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Telegram-канал alihammuda - Ali Hammuda


".. admonish them & speak to them a far-reaching word." (AlQuran) Read & reflect. Repair, then share.

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Ali Hammuda

What I say to myself when wronged


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Ali Hammuda

"A life with al-ʿAzīz renders the believer strong, even if bound to a wheelchair, and rich, even if poverty stricken, and free, even if shackled in chains, and a living legend even if put to the sword."

This is the final instalment 😔

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Ali Hammuda

Video from Ali Hammuda

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Ali Hammuda

The one time not to believe your parents

[🎬 5 mins]

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Ali Hammuda

Long live the people of Morocco.

Long live the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

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Ali Hammuda

"Palestine, Jerusalem and al-Aqsa: Three messages"
[Urdu / Bangla / Turkish / Malay / Indo Subtitles]


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Ali Hammuda

We are encouraging Imams across the English-speaking world to address the topic of al-Aqsa in an empowering way in their Eid and Jumuah Khutbahs this week.

Below is a suggested template:

Download the PDF here:

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Ali Hammuda

The last photo of Ibrahim alShinbaari before being killed in Gaza today, as he was distributing Eid gifts to the children of the neighbourhood.

May Allah have mercy upon him and those who were martyred with him today.

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Ali Hammuda

Isn't this inspiring? Written targets: a potent sign of success

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Ali Hammuda

Al-Raḥmān wishes to share His Mercy, as He does every second of the day. It is man, however, who—at times—refuses to be a full recipient of it through the choices he makes.

*Read the full article here:*

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Ali Hammuda!/

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Ali Hammuda

_When things do not conform to plan, we feel that we have been abandoned and that the promises of aid missed us. Far from abandonment, the ‘delay’ in aid could be because the threshold of effort that Allāh expects is yet to be reached, although one may be only a few more inches away from it._

*Read the full article here:*

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Ali Hammuda

A concise guide for those affected by COVID-19

6 min watch

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Ali Hammuda

The final episode of the lives of the four Imams series

Part 9 - Imam Ahmad (continued)

Join us as we tour the biographies of four of the greatest human beings to ever walk the earth, as we link past with present and future.


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Ali Hammuda

The lives of the four Imams series

Part 8 - Imam Ahmad (continued)

Join us as we tour the biographies of four of the greatest human beings to ever walk the earth, as we link past with present and future.


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Ali Hammuda

The Muslim activist searches for financial independence


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Ali Hammuda

A silent message for Muslims.

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Ali Hammuda

"Is the virtue of Du'aa on the day of 'Arafa limited to the pilgrims? Or can it apply to us non pilgrims as well?"

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Ali Hammuda

Palestine; you have seen the beginning

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Ali Hammuda

Video from Ali Hammuda

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Ali Hammuda

This Ramadan, the people of Palestine acted upon both verses of the Qur'an:

كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ
"Fasting has been prescribed upon upon you.." (Al-Quran, 2:183)

كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْقِتَالُ
"Fighting has been prescribed upon you.." (Al-Qur'an, 2:216)

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Ali Hammuda

Abu Muhammad al-Battaal was asked:

"What is courage?", he replied:

صبرُ ساعة

"A moment of patience."
(Taareekh al-Islam)

May Allah give the people of Palestine more of it.

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Ali Hammuda

Asalaamu alaikum dearest Telegram users,

This is my final call to action regarding the Inked Remedy Project. We have had a great response from you, I am massively indebted, so a huge JazaakumAllahu khairan for that.

The happiness, strength and answers which just 2 of the published Inked Remedy episodes have provided is phenomenal. Makes me wonder what the full impact of all 11 episodes could look like?

Help us translate this question into a reality. Help us save lives that were on the verge of being lost to despair.!/

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Ali Hammuda

A fortress design for you

Ep 2 - The Inked Remedy Series

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Ali Hammuda

"Remember who chose your calamity!"

Ep 1 - The Inked Remedy Series

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Ali Hammuda

"I want to repent, however .."

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Ali Hammuda

Asalaamu alayikum warahmatullah

Dear telegram group,

May Allah bless you all with khair and tawfiq.

A great initiative I wanted to share and invite everyone on this group to. I am very passionate about doing my bit to raise awareness and help stop the Uyghur genocide. That is why I am joining Islam21C’s Steps to change’ virtual walk tomorrow morning in support of their uyghur campaign and I invite you all to find out more and join me, Sh Haitham al Haddad, Dr Salman Butt and Sabboor Ahmad to find out more about the uhygur genocide, how we can help and details about the campaign.

Here is the link to register and be part of the movement to see changeً inshaAllah.

If you can’t make the walk you can still register and join the campaign. See you there inshaAllah.

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Ali Hammuda

"I don't pray, but it is in my heart"


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Ali Hammuda

Life just wants to be understood

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Ali Hammuda

The lives of the four Imams series

Part 7 - Imam Ahmad

Join us as we tour the biographies of four of the greatest human beings to ever walk the earth, as we link past with present and future.

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