Authentic Islamic knowledge. Updates from AbdurRahman.Org related websites and beneficial reminders
<Must Watch!>
Allāh's Perfect Wisdom - by Shaykh Sāleh Sindī حفظه الله [Video | Ar-En Subtitles]
[7:31 min]
Beware of This Deception, May Allah Protect You ! - Shaykh Saleh Sindi حفظه الله
[5:50 Min]
[Arabic | English Subtitles]
Combine the Best Two Things – Shaykh Sulayman al Ruhayli حفظه الله [Video | Ar-En Subtitles] [1:20 min]
Qur’an (Main Page):
The Means of Treating Boredom in seeking knowledge
Shaykh Sulayman al Ruhayli حفظه الله
[6:23 min] [Arabic | English Subtitles]
Explanation of the Hadīth "O ‘Ali, Do Not Follow a Glance with Another" - Sheikh Al-Albānī
Читать полностью…Innovations of Ar-Râfida and An-Nâssiba in relation to Ashura – Shaykh Muhammad Ali Ferkous
The official decision and announcement of the Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia regarding the beginning of the new Hijrah year – 1445.
1 Muharram 1445 is on Wednesday 19 July 2023, and
10 Muharram (‘Aashooraa) 1445 will fall on Friday 28 July 2023.
09 Muharram 1445 = Thursday 27 July, 2023
10 Muharram (day of ‘Aashooraa) 1445 = Friday 28 July, 2023
11 Muharram 1445 = Saturday 29 July, 2023
Sajdatut-Tilawah is a Sunnah
Question: If I come across a Verse in which there is a prostration when I am reciting the Quran at my desk, or when I am teaching the students, or in any place, should I perform Sajdatut-Tilawah, or not? And is the prostration for the reciter and the listener both?
Answer: Sajdatut-Tilawah is a Sunnah for the reciter and for the listener and it is not an obligation, nor is it prescribed for the listener except in following of the reciter.
So if you recite a Verse in which there is a prostration in your office or the place of instruction, it is lawful for you to make prostration and it is prescribed for the students to prostrate with you, because they are the listeners. And if you do not observe the prostration, there is no objection.
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Vol. 2 Page 282, Darussalam English Publication
The Means in Attaining the Heart's ease انشراح الصدر - Shaykh Abdurrazzaq al Badr حقطه الله
[17:29 min]
[Arabic|English Subtitles]
The Believer is not Stung Twice From the Same Animal Burrow _ Shaykh Abdurrazzaq al-Badr حفظه الله
Читать полностью…The Beautiful Story Between Baqiyy Ibn Makhlad and Imam Ahmad - Shaykh Saleh Ale ashShaykh حفظه الله
[7:40 min] [Ar|En Subtitles]
The Salaf and the Adhan - Shaykh Sulayman al Ruhayli حفظه الله
[1:12 min]
[Arabic|English subtitles]
إن من لم يتيسر له الحج
Whoever isn’t able to do Hajj,
فإنه يمكن أن يدرك فضل الحج وإن لم يكن يمكنه إدراك الإجزاء
then he is able to attain the virtues of Hajj, even if he does not actually perform it.
وذلك كما جاء في الحديث الصحيح الذي صححه جمع من أهل العلم
As reported in the Sahih Hadith that has been authenticated by a group of the people of knowledge,
أن النبي ﷺ قال: ((من صلى الفجر في جماعة
ثم جلس يذكر الله حتى تطلع الشمس
ثم صلى ركعتين كان له أجر حجة وعمرة
تامتين تامتين تامتين))
that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then remains seated while remembering Allah (i.e., doing Dhikr), then prays two Raka’ahs (i.e., Duha prayer), will certainly have the full reward of a Hajj and Umrah (he emphasised it three times).”
فهذا حج متمتع أو قران وهو لم يذهب إلى الحج
وهذا من حسن الإسلام
So, that will be like Hajj Tamattu’ or Qiran, despite not going for Hajj – this is from the beauty of Islam
ومن فضائل رب الأنام على العباد
and from the favours of the Rabb (Lord) of the peoples upon His worshippers
أن يسر لهم أنواعا من العبادات
that He has facilitated for them different kinds of worship.
إذا لم يمكن للإنسان أن يحج يمكن أن يحافظ على هذا العمل
If a person is not able to perform Hajj, he can observe this action
فيدرك إن شاء الله عزوجل أجر الحج
so he will attain – InshaaAllah – the reward of Hajj,
وإن لم يكن يمكنه إدراك الإجزاء
even if he not able to actually perform it.
If You Want to Be Firm in Aqīdah, Read These Three Books - Shaykh Sāleh Sindī حفظه الله
[9 min] [Arabic-English Subtitles]
Safeguarding the Supererogatory Acts - Shaykh Abdulkarim al Khudhayr حفظه الله
[1 min]
[Arabic-English Subtitles]
“He said: If the people acted upon this Hadith, the hospitals would be shut down.”
Читать полностью…A short but powerful and fearful reminder about our phones ...... sheikh Abdurazaq Al Badr حفظه الله
Читать полностью…'Āshūrah & the Killing of Ḥusayn ibn 'Alī رضي الله عنهما by Shaykh 'Abdurrazzāq al-Badr حفظه الله
Читать полностью…Explanation of the Hadīth "O ‘Ali, Do Not Follow a Glance with Another" - Sheikh Al-Albānī
يا علي لا تُتبِع النظرة النظرة فإن النظرة الأولى لك والثانية عليك
"O ‘Ali, do not follow a glance with another, for the first glance is in your favor and the second is against you."
من ذا الذي يستطيع أن يقول أنه أحصن وأمسك وأضبط لهواه ولنفسه من علي
Who can say that he is more fortified from his desires and nafs and more capable of keeping them under control than ‘Ali?!
من هؤلاء المتأخرين من أمثالك أنا أنظر النظرة النظيفة الطاهرة
From these later generations, those who are like yourself, (there are those who say) my glance is good and pure.
وهذا الرجل الطاهر الزكي النفس قد قال له صراحة لا تتبع النظرة النظرة فإن النظرة الأولى لك والثانية عليك
The Prophet ﷺ clearly told this pure and righteous man (i.e., ‘Ali رضي الله عنه) that, "Do not follow one glance with another because the first glance is in your favor and the second is against you."
أي إنّ من أعاد النظرة إلى شخص المرأة فذلك من فتنة الشيطان
Meaning, the one who looks again at a woman, then that is from the fitnah of Shaytān.
Like Leaves Fall off the Tree - Shaykh Abdurrazzaq al Badr [shorts]
[1 min]
[Arabic - English Subtitles]
Fasting the Month of Muharram - Shaykh Saleh al Fawzan حفظه الله
[3:57 min]
[Arabic | English Subtitles]
Don't Belittle Any Good Deed - Shaykh Abdurrazzaq al Badr حفظه الله
[4:49 min]
[Arabic|English subtitles]
But Madinah is Better For Them, If Only They Knew! Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli حفظه الله
Читать полностью…Moments of Humbleness in the Masjid of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ - Shaykh Sulayman al Ruhayli
[2:36 min]
[Arabic|English subtitles]
📣📣📣 Umm Al Quro has begun accepting applications for the grant, HOWEVER applications are only accepted from residents of Saudi Arabia (this was not mentioned in the twitter announcement, but it became clear later, as the portal requires resident authorization).
📣 But you can apply to Malik Saud University for a scholarship to study Arabic (this is a great opportunity to learn Arabic). Moreover, the results will be known in November.
❗And also there are 1.5-2 months left before the opening of the portal of the University of Medina (and probably "Study in Saudi" portal to apply to 3 universities at once including Umm Al Quro), so we strongly recommend preparing the necessary documents and their translation in advance (the documents of those who apply at the beginning of the application period are considered earlier)!
❗From today until August 9, we will provide a 10% discount on translation of documents into Arabic! Hurry up to order the service and get a discount!
📶 Our contacts: +966568202297 (Telegram/WhatsApp)
The Religion is Victorious With or Without Us! - Shaykh Saleh al Fawzan حفظه الله
[Video | Ar-En Subtitles]
[~ 2 min]
Paramount Advice for the Muslim Woman - by Shaykh Sāleh ibn Fawzān al Fawzān حفظه الله [9 min]
[Arabic-English Subtitles]
🔴 LIVE TODAY: Hajj Sermon Live from the Plains of Arafah- Masjid Nimra. Translated live in 20 languages, including English.
Starts at 12:30pm (Mecca)