Authentic Islamic knowledge. Updates from AbdurRahman.Org related websites and beneficial reminders
Important book and audio English
أدعية عظيمة مكتوبة وصوتية كذلك ممكن تستمع لها عدة مرات حتى تحفظها
Amazing Supplications Found in The Quran and Sunnah That You’re Able To both Read and Listen to easily. This will help with memorization of them.
The Takbir of the Tongue & Heart During the Ten Days of Dhil-Hijjah | Sh...
Читать полностью…The Ruling of Hajj on Behalf of Parents Who Cannot Perform It - Sheikh Ibn Bāz
حكم الحج عن الوالدين العاجزين عن الحج
السؤال: يقول لي والد ووالدة لم يحجا فرضهما حتى الآن، وأنا لدي النية بأن أحججهما، ولكن المشكلة أنهما كبيران لدرجة أنهما لا يتحملان مجرد السفر، فضلاً عن أداء شعائر الحج من طواف وسعي ورمي جمار، هل أحج عنهما، أو أوكل من يحج عنهما، أفيدوني جزاكم الله خيراً؟
Question: My father and mother haven't fulfilled their obligation of Hajj until now. I have the intention to make them perform Hajj, but the problem is that they are old to the extent that they cannot even travel, let alone perform the rites of Hajj, such as Tawāf, Sa'ī, and throwing jimār. Should I make Hajj on their behalf or appoint someone to make Hajj on their behalf?
الجواب: يشرع لك الحج عنهما كل واحد وحده،
Answer: It is permissible for you to perform Hajj on behalf of them, each one seperately.
تبدأ بالأم ثم الأب هذا هو الأفضل؛
You start with the mother, then the father, this is what is best.
لأن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم سئل، سأله أبو رزين العقيلي قال: يا رسول الله! إن أبي شيخ كبير لا يستطيع الحج ولا الظعن أفأحج عنه وأعتمر؟ فقال عليه الصلاة والسلام: حج عن أبيك واعتمر
That's because the Prophet ﷺ was asked, Abu Razīn Al-'Aqīlī asked him, "O Messenger of Allāh, my father is a very old man, he cannot perform Hajj or be carried (to perform it). So, can I do Hajj and Umrah on his behalf ? The Prophet ﷺ said: "Make Hajj and Umrah on behalf of your father"
فأنت تحج عنهما جزاك الله خيراً،
So, you can make Hajj on their behalf, May Allāh reward you.
وتبدأ بالأم؛ لأن حقها أكبر، ثم تحج عن الأب،
You start with the mother, because her right is greater, then you make Hajj on behalf of the father.
وإذا حججت عنهما، يعني: استأجرت ثقة يحج عنهما فلا بأس،
And if you have made Hajj on their behalf, I mean, if you pay a trustworthy person to make Hajj on their behalf, then that's fine.
لكن إذا توليت ذلك أنت فهو أفضل،
However, if you are the one performing it, it is better,
إلا إذا رأيت أن غيرك أفضل منك لعلمه وفضله،
except if you see someone else to be better than you due to his knowledge and virtue,
واتفقت معه على أن يحج عنهما فلا بأس.
and you make an agreement with him to do Hajj on their behalf, then there's no problem.
﴾Verily, in the Remembrance of Allah Do Hearts Find Rest﴿
[50 min]
Shaykh Abdurrazzaq al Badr حفظه الله
[Video | Arabic-English Subtitles]
Pls listen to this small clip, important for all going to hajj
Читать полностью…Fasting the 3 White Days in the sacred month of Dhul Qadah:
• Friday 2nd June
• Saturday 3rd June
• Sunday 4th June
The Prophet ﷺ:
“Fasting 3 days of each month is equivalent to fasting for a lifetime and the shining days of al-beed (the white days) are the 13th, 14th & 15th.”
[Nasā’ī | 2420]
🌐Website Link with Info about Course
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Jazakallahu khairan to all those who've shown an interest in joining us this Cohort. We've sent the placement test link to all who requested it.
Please note that tomorrow we will start to publicly announce enrolment insha'allah. So if you're in this channel and want to join this Cohort fill out the Application Form before tomorrow. Because after tomorrow it will be closed until Saturday's Kick Off event.
There are only a few spaces available on Level 2 because most seats are taken by students who completed Level 1, and the same goes for Level 4. So don't delay.
Stand at Night Even if it is for a 1/2 Hour | Shaykh al-Uthaymin رحمه الله
Читать полностью…Alhamdulillah still the course registration is not closed due to popular demand, try to register to benefit from the courses, very good feedback from those attended, baarakallah feekum
Читать полностью…Laylat al Qadr Was on the 21st Night During the Time of the Prophet ﷺ - by Shaykh al 'Uthaymīn
*(EMOTIONAL) The Connection Between the Prayer & Seeing Allāh ﷻ - by Shaykh 'Abdurrazzāq al-Badr*
[6:31 min]
[Dua mentioned by the Shaykh in the video. Try your best to memorize in shaa' Allah]
Dua for seeing Face of Allah in Jannah:
اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنَّا نَسْئَلُكَ لَذَّةَ النَّظَرِ إِلَى وَجْهِكَ وَالشَّوْقَ إِلَى لِقَائِكَ فِي غَيْرِ ضَرَّاءَ مُضِرَّةٍ، وَلا فِتْنَةٍ مُضلَّةٍ
Allaahumma inna nas’aluka ladhatan-nadhari ila wajhika wash-shawqa ila liqa’ika fi ghayri darra’a mudirrah wala fitnatin mudillah
"O Allāh, we ask You for the delight of seeing Your Noble Face, and a yearning to meet You in a manner that does not entail a calamity that will bring about harm or a trial that will cause deviation. "
[Narrated by an-Nasaa’i 1305 and in Sunnan al-Kubra 1/387, Ahmad 30/265 no 18325, and Ibn Hibban, 5/304, Abu Ya’la, 3/195 (425), Ibn Abi Shaybah 10/264, al-Hakim 1/ 425 and classed as saheeh by al-Albani in Saheeh al-Nasaa’i, 1/280, 1304, and Sahih al-Jaami, no. 1301]
Читать полностью…The Ruling of Hajj on Behalf of Parents Who Cannot Perform It - Sheikh Ibn Bāz
Читать полностью…The Praise of Shaykh Sulayman for Shaykh Abdurrazzaq حفظهما الله and the Importance of Arba'in al-Nawawi
Читать полностью…✍️Link to Application form
Shaykh Abdurrazzaq al-Badr حفظه الله said in his book The Fiqh of Supplications and Remembrance in the chapter of the etiquettes of supplication:
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in Madarij al-Salikin regarding the supplication in Surah al-Fatihah:
Since asking Allah to be guided to the straight path is the loftiest request and its attainment is the most noble of gifts, Allah taught His slaves how to ask Him.
So He commanded them to precede it with His praise, extolment and magnification. Then He mentions their servitude and their acknowledgment of His Tawhid. So these are two means in achieving their request: Seeking nearness to him by His Names and Attributes and seeking nearness to him by way of His servitude.
So one’s supplication along with these two ways in seeking nearness will almost never be rejected…
Until his statement:
So Surah al-Fatihah has combined these two means of seeking nearness and they are: (1) His praise, extolment and magnification and (2) their servitude and their acknowledgment of His Tawhid.
And then this is followed by the most important of requests and the best of desires which is the guidance of Allah after the two means of seeking nearness. So the supplicator is deserving of having his supplication answered.
فقه الادعية و الاذكار ٤١٤:
🟢 last date to register for free madina arabic book study course
Book 1 registration form
Book 2 registration form
أدعية عظيمة مكتوبة وصوتية كذلك ممكن تستمع لها عدة مرات حتى تحفظها
Amazing Supplications Found in The Quran and Sunnah That You’re Able To both Read and Listen to easily. This will help with memorization of them.
*The Muslim Woman In Ramadhān*
by Shaykh Sulaymān ibn Salīmullāh al Ruhaylī حفظه الله
[2 min] [Arabic|English subtitles]
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