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On Seeing Laylatu Al-Qadr
Shaykh ʿAbd Al-ʿAzīz b. ʿAbdillāh b. Bāz - Allāh have mercy on him - was asked:
Can Laylatu Al-Qadr bee seen, meaning, can it be seen with the naked eye? Some people say: when a person is able to see Laylatu Al-Qadr he sees a light in the sky or something similar. How did the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and the Companions, Allāh be pleased with them all, see it? And how can a person know that he has seen Laylatu Al-Qadr? And does a person get its reward even if it occurs on a night in which he does not see it? Please clarify this with evidence.
The Shaykh, Allāh have mercy on him, replied:
Laylatu Al-Qadr can be seen by the eye, by whomever Allāh enables, through seeing its signs. And the Companions used to use its signs to affirm its occurrence. However, not seeing it does not prevent the attainment of its virtue for the one who stands [in prayer] out of firm belief and seeking Allāh’s reward. Thus, the Muslim should strive to attain it in the last ten [nights] of Ramḍān, as commanded by the Prophet ﷺ, seeking the reward; and if [a person’s] standing in prayer out of firm belief and seeking its rewards corresponds to [the actual occurrence of] this night, he will get its reward, even if he does not know [that this is the night]. The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Whoever stands (praying) in Laylatu Al-Qadr out of firm belief and seeking the reward will have his previous sins forgiven.” [Al-Bukhārī and Muslim]
And in another report:
“Whoever stands in it (praying), seeking it, and it occurs, his previous and later sins will be forgiven.”
[This report has been graded ḥasan by some scholars, including Shaykh Ibn Bāz]
It is confirmed from the Prophet ﷺ that one of its signs is the sun rising without rays on the following morning, and (the Companion) Ubay b. Kaʿb used to swear that it was the night of the twenty-seventh, using this sign as evidence. The correct position is that [Laylatu Al-Qadr] occurs in different nights of the last ten [from year to year], and the odd nights of these last ten are more likely, and of them the night of the twenty-seventh is the most likely. Whoever exerts himself in all of the last ten nights, praying, [reciting] Qurān, supplicating, and doing other good deeds, then he will definitely get Laylatu Al-Qadr, and attain what Allāh has promised for the one who stays up [in worship] during it, if he does this out of firm belief and seeking [Allāh’s] reward.
And Allāh is the one who gives success. And may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon our Prophet Muḥammad, his Family and his Companions.
Translated by Owais Al-Hāshimī
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