Humble submissiveness (Khushoo')


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 5 - Watchfulness of Allah

- What is the reality of Muraaqaba (watchfulness of Allah)?
- What is awarded to them?
- What is the pathway towards it?
- What stories do we have of those who lived by it?


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Ali Hammuda

- What is the reality of Yaqeen (certainty)?
- What is awarded to the people of Yaqeen?
- What is the pathway for towards it?

Episode 4 | Change of Heart series | Yaqeen (Certainty)

Catch up!

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Ali Hammuda

If one sought to summarise the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in just one word, what would it be?

Read the full article here:

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Ali Hammuda

- Any discussion on the hearts must begin with that of sincerity

- A topic that physiologically affected the companions!

- A reaper of worldly peace and safety on the Day of Reckoning

Discover what it truly means to be sincere, and a programme towards it

Episode 3 | Sincerity | Change of Heart series

Catch up!


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Ali Hammuda

Episode 1 | Change of Heart series | An Introduction

Catch up!


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Ali Hammuda

Will you join us for 'Umrah next month?

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Ali Hammuda

The build up is just as amazing as the event itself!


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Ali Hammuda

Ahead of you is an enormous Day – the Day of Reckoning. Belief in it elevates you above bickering, animosity, jealousy and fall outs over trivial matters. The thought of that Day never leaves you, and so you’re able to overlook, and even pardon petty behaviour again and again.

وَإِنَّ ٱلسَّاعَةَ لَـَٔاتِيَةٌ ۖ فَٱصْفَحِ ٱلصَّفْحَ ٱلْجَمِيلَ

“And the Hour is certain to come, so forgive with a gracious forgiveness.”
(Al-Qur’an, 15:85)

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Ali Hammuda

Photo from Ali Hammuda

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Ali Hammuda

Tears when hearing his name

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Muhammad PBUH

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Ali Hammuda

One word is all it takes


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Ali Hammuda

The Muslim activist searches for financial independence


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Ali Hammuda

A silent message for Muslims.

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Ali Hammuda

"Is the virtue of Du'aa on the day of 'Arafa limited to the pilgrims? Or can it apply to us non pilgrims as well?"

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Ali Hammuda

Episode 6 - Reliance upon Allah

- What does it mean to rely upon Allah?
- What examples do we have of this feature of the human heart in action?
- What is awarded to them?
- Is their a plan of action towards it?


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Ali Hammuda

Asalaamu alaikum. Our monthly rotating lecture, taking place next week at *Dar ul Israa* instead of the "Change of Heart" talk, insha'Allah.

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Ali Hammuda

[Snippet] When the heart is at peace

Limbs can endure so much pain when the heart is settled in nearness to Allah


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Ali Hammuda

Do I need a break from social media?

A lecture which offers a 7-part home-test kit to help you discover if you're testing positive for the harms of social media, and what to do if it's the case.


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Ali Hammuda

- What are the signs of a hard heart?
- Is there a self-diagnosis kit one can use?
- If you think you are a victim, what is there to be done?

Episode 2 | Change of Heart series | An Introduction - continued

Catch up!


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Ali Hammuda

Asalaam ‘alaikum,

Finally, we’re ready to take off!

Join us this Wednesday at 7pm at Al-Manar Centre for the first lecture from the “Change of Heart” series.

Why did we choose this topic? Have a listen below 👇


Do share and pray that lives are changed through you 🤲🏼

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Ali Hammuda

Throw your nets!

[60 seconds] 🎬

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Ali Hammuda

A thought from a petrol station

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Ali Hammuda

It's way more important to do something right now than to do the perfect thing later.

So, what is your vision in life?

Once you've answered it, start making momentum immediately. It doesn't have to be a big or bold action.

Just start. Something. Anything.

It's not always the fastest who win a race. Sometimes it's those who start first.

May Allah revive nations through you

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Ali Hammuda

Righteous parents with unrighteous children

By Ali Hammuda

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Ali Hammuda

Did you know that both World Wars were actually ignited simply because a car was driven to the wrong street?

By Ali Hammuda

Read the full article here:

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Ali Hammuda

What I say to myself when wronged


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Ali Hammuda

"A life with al-ʿAzīz renders the believer strong, even if bound to a wheelchair, and rich, even if poverty stricken, and free, even if shackled in chains, and a living legend even if put to the sword."

This is the final instalment 😔

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Ali Hammuda

Video from Ali Hammuda

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Ali Hammuda

The one time not to believe your parents

[🎬 5 mins]

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