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نمرات اسپیکینگ بر چه مبنایی ارزیابی می شود؟

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نمونه سوالات اخیر از سراسر جهان

IELTS test in Dubai, UAE – November 2017 (Academic and General Training)

Writing Academic Task 1 (Report)

We were given a bar graph showing the monthly average income in Japan compared with prices of colour and black-and-white TV’s.

Writing General Task 1 (Letter)

You recently moved to a new place. Write a letter to your friend and say

– Where and when did you move?
– Why did you move there?
– Describe your new area.
– Invite him/her to your new home.

Writing Task 2 (Essay)

Many parents believe that children should play team sports like football, basketball and so on, instead of individual sports such as swimming or running, during the school scheduled timetable. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– How much time do you spend at home?
– Do you prefer to spend time at home or outside?
– Tell me some more about your work.
– Do you require additional skills or training at work?

Cue Card

Talk about an advertisement that you remember. Please say

– What product was advertised?
– What was the message of the advertisement?
– Did you buy the product? Why?


– Do you think younger generation should be exposed to more ads?
– What impact do advertisements have on the society?
– Do advertisements vary from country to country?
– How is the culture incorporated in advertisements?

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از صحبت کردن با سایر داوطلبین قبل از شروع آزمون پرهیز کنید...

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ویژگی های نامه های رسمی و غیر رسمی در رایتینگ تسک اول جنرال

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چه اطلاعاتی را باید در پاراگرافهای بدنه رایتینگ تسک اول آکادمیک ذکر کنیم؟

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در رایتینگ تسک اول آکادمیک، چه نکاتی حتما باید نوشته شود؟
درس ۱

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جهت عضویت در کانال اختصاصی تمام ویدیویی آموزشی مهارتها، تماس با 👇



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مهمترین قسمت آزمون اسپیکینگ کدام است؟

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🔴 کاملترین پکیج خودآموز آیلتس با توضیحات فارسی و برنامه ریزی
✅ لیسنینگ
✅ ریدینگ
✅ رایتینگ
✅ اسپیکینگ
✅ ویدیو های آموزشی

جهت سفارش پکیج، تماس با



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نمونه خوب از رایتینگ تسک دوم آکادمیک و جنرال با نمره بالای ۷

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.
To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Sample Answer:

It is true that we do not recycle enough of our household waste. Although I accept that new legislation to force people to recycle could help this situation, I do not agree that a recycling law is the only measure that governments should take.

In my view, a new recycling law would be just one possible way to tackle the waste problem. Governments could make it a legal obligation for householders to separate all waste into different bins. There could be punishments for people who fail to adhere to this law, ranging from a small fine to community service, or even perhaps prison sentences for repeat offenders. These measures would act as a deterrent and encourage people to obey the recycling law. As a result, the improved behaviour of homeowners could lead to a clean, waste-free environment for everyone.

However, I believe that governments should do more than simply introduce a recycling law. It might be more effective if politicians put education, rather than punishment, at the centre of a recycling campaign. For example, children could be taught about recycling in schools, and homeowners could be informed about the environmental impact of household waste. Another tactic that governments could use would be to create stricter regulations for the companies that produce the packaging for household products. Finally, money could also be spent to improve recycling facilities and systems, so that waste is processed more effectively, regardless of whether or not people separate it correctly in the home.

In conclusion, perhaps we do need to make recycling a legal requirement, but this would certainly not be the only way to encourage people to dispose of their waste more responsibly.

(279 words)

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نمونه خوب از رایتینگ تسک اول جنرال با نمره بالای ۷

You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late. Write a letter to your landlord.

In your letter explain:

Why you are writing to him
Why you cannot pay the rent
When you will pay the rent.

Sample Answer:

Dear Mr Strickland,

I am writing to you to request that you allow me to pay my rent late this month.

I’ve been a tenant with you for a number of years now, and, as you know, I have always paid my rent on time. However, I am having a few financial problems at the moment. Last month, I was made redundant from my job because the company I work for is closing down. Because I have not worked at the company for long, I have not received a redundancy payment, therefore leaving me short of money this month.

I can assure you that I will be able to pay the rent on the 15th of next month. I have now found another job, and they have kindly agreed to give me an advance on my wages, but they are unable to arrange this until next week.

I hope this will be acceptable to you, but please contact me if it is a problem.

Yours sincerely,

John Streetham.

(167 Words)

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نمونه خوب از رایتینگ تسک اول آکادمیک با نمره بالای ۷

Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Model Answer:

The map illustrates plans for two possible sites for a shopping mall in the city of Brandfield. It can be seen that the two sites under consideration are in the north and the south east of the town.

The first possible site for the shopping mall, S1, is just north of the city centre, above the railway line, which runs from the south east of the city to the north west. If it is built here, it will be next to a large housing estate, thus providing easy access for those living on the estate and in the city centre. It will also be next to the river, which runs through the town.

The site in the south east, S2, is again just by the railway line and fairly close to the city centre, but it is near to an industrial estate rather than housing.

There is a main road that runs through the city and is close to both sites, thus providing good road access to either location. A large golf course and park in the west of the town prevents this area from being available as a site. (190 words)

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🎧 پادکست آموزش آیلتس اسپیکینگ
فایل های صوتی بهمراه متن

Part 2, Unit 24

آیلتس ژورنال
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نمونه سوالات اخیر از سراسر جهان

IELTS Test in Iran – October 2017 (Academic and General Module)

Writing Academic Task 1 (Report)

There was a map of a town 20 years ago and today. We had to compare and notice the changes between the two.

Writing General Task 1 (Letter)

You study abroad but for a certain reason you have to drop your study and go back home. Write a letter to your teacher and say

– Explain why you are leaving you study before completing it.
– Say what you like about the study.
– Thank him/her for teaching you.

Writing Task 2 (Essay)

Many people complain about commercial advertisements and their influence on children. Should it be controlled by the government? What are the possible effects on children?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What course did you take?
– Why did you choose that course?
– Do you work now?
– What do you do?
– How far is it from your home?
– How long does it take to get to work?

Cue Card

Talk about your greatest achievement in life. Please say

– What did you do?
– How did you do it?
– Why are you so proud of this achievement?


– Is it important to have a job?
– Why is it important to have a job?
– Do you have other goals?
– What are important goals in life?

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خواندن عمقی یا Intensive Reading در آیلتس ریدینگ...

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نکات کلیدی در رایتینگ تسک اول جنرال...

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نمونه سوالات اخیر از سراسر جهان
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لیسنینگ یک مهارت است، نه یک استعداد...

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📢 پادکست آموزش کالوکیشن های رایج
فایل های صوتی بهمراه متن

Unit 08

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🎧 پادکست آموزش آیلتس اسپیکینگ
فایل های صوتی بهمراه متن

Part 2, Unit 25

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تجربیات آزمونی شما: سلام من از كانال و جزوات شما براي امتحان آيلتس استفاده كردم و نمره خوبي گرفتم، بخصوص در مورد قسمت اسپيكينگ كه خيلي تمرين نكرده بودم ولي بيشتر مشكلم سر اين بود كه نميتونستم راجع به هر موضوعي صحبت كنم ولي با ديدن ويدئو چندروز قبل از امتحان تمرين كردم كه هر موضوعي كه دادن سعي كنم به مسائلي كه ازشون اطلاعات دارم ربطشون بدم و بتونم صحبت كنم چند دقيقه، و اين خيلي برام كارساز بود، خيلي ممنونم از زحمات شما🙏
همونطور كه گفتم مهمترين قسمت اسپيكينگ بود، من از نظر جمله بندي و گرامر و اينها خيلي مشكلي نداشتم فقط مشكل اصليم اين بود كه حرف هميشه كم ميوردم، نميدونستم چي بايد بگم، مخصوصا اينكه سر امتحان فرصت زياد فكر كردن نيست، ويدئو رو كه ديدم سعي كردم موضوعاتي كه مطرح شده تو ويدئو رو كار كنم و يه دسته بندي از موضوعات داشته باشم و كلمات و اصطلاحات مربوط به اون هارو دربيارم و تو جمله هام استفاده كنم، و تمرين كردم كه سعي كنم هر موضوعي كه داده ميشه ربطش بدم به همون موضوعاتي كه كار كردم، مثلا موضوع تسك دو راجع به رفتن به يه خونه جديد بود كه من يكي از موضوعاتي كه كار كرده بودم يه رشته ورزشي بود، بنابراين به اين شكل اين دوتا موضوع رو به هم ربط دادم كه وقتي رفتم خونه جديد خيلي برام سخت بود و دوست نداشتم محله جديد رو ولي همون موقع با اين ورزش آشنا شدم و شروع كردم به كلاس رفتن كلي تو روحياتم تاثير گذاشت و انعطاف من رو هم از نظر روحي و هم جسمي زياد كرد و از جزييات اون ورزش و تاثيراتي كه رو من گذاشت تا بتونم با شرايط جديد كنار بيام صحبت كردم

اميدوارم اين توضيحات بتونه به بقيه كمك كنه

باتشکر از زهرا عزیز و آرزوی موفقیت برای ایشان
تیم آموزشی آیلتس ژورنال 🔴🔵

شما نیز می توانید تجربیات آزمونی خود را از این طریق به اشتراک بگذارید 👇



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دانلود جدیدترین نسخه مجله مشهور
Reader's Digest
برای تقویت ریدینگ حتما بخوانید
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🔵 برنامه ریزی آموزشی و پیشرفت آکادمیک و آموزش اصولی مهارتهای آیلتس بصورت کاملا خوداموز
بدون نیاز به شرکت در هیچ کارگاه حتی اگه رایگان باشه و هیچ کلاسی! نکاتی که اساتید آیلتس و موسسات به تدریج در اختیار شما قرار می دهند را یکجا یاد بگیرید.
با هزینه ای کمتر از یک جلسه کلاس!

دریافت نمونه جزوات👇



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📢 پادکست آموزش کالوکیشن های رایج
فایل های صوتی بهمراه متن

Unit 07

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نمونه خوب از رایتینگ تسک دوم آکادمیک و جنرال با نمره بالای ۷

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نمونه خوب از رایتینگ تسک اول جنرال با نمره بالای ۷

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نمونه خوب از رایتینگ تسک اول آکادمیک با نمره بالای ۷

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قبل از شروع به نوشتن تعیین استراتژی کنید...

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نمونه سوالات اخیر از سراسر جهان
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هفت گام مهم در نامه نگاری تسک اول رایتینگ جنرال

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