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Читать полностью…*What to Say When the Imām Praises Allāh During the Qunūt?*
Shaykh Sulaymān al Ruhaylī
[Video|Ar-En Subtitles] [ 1min]
*The Best Of Those Who Fast*
Ibn Al-Qayyim [رحمه الله] said:
«فأفضل الصائمين أكثرهم ذكراً لله عز وجل في صومهم.»
❝The best of those who fast are those who remember Allaah [عز و جل] the most in their fast.❞
[Al-Waabil As-Sayyib, (Page: 153) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]
Al-Hafidh Ibn Rajab [رحمه الله] said:
«اعلم أنَّ المؤمنَ يجتَمعُ له في شَهر رمضَان جهادَان لنَفْسِه: - جهادٌ بالنَّهار على الصِّيام ، - وجهادٌ باللَّيل على القيام ، فمَن جمعَ بينَ هذَيْن الجهادَين ، ووَفَّى بحُقُوقهما ، وصَبَر عليهما ، وفَّى أجرَه بغَير حسَابٍ.»
❝Know that in the month of Ramadan there are two Jihads of the self which take place for the believer:
- Jihad of the daytime with fasting.
- Jihad of the night time with standing for prayer.
So whoever gathers between these two Jihads, fulfills their rights, is patient with them then he is given his reward without limit.❞
[Lataif Al-Ma'arif, (1/171) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]
Sighting the new moon:
اللهُ أَكْبَر، اللّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنا بِالأمْنِ وَالإيمان، والسَّلامَةِ والإسْلام، وَالتَّوْفيقِ لِما تُحِبُّ رَبَّنا وَتَرْضى، رَبُّنا وَرَبُّكَ الله
Allaahu ‘Akbar, Allaahumma ‘ahillahu ‘alayna bil’amni wal’eemaani, wassalaamati wal-‘Islaami, wattawfeeqi limaa tuhibbu Rabbanaa wa tardhaa, Rabbunaa wa Rabbukallaahu
Allah is the Most Great. O Allah, bring us the new moon with security and Faith, with peace and in Islam, and in harmony with what our Lord loves and what pleases Him. Our Lord and your Lord is Allah.
[At-Tirmithi 5/504, Ad-Darimi 1/336. See also Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/157]
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Welcoming Ramadhān - Shaykh 'Abdurrazzāq al Badr حفظه الله
[Arabic|Enlish Subtitles]
[14 min]
Saudi Arabia has announced the new moon of Sha'baan was sighted, and that Tuesday 21st February will be the 1st day of Sha'baan 1444. Based upon this sighting, the new moon of Ramadhaan will then be sought after sunset on 29 Sha'baan (21st March), in shaa.-Allaah.
Читать полностью…A Message Regarding the Earthquake in Syria & Turkey | Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli حفظه الله
Читать полностью…Lowering the Gaze - Shaykh 'Abdurrazzāq al Badr حفظه الله
[8 min]
[Arabic|English subtitles]
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Those who have not yet registered also may attend the trial class on Sunday, 22nd Jan, 2023.
After the trial class, we will share the final registration link in the Zoom class itself.
جن لوگوں نے ابھی تک رجسٹریشن نہیں کرائی ہے وہ بھی 22 جنوری 2023 بروز اتوار کو ٹرائل کلاس میں شرکت کر سکتے ہیں۔
ٹرائل کلاس کے بعد، ہم زوم کلاس میں ہی رجسٹریشن کا حتمی لنک شیئر کریں گے۔
*Seeking Forgiveness For Every Believer - by Shaykh 'Abdurrazzaq ibn 'Abdulmuhsin al Badr حفظهما الله*
[2 min]
[Arabic|English Subtitles]
The Profound Effect of Clothing Upon an Individual _ Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli حفظه الله
Читать полностью…A message to students of knowledge: make sure you are not a reason for affliction between the scholars
Allāh ﷻ says, 'Fasting is For Me' - by Shaykh Sulaymān al Ruhaylī حفظه الله
[3 min]
[Arabic | English subtitles]
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Читать полностью…*Don't Forget to Make This Du'ā When Ramadhān Arrives - Shaykh 'Abdurrazzāq al Badr حفظه الله*
[38 seconds]
[Ar|En subtitles]
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Читать полностью…10 Points of Reflection Pertaining to Earthquakes | Shaykh Abdurrazzāq al-Badr حفظه الله
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Donation appeal for Turkey, Syria
الحملة الشعبية لإغاثة متضرري الزلزال بسوريا وتركيا (عطاؤكم يخفف عنهم)
King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center was established in May of 2015 to unify the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's global humanitarian efforts to assist people living in crisis-affected communities worldwide. The only purpose of this website is to receive, process and track donations to KSrelief. This platform was specifically designed to help the center fund its aid and relief programs.
This platform is the only official platform that provides its users with the ability to directly donate to King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center's projects. These projects reach beneficiaries in more than 44 countries around the world.
The Reality of the Call of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab – Shaykh Saleh al Fawzan [Video|Ar-En]
[40 min]
[Arabic|English Subtitles]
Contemplating Over Sūrah al Naba - Shaykh Sulaymān al Ruhaylī حفطه الله
[43 min]
[Arabic|English Subtitles]
🎁بشرى لطلاب العلم
🖌️تم بحمد الله فتح قناة جديدة لدروس الشيخ محمد بن رمزان الهاجري حفظه الله المترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى اللغة الانجليزية وسوف ترسل الدروس المسجلة في هذه القناة أسبوعيا بإذن الله تعالى والدروس في العقيدة والحديث
وفق الله الجميع للتعلم والعمل به وتعليم الآخرين والصبر عليه
انقر هذا الرابط لانضمام القناة
انشروها لتعم الفائدة
🎁Good news for the students of Knowledge
🖌️ All Praise to Allah, a new channel has been created for the lectures of Shaykh Muhammad bin Ramzan Al-Hajri حفظه الله that have been translated from Arabic to English. The recorded lectures will be sent on a weekly basis by the Permission of Allah. The lectures are in 'Aqeedah and Hadeeth. May Allah grant Tawfeeq to all for learning, acting upon what they learn, teaching it to others and have patience & forbearance upon it.
Click on this link to join the channel: /channel/DuroosMRH_EN
Circulate it to spread the benefit.
Elaboration on the matter of the ruling on accepting invitations
Good Character Returns Back To Four Aḥādīth - by Shaykh 'Abdurrazzāq ibn 'Abdulmuḥsin al Badr
[2:50 min]
[Video|Ar-En Subtitles]