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Английский язык по темам. Новые слова и примеры их употребления, а так же интересные иллюстрации. Изучай язык вместе с нами!🇬🇧 РЕКЛАМА СТРОГО ЧЕРЕЗ @Fugue_bot

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Игра - What Am I ?

Прикрываем в зуме фигурой картинки снизу и угадываем по описанию.

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ИИ не стоит на месте
и уже готовит для вас пикантности.

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Жалко мамочку,
а сыночек - молодец.

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Кстати, в таком сдучае,
можно смтреть тикток и черпать новые слова и фразы оттуда.

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📘 Topical Grammar Practice 1, 2
- - - - - - - - - -
Topical Grammar Practice is designed to enable students to master grammar concepts and structures. This series helps students practise at both the sentence and text levels, allowing them to grasp the use as well as the meaning of the grammar point.

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Прекрасные издания для изучения английского

Sight Word Kids (Level 1 A, B)

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♦LearningExpress LLC Editors ACT Word Games

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SPORT - Speaking cards

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📘 Reading Placement Tests (Grades 1-6)

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Peppa pig worksheets 🐷🐽

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Ещё один заход
и спать)

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A Series of Unfortunate Events
by Lemony Snicket

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английские идиомы.

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Нюша как обычно,
сводит всех с ума.

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Какого это - делить постель,
с моим котом.

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Идея дня - "сёрфить" отзывы
на рестораны фастфуда для изучения нестандартных и обычных комментариев.

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Типичное изучение

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✍🏻 United Kingdom worksheets

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Smart Grammar and Vocabulary 6 Levels

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🇬🇧Английский каждый день

"Correct Your English Errors, Second Edition" 📚📌

The bestselling ESL guide―now with extra review exercises to reinforce lessons learned

Do you tend to repeat the same mistakes when you speak or write in English? This fun and engaging guide will help you communicate like a native English speaker on a consistent basis.

Correct Your English Errors, Second Edition is a comprehensive guide to correcting the bad habits that can leave your audience confused. This skill-building book clearly explains all the key elements of English grammar and provides hundreds of examples of errors learners often make―all presented in color to make them stand out and easier to avoid.

Correct Your English Errors, Second Edition:

• Highlights common ESL pitfalls, including mispronunciation, misspelling, verb tense issues, and subject-verb agreement
• Helps you avoid the misapplication of your own native grammar rules to English
• Includes practical review exercises at the end of each chapter
• Includes a new review chapter designed to test your mastery of the book’s entire content.

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📍 Пoдбoркa caйтoв для oбyчeния чeмy-тo нoвoмy.

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Подборка слов на тему: "Мой дом"

attic [ˈætɪk] - чердак
balcony [ˈbælkənɪ] - балкон
basement - цокольный этаж, фундамент
bathroom [bɑːθruːm] - ванная комната
bedroom [bedruːm ] - спальня
ceiling - потолок
cellar [ˈselə(r)] - подвал
chimney - труба, дымоход
dining room [daɪniŋruːm] - столовая
door [dɔː] - дверь
flat [flæt] - квартира
floor [flɔː] - пол
hall [hɔːl] - коридор
house ['haus] - дом
kitchen [ˈkɪtſɪn] - кухня
living/sitting room [ˈlɪvɪŋ], [ˈsɪtɪŋruːm] - гостиная
roof [ruːf] - крыша
stairs [steəs] - лестница
study [ˈstʌdɪ] - кабинет
wall [wɔːl] - стена
window ['windou] - окно
fence - забор
garage - гараж
garden [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] - сад
gate - ворота, калитка
swimming pool - бассейн


armchair [ɑːmtſeə] - кресло
bed [bed] - кровать
blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] - одеяло
bookcase - книжный шкаф или полка
carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt] - ковер
chair [tſeə] - стул
chest of drawers [tſestovdrɔː ] - комод с ящиками
clock [klɒk] - часы
computer [kəmˈpjuːtə] - компьютер
cupboard [ˈkʌbəd] - шкаф
curtain [ˈkəːt(ə)n] - занавеска
cushion - диванная подушка
desk [desk] - парта, письменный стол
fireplace [ˈfaɪəpleɪs] - камин
key [kiː] - ключ
lamp [læmp] - лампа
light switch [laɪtswɪtſ ] - выключатель
mirror [ˈmɪrə] - зеркало
piano - пианино
picture [ˈpɪktſə] - картина
pillow [ˈpɪləʊ] - подушка
plant - растение
rug [rʌɡ] - коврик
sheet [ſiːt] - простыня
shelf [ſelf] - полка
sideboard - буфет, сервант
sofa [ˈsəʊfə] - диван
stereo [ˈsterɪəʊ] - музыкальный центр
stool [stuːl] - табуретка
table ['teibl] - стол
telephone [ˈtelɪfəʊn] - телефон
TV set [ti:vi☺ - телевизор
wardrobe [ˈwɔːdrəʊb] - гардероб

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To peek


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🇬🇧Английский каждый день

From Words to Grammar: Discovering English Usage

From Words to Grammar is a different introduction to grammar for students. Taking a word-based approach to grammar, this innovative book introduces the subject through the analysis of over a hundred of the most commonly used English words.

Each unit focuses on a different word class, using an analysis of specific words which includes:

an introduction to the grammar of each word;

examples of real world usage featuring that word;

exercises with answers.

This unique approach not only introduces students to grammar but also provides them with an understanding of how grammar works in everyday English. Written by an experienced teacher and author, From Words to Grammar is ideal for all students of English Language.

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Сложности разбудить
Кар Карыча.

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Подборка журналов National Geographic Kids и National Geographic Little Kids

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I’m game = Я согласен(сна)

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Слепой рулит,
безногий нажимает на педали.

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Вторая часть популярных
идиом на английском.

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