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🇬🇧 Quiz your English! 🇬🇧 ⚠️ For ads @Markus_Burns ✅ Our partners: Supergroup: https://t.me/joinchat/UWGRwYBM-2tXUiFE Channels: ◾️ @EngMasters ◾️ @IELTSwMasters 🎁 Birthday: 6 Oct First post: https://t.me/QuizMasters/2

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

💪 Exercise of the Day 💪

ℹ️ Learn sport vocabulary as you do them!


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧


What are the cracks that lace the boulders called?

Second paragraph: These cracks, called septaria, have been filled in with calcite ... .

TIP: Consider whether you're looking for a name, number, or idea.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧




Wander down to New Zealand's Koekohe Beach on the Otago coast and you'll see what look like gigantic petrified coconuts scattered in the sand. These are the famed Moeraki Boulders, known affectionately by some locals as "giant gobstoppers of alien brains." About 50 of these near-spherical boulders line the beach, with some measuring upwards of 10 feet in diameter and weighing several tons.

The boulders are what geologists call concretions, which are cemented masses of mineral deposits, often rounded that form within a matrix of sedimentary rock. Typically harder than the surrounding rock, concretions can be exposed as shoreline erosion removes the enclosing layers. They're characterized by hollow cores and unusual cracks lacing their surface. These cracks, called septaria, have been filled in with calcite, quartz, and dolomite, giving them a distinct yellow-brown line pattern.

Native Polynesians of New Zealand, called the Maori, have their own mythological explanation for how the stones came to be. According to legend, the rocks are bottle gourds, eel baskets, and other wreckage washed ashore from the Araiteuru, a large waka, or sailing canoe, that sank off the coast of Shag Point.

Image credit: Fukruljamil/Thinkstock

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧




Wander down to New Zealand's Koekohe Beach on the Otago coast and you'll see what look like gigantic petrified coconuts scattered in the sand. These are the famed Moeraki Boulders, known affectionately by some locals as "giant gobstoppers of alien brains." About 50 of these near-spherical boulders line the beach, with some measuring upwards of 10 feet in diameter and weighing several tons.

The boulders are what geologists call concretions, which are cemented masses of mineral deposits, often rounded that form within a matrix of sedimentary rock. Typically harder than the surrounding rock, concretions can be exposed as shoreline erosion removes the enclosing layers. They're characterized by hollow cores and unusual cracks lacing their surface. These cracks, called septaria, have been filled in with calcite, quartz, and dolomite, giving them a distinct yellow-brown line pattern.

Native Polynesians of New Zealand, called the Maori, have their own mythological explanation for how the stones came to be. According to legend, the rocks are bottle gourds, eel baskets, and other wreckage washed ashore from the Araiteuru, a large waka, or sailing canoe, that sank off the coast of Shag Point.

Image credit: Fukruljamil/Thinkstock

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

💪 Exercise of the Day 💪

ℹ️ Learn sport vocabulary as you do them!


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

🆒 Context (reading) 🆙

📓 Master new words and expand your vocabulary ;
🔍 Use context cues to identify the meaning of new words ;
🗨 Become more articulate in your speech and writing .

❗️INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the word that best fits the sentence.

#RealTeam #Quiz #30ME #Reading #Context

🇨🇦 @EngMasters
🇦🇺 @IELTSwMasters

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

✍️ Word of the Day 📎

From the Latin educere, meaning to pull out.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

💪 Exercise of the Day 💪

ℹ️ Learn sport vocabulary as you do them!


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

✍️ Word of the Day 📎

From the French marauder, meaning to pilfer. The word is still used today, often to describe illegally taking fruit or vegetables.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

📕 Comprehension (reading) 📕

📖 🧠 Improve your reading comprehension ;
📚 📰 Remember more details you read in magazines, books, and, journals .

❗️INSTRUCTIONS: Read a short passage and answer the related questions to each category: Overview, Inference, and Details.

#RealTeam #Quiz #30ME #Reading #Comprehension


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

💠 Words matched:

— infringe, impede, intervene ;
empty — dump, expel ;
flatter — blandish, adulate, court ;
quiet — stifle, muffle .

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

⚽️ Exercise of the Day ⚽️

ℹ️ Learn sport vocabulary as you do them!


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

1️⃣ Word of the Day 📎

From the Latin eminere, meaning to be noticeable. The prefix pre- before adjectives can sometimes mean greater than.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

⚽️ Exercise of the Day ⚽️

ℹ️ Learn sport vocabulary as you do them!


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

🔗 Transitions (writing) 🔗

✏️ Become a more persuasive writer ;
🎤 Give more engaging talks and presentations ;
⛓ Learn new transitions to connect complex ideas .

❗️INSTRUCTIONS: Select the transition that logically connects the two sentences.

#RealTeam #Quiz #30ME #Writing #Transitions

🇨🇦 @EngMasters
🇦🇺 @IELTSwMasters

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

✍️ Word of the Day 📎

From the Old French anuier or anoier, meaning to annoy. The ending -some is sometimes used to form adjectives.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧


What are concretions?

Second paragraph: The boulders are what geologists call concretions, which are cemented masses of mineral deposits, often rounded that form within a matrix of sedimentary rock.

TIP: Consider whether you're looking for a name, number, or idea.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧


On what beach are the boulders found?

First paragraph: Wander down to New Zealand's Koekohe Beach on the Otago coast ... .

TIP: Consider whether you're looking for a name, number, or idea.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

🔎 Extraction (reading) 🔎

⌛️ Learn time-saving techniques for skimming long pieces of writing ;
🔍 Find critical information quickly using scanning techniques .

❗️INSTRUCTIONS: Skim the article within the allotted time. Choose the correct answer in the skimming review. ➡️ Next, find and choose the passage in the article that answers the question.

‼️ BEFORE WE BEGIN. This game is split into two portions: skimming and scanning. Improving these skills allows you to evaluate and consume information more effectively in real-world situations.

SKIMMING. Quickly look across the text and identify important words or ideas. It's fine to skip lines if they don't seem important.

SCANNING. Keep the information you're looking for in the front of your mind and move rapidly through the text to identify where it's likely to occur.

#RealTeam #Quiz #30ME #Reading #Extraction


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

✍️ Word of the Day 📎

From the Latin deterere, meaning to erode.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

💪 Exercise of the Day 💪

ℹ️ Learn sport vocabulary as you do them!


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

Connotation (reading)

📖 Better understand meaning and tone while reading ;
👥 Avoid misunderstandings in written communication ;
📓 Master new words by classifying them as positive or negative .

❗️INSTRUCTIONS: Determine the connotation of the word by choosing NEGATIVE (➖) or POSITIVE (➕).

#RealTeam #Quiz #Reading #30ME #Connotation


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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

✍️ Word of the Day 📎

From the Latin suavis, meaning sweet.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

❗️INSTRUCTIONS: Read a short passage and answer the related questions to each category: Overview, Inference, and Details.

📌 In this passage, the author reflects on how he has changed since last reading a book he just reread.

📄 This book was one of my favorites as a child. I remember clearly the protagonist, a young minstrel who travels the countryside with his dog. But back then, I didn't think much of the father in the story. He worries about his son but he knows that he needs to let him explore and experience the world. Perhaps that's part of the genius of great books: rereading them reveals to us how much we've changed and grown. Now I can't wait to read this book with my son. I hope he enjoys it as much as I did. 📃

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

✍️ Word of the Day 📎

From the Latin clarus, meaning clear. Clarion can also refer to a type of high-pitched trumpet in Old French and modern English.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

💮 Association (reading) 💮

📓 Master new words and expand your vocabulary ;
🔍 Decipher unfamiliar words by associating them with words you know ;
📚 Become a more confident and perceptive reader .

❗️INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the option with the same meaning as the verb above.

#RealTeam #Quiz #30ME #Reading #Association

🇨🇦 @EngMasters
🇦🇺 @IELTSwMasters

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

1️⃣ Word of the Day 📎

From the Latin pugnare, meaning to fight. The ending -ious us used for adjectives.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

⭕️ Word Swap (writing) ❌

❎ ✅ Stop mixing up commonly confused words ;
📄✔️ Eliminate distracting errors in your writing .

❗️INSTRUCTIONS: Decide if the highlighted words are to be SWAPPED or KEPT in given sentences.

#RealTeam #Quiz #Writing #30ME #ErrorAvoidance

🇨🇦 @EngMasters
🇦🇺 @IELTSwMasters

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

1️⃣ Word of the Day 📎

From the Latin eviscerare, meaning to take the bowels out of. It shares a root with viscera, a modern English word meaning internal organs.

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📣 Quiz Masters 🇬🇧

2️⃣ Word of the Day 📎

From the French acrimonie, meaning a bitter taste.

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